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Welcome to the home page for Project Furby of EE271 Digital Systems Design with Professor Perkowski at Portland State University. Take a look at What's Here in our web.

What's Here

For all of those who have ever wondered, “I wish I had a friend to play with, a friend with special powers, like the ability to wiggle his ears at my command, or who could blink his eyes with the push of a button-- a friend who was strapped to a black plastic box and a protoboard dripping with electrical equipment and AA batteries. This would be a friend indeed”, then search no more!!!

After weeks of research, we are about to make your wildest dreams a reality! We have finally come up with the perfect companion-- the Furby XLS9000. To learn more about our breakthrough project, which could quite possibly be the catalyst to world peace, read on.... 

The goal of Project Furby was to design a sequential state machine that would implement new (and very simple) behaviors in the Furby toy. First, we observed a functional and furry Furby toy-- watching all its characteristic behaviors and identifying responses to triggered sensors. Then we analyzed a dismantled Furby (the face and motor), observing how its single motor works and how the sensors are connected to the external features. Finally we designed our own functions to be implemented in to the dismantled Furby. We isolated the triggers that control Furby’s facial features and designed a state machine that would 

    a) wiggle the ears back and forth a given number of times, and 

    b) cause Furby to blink his eyes a certain number of times in a row. (While very simple in concept, the actual process was decidedly complex.) 

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Note:  Project Furby Group Picture taken in the Circuit Lab of Fourth Avenue Building.
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Last updated: September 16, 1999.