ECE 171: Introduction to Digital Circuits

 Fall 1999

Rev: 11.3.99

Design Project 1

Problem Description:

In digital computers, letters of the alphabet and the ten decimal numerals can be coded in the form of unique combinations of five or six bits. One of these codes is the 6-bit Flexowriter code, which is used for some punched paper tape. A code similar to this is given below in terms of octal equivalents.

Character Codes

 A 64   G  77  M  24  S  41  Y  45  4  52
 B  4  H  5  N  40  T  13  Z  73  5  66
 C  44  I  33  O  71  U  51  0  43  6  46
 D  16  J  6  P  0  V  17  1  63  7  22
 E  7  K  32  Q  12  W  55  2  62  8  42
 F  37  L  36  R  75  X  60  3  2  9  72

All character codes are in Octal. To convert the octal code to its six bit equivalent, convert each digit (octal) to its three digit binary equivalent. For example, Z = 73 = 111 011 = 111011. To convert each octal code to its decimal equivalent, multiply each digit by its decimal weight. For example, Z = 73 = 7x8 + 3x1 = 56 + 3 = 59.

Your job is to design a circuit which detects whether a code on six data lines represents a number, a letter, or an illegal code. The circuit should produce three output signals, A, N, and I, as shown below.

 A N I Interpretation
1 0 0 Alphabetic character sensed
0 1 0 Numeric character sensed
X X 1 Illegal character sensed (X = don't care)


Design a circuit that implements the expression using only 2, 3, 4, and 8 input NAND gates and inverters. You are to use a maximum of 8 IC packages. While your grade on this project is not determined by the number of chips used, it is a factor in your grade on Project 2.

Hint: 3,4 and 8-input NAND gates only come on 14-pin IC's, but 2-input NAND gates are available on 20-pin IC's. Click here to see a complete listing from Texas Instruments.

Lab Book

You should document your thought process and attempts as you develop your design. This must include all false starts as well as successful paths. It must be written as you go, not after the fact as is usually done with other lab reports. It should be written in a manner, such that any engineer could read the lab book and understand your design. Thus, you must provide adequate explanations of what you are doing as you go. This should be handwritten, but readable.

The lab book should be bound (should have at least 20 pages) and you must number the pages of the entire book in the upper right corner. The first page should be a table of contents that makes it easy to find the following essential elements. You may use a pencil.

Final Report

A formal report of the final design is to be written at the end of the project. It must be typed and include the following sections. Spell check this document and make sure that it does not contain any typos. These sections must be clearly labeled in your report.

I do hereby affirm that I designed this circuit by myself.

Signed __________________________________

Date _______________


Project 1 is worth 25 points of 50 total project points.