Project members:

Chris Babcock
Felipe Olvera
Mike Levy
Ryan Foushee

Our project will control the OWI robotic arm. The arm will perform one of four operations. The operation will be selected via Mike Levy’s probabilistic state machine. The control circuit will receive a 2-bit code from Mike's machine, which corresponds to one of the four operations. One of the commands will cause the robot to pick up an object and move it. Another command will test the range of motion of the arm by bringing it parallel with the ground, then swinging it 180 degrees. Then there is the danger command. This command will cause the wrist to rotate back and forth, while the gripper opens and closes trying to get its hands on whatever it can. The last command is the do-nothing command. The arm will also have a home function. This will allow the arm to return to the same location after each operation. Below is a list of commands with its 2-bit code and abbreviation.

Code Description Abbreviation
00 do nothing do_n
01 swing arm Sw_a
10 danger Dng
11 move object Mv_o

Besides the 2-bit command code, the control circuit will have 15 additional inputs. Ten of these inputs are from the counter. The counter is clocked at 8Hz with a 555 timer. The other 5 inputs are from the sensors on the robot. Below is a table of sensor outputs followed by a table that shows the significance of each counter bit. Keep in mind that the clock is running at 8Hz, so the LSB of the counter changes every 1/8 of a second.

Sensor Description of Home Position Abbreviation
Base Base has rotated all the way to the clockwise position. B_is_home
Shoulder Shoulder is all of the way up. S_is_home
Elbow Elbow is all of the way up. E_is_home
Gripper Gripper is all the way open. G_is_home
Wrist Wrist has rotated all the way to the clockwise position. W_is_home

Counter Bits:

      MSB LSB
      C9 C8 C7 C6 C5 C4 C3 C2 C1 C0
Bit: 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 2-1 2-2 2-3
Time: 64 32 16 8 4 2 1 1/2 1/4 1/8
Values in seconds. Total time is 127 and 7/8 seconds.

The following is a list of outputs with the abbreviations that are used in the flowchart.

Description Abbreviation
Base counter-clockwise B_cc
Base clockwise B_cw
Shoulder down Sh_d
Shoulder up Sh_u
Elbow down El_d
Elbow up El_u
Gripper open Gr_o
Gripper close Gr_c
Wrist counter-clockwise W_cc
Wrist clockwise W_cw

These ten outputs are fed into a power transistor circuit that turns the motors in the appropriate direction.

So far the danger, move object, and go home function have been created in VHDL and simulated successfully.