171: Introduction to Digital Circuits |
Fall 1999 |
Rev: 11.16.99 |
Lecture Notes 14
Last Time
- PLD's
- Overview
- PLA's - Won't discuss because
- PROM's
- PAL Devices
- Static-1/0 Hazards
- Gray Code
This Time
- Latches & Flip Flops
- SR Latch
- S'R' Latch
- D Latch
- D Flip Flop
- Enables
- Presets & Clears
- Exam 2 Topics & Review
Latches & Flip FLops
- Latches and Flip Flops are used
as temporary memories
- Each stores a single (important)
- You can think of them as bit
storage devices
- Distinction
- Flip flops only change on the
edge of a clock signal. The change may occur on the rising edge
or on the falling edge. Since they only change with the clock
signal these devices are said to be synchronous.
- Latches do not depend on a clock
signal and are said to be asynchronous.
- These devices are essential
to counters and state machines which you will discuss in ECE271.
- Both devices are constructed
from the 8 basic logic gates we've discussed in class.
- However, flip flops and latches
are also fundamental devices that are used extensively in most
IC's including counters, microprocessors, programmable gate arrays,
SR Latch
- This is the most fundamental
- Draw diagram using NOR gates.
- S is a mnemonic for set and R is a mnemonic for reset.
- Truth table
S |
R |
Q |
Qn |
0 |
0 |
Q* |
Qn* |
0 |
1 |
0 |
1 |
1 |
0 |
1 |
0 |
1 |
1 |
0 |
0 |
- This last state is usually prohibited
or declared illegal because if both inputs change from 11 to
00 the output is undefined.
- In many books Q' (Q-bar) is
used instead of Qn. I've used Qn because in the prohibited state
Qn is not equal to the complement of Q.
- The asterisk (*) denotes the
previous state. Thus, when SR=00, the latch remembers or stores
the last set of outputs that it had.
- IDraw symbols. Show the wrong
way to draw the symbol with the complemented output labled Qn'
and a bubble.
- One of the specifications listed
in data sheets for these devices is the minimal pulse width to
set and reset the device. If SR=10 very briefly, the device may
not be set as requested.
- Draw a debouncing circuit
with the pole tied to +5V and the S & R inputs to the SR
latch pulled low by pull-down resistors.
- When the switch is not making
contact (open circuit) the pull down resistors set SR=00 and
the device remebers the last state it was in.
- Thus, if the switch bounces
on the contact several times before permanently setting it high,
the output of the latch will keep a steady high output.
- Illustrate this idea with
a timing diagram.
S'R' Latch
- Draw the logic diagram for
an S'R' latch using NAND gates.
- Draw the preferred symbol.
- Truth table
S' |
R' |
Q |
Qn |
0 |
0 |
1 |
1 |
0 |
1 |
1 |
0 |
1 |
0 |
0 |
1 |
1 |
1 |
Q* |
Qn* |
- The first entry in the truth
table is the illegal or prohibited state.
SR Latch with Enable
- Draw diagram with S'R' latch
and two additional NAND gates to show how an enable can be added
to this device.
- Draw the preferred symbol.
- Truth Table
C |
S |
R |
Si' |
Ri' |
Q |
Qn |
0 |
X |
X |
1 |
1 |
Q* |
Qn* |
1 |
0 |
0 |
1 |
1 |
Q* |
Qn* |
1 |
0 |
1 |
1 |
0 |
0 |
1 |
1 |
1 |
0 |
0 |
1 |
1 |
0 |
1 |
1 |
1 |
0 |
0 |
1 |
1 |
D Latch with Enable
- Draw diagram using the SR
latch with enable this time and a single inverter.
- Draw preferred symbol.
- Truth Table
C |
D |
Q |
Q' |
0 |
X |
Q* |
Q'* |
1 |
0 |
0 |
1 |
1 |
1 |
1 |
0 |
- Note that SR is never 11, so
the prohibited state never occurs with this device.
- Consequently I used Q' instead
of Qn because Q' is always equal to the complement of Q.
- When the device is enabled Q
is just equal to D. When the device is disabled it remembers
it's previous state.
D Flip Flop
- Draw diagram using two D
latches with enable and a clock signal routed through two inverters.
- Explain how the device works
by use of a timing diagram that contains the D input, the clock
signal, the output of the internal latch, and the output of the
final latch.
- Draw the truth table and
introduce the uparrow, a new symbol for truth tables.
- Draw the preferred symbol.
D Flip Flop with Preset &
- Draw the preferred symbol.
- Explain that the PRE input
sets the latch asynchronously (does not have to wait for a clock
- The CLR input resets the latch
- It is a bad idea to try to both
set and reset the device simultaneously so this is normally avoided
by design (much like the prohibited states discussed earlier).
- Go over truth table for 74AC11074
- An entry was left off the truth
table when the CLK is high and PRE' and CLR' are both high. This
should have been the same as the last row in the table.
- This device contains two identical
D flip flops with two separate clock inputs.
- Note that PRE and CLR inputs
are active low.
- Read note on what happens when
both PRE' and CLR' inputs are asserted.
Exam 2 Review
Go over what is listed in the
Exam 2 Topics and answer
any general questions that students have.
Review static hazards and note that they are discussed in the
beginning of chapter 8.