CS163 Data Structures


Week #6 Notes



Sorting strategies

      • Chapter 9: Sorting (page 405): Introduction and notation, selection sort, bubble sort

      • Also, demonstrate the insertion sort



 Sorting and an Introduction to Trees

      • Sorting: Quick Sort

      • Also, demonstrate the merge sort


      • How to measure efficiency

      • Comparison of algorithms


• Chapter 10: Trees




• Sorting is the process that organizes collections of data into either ascending or descending order.


• Many of the applications you will deal with will require sorting; it is easier to understand data if it is organized numerically or alphabetically in order. Just imagine how difficult it would be to select which classes you are to take next term if the PSU catalogue wasn't sorted into department categories..and within that sorted by the class number! It would take forever to find which classes are available and which ones to take!


• In addition, as we found with the binary search, our data needs to be sorted to be able use more efficient methods of searching.


• Just like with searching, there are two categories of sorting algorithms. Internal sorting requires that all of your data fit into memory (either an array or a linked list). External sorting is used when your data can't fit into memory all at once (maybe you have a very large database), and so sorting is done using disk files.


• Just like with searching, when we want to sort we need to pick from our data record the key to sort on (called the sort key). For example, if our records contain information about people, we might want to sort their names, id #s, or zip codes. Given a sorting algorithm, your entire table of information will be sorted based on only one field (the sort key).

• Notation we will be using throughout our discussion of sorting:


      L -- is the list of items to be sorted

      key - is each item's key in the list


      L might be an array -- containing a contiguous list of information. In this case, every element of the array would be a record and the index of the array will range from 0 to max-count-1. Therefore L[0].key would be the first key in the list.


      Or, L might be a linked list -- containing a series of connected nodes where each node has an item and a next pointer. Therefore the first key in the list would be L->key.


• The efficiency of our algorithms is dependent on the number of comparisons we have to make with our keys. In addition, we will learn that sorting will also depend on how frequently we must move items around.



Insertion Sort

• Think about a deck of cards for a moment. If you are dealt a hand of cards, imagine arranging the cards. One way to put your cards in order is to pick one card at a time and insert it into the proper position. The insertion sort acts just this way!


• The insertion sort divides the data into a sorted and unsorted region. Initially, the entire list is unsorted. Then, at each step, the insertion sort takes the first item of the unsorted region and places it into its correct position in the sorted region.


      Here is an illustration of the insertion sort -- starting with 5 integers:


            29        10        14        37        13        The underlined portion is the sorted region


            29        10        14        37        13


            10        29        14        37        13


            10        14        29        37        13


            10        14        29        37        13


            10        13        14        29        37


• Notice, the insertion sort uses the idea of keeping the first part of the list in correct order, once you've examined it. Now think about the first item in the list. Using this approach, it is always considered to be in order! So, for 5 items in our list, we only need to perform the search on only 4 numbers to find out where to properly insert them.


• Here is an array implementation of our list. Notice that to insert into the sorted region requires that we shift the array elements to make room for the insertion.


      void insertionsort(list L [], int n) {

            int unsorted;      //first element of our unsorted list

            int loc;              //index where we want to insert our data

            int done;

            list item;


            for (unsorted = 1; unsorted < n; unsorted++) {

                        item = L[unsorted];

                        loc = unsorted;

                        done = 0;         //false


                        while ((loc > 0) && !done) {

                                    if (L[loc-1] > item) {

                                                L[loc] = L[loc-1];         //shift right




                                                done = 1;         //true


                        L[loc] = item;   //insert items




• Suggestion: step thru how this works with our list of 5 numbers...


• On your own, work through the code for an insertion sort using a linked list implementation.


• Notice that with an insertion sort, even after most of the items have been sorted, the insertion of a later item may require that you move MANY of the numbers. We only move 1 position at a time. Thus, think about a list of numbers organized in reverse order? How many moves do we need to make?


            10        8          7          5          2


            8          10        7          5          2          one comparison; one shift


            7          8          10        5          2          one comparison; two shifts


            5          7          8          10        2          one comparison; three shifts


            2          5          7          8          10        one comparison; four shifts




      Just imagine if each of these data items was really a structure, containing each student's transcripts or a complete personnel file for each employee. Each movement would require a large amount of information to be moved and would require excessive time.


      So, our goal, in these cases, is to place our data in ITS FINAL position when we move it. Instead of re-moving the same piece of data over and over again. This is called....selection sort....



Selection Sort

• Imagine the case where we can look at all of the data at once...and to sort it...find the largest item and put it in its correct place. Then, we find the second largest and put it in its place, etc. If we were to think about cards again, it would be like looking at our entire hand of cards and ordering them by selecting the largest first and putting at the end, and then selecting the rest of the cards in order of size.


