1. Patterson. How to have a bad career in Research/Academia
  2. Undergraduate resources Still useful if you do not come from a top undergrad school
  3. Ronald T. Azuma from Computer Science of University of Virginia about being a graduate student
  4. Other great advises from Dr.Azuma
  5. Prof. Michael Loui from University of Illinois Urbana Champaigne advises to grad students on choosing thesis advisor and other topics.
  6. Career Center of AltaVista
  7. How to have your abstract rejected, by Mary-Claire van Leunen and Richard Lipton from Purdue University.
  8. Giving a Talk
  9. How to not use Power Point. Information from military.
  10. About writing a research paper
  11. Effective Teaching Resources
  12. Purdue University about writing a Thesis
  13. Defending Your Dissertation