• This is called a selection sort. It means that to sort a list, we first need to search for the largest key. Because we will want the largest key to be at the last position, we will need to swap the last item with the largest item.


      The next step will allow us to ignore the last (i.e., largest) item in the list. This is because we know that it is the largest item...we don't have to look at it again or move it again!


      So, we can once again search for the largest item...in a list one smaller than before. When we find it, we swap it with the last item (which is really the next to the last item in the original list). We continue doing this until there is only 1 item left.


• Look at our list of 5 numbers again...and walk thru how this approach works.


            29        10        14        37        13        The underlined portion is ignored


            29        10        14        13        37


            13        10        14        29        37


            13        10        14        29        37


            10        13        14        29        37        We are done!








• The pseudo code to perform this on an array implementation of our list would be:


      void  selectionsort(list L [], int n) {   //n is the size of the array

            int largest, last, j;

            list temp;


            for (last = n-1; last > 0; last--) {

                        //find the largest element

                        largest = 0;

                        for (j = 1; j <= last; j++)

                                    if (L[j] > L[largest])

                                                largest = j;


                        //swap the largest element with the last one

                        temp = L[largest];

                        L[largest] = L[last];

                        L[last] = temp;




• Selection sort doesn't require as many data moves as Insertion Sort. Therefore, if moving data is expensive (i.e., you have large structures), a selection sort would be preferable over an insertion sort.



Shell Sort

• The selection sort moves items very efficiently but does many redundant comparisons. And, the insertion sort, in the best case can do only a few comparisons -- but inefficiently moves items only one place at a time.


• The shell sort is similar to the insertion sort, except it solves the problem of moving the items only one step at a time. The idea with the shell sort is to compare keys that are farther apart, and then resort a number of times, until you finally do an insertion sort:


            Start with:

            29        10        14        37        13        5          3          11        38


            To begin with, sort every 4 numbers:

                        so we will be comparing 29 <-> 13 <-> 38

                                                                        10 <-> 5

                                                                           14 <-> 3

                                                                              37 <-> 11


            So, we sort each of these:13 <-> 29 <-> 38

                                                                        5 <-> 10

                                                                           3 <-> 14

                                                                              11 <-> 37


            Which gives us a new list of:

            13        5          3          11        29        10        14        37        38



            The next step is to make another pass, using a smaller increment...like every 2 numbers:

                                    so we will be comparing 13 <-> 3 <-> 29 <-> 14 <-> 38

                                                                                    5 <-> 11 <-> 10 <-> 37


                                    so we sort each of these:  3 <-> 13 <-> 14 <-> 29 <-> 38

                                                                                    5 <-> 10 <-> 11 <-> 37


            Which gives us a new list of:

            3          5          13        10        14        11        29        37        38


            The next step is a regular insertion sort:  underline is the sorted region


            3          5          13        10        14        11        29        37        38


            3          5          13        10        14        11        29        37        38


            3          5          13        10        14        11        29        37        38


            3          5          10        13        14        11        29        37        38        1 shift


            3          5          10        13        14        11        29        37        38       


            3          5          10        11        13        14        29        37        38        2 shifts


            3          5          10        11        13        14        29        37        38       


            3          5          10        11        13        14        29        37        38       


            3          5          10        11        13        14        29        37        38       


• With the shell sort you can choose any increment you want. Some, however, work better than others. A power of 2 is not a good idea. Notice the previous example. Step thru the last example using 5, 3, and 1 instead. Powers of 2 will compare the same keys on multiple passes...so pick numbers that are not multiples of each other. It is a better way of comparing new information each time.


      The final increment must always be 1.


      Start with:

            29        10        14        37        13        5          3          11        38


            To begin with, sort every 5 numbers:

                        so we will be comparing 29 <-> 5                                                                                                               10 <-> 3

                                                                           14 <-> 11

                                                                              37 <-> 38



            We sort each of these:5 <-> 29

                                                                        3 <-> 10

                                                                           11 <-> 14

                                                                              37 <-> 38



      Which gives us a new list of:

            5          3          11        37        13        29        10        14        38



            The next step is to make another pass, using a smaller increment (eg., 3):

                                    so we will be comparing 5 <-> 37 <-> 10

                                                                                    3 <-> 13 <-> 14

                                                                                       11 <-> 29 <-> 38


                                    so we sort each of these: 5 <-> 10 <-> 37

                                                                                    3 <-> 13 <-> 14

                                                                                       11 <-> 29 <-> 38


            Which gives us a new list of:

            5          3          11        10        13        29        37        14        38


            The next step is a regular insertion sort:  underline is the sorted region


            5          3          11        10        13        29        37        14        38


            3          5          11        10        13        29        37        14        38        1 shift


            3          5          11        10        13        29        37        14        38       


            3          5          10        11        13        29        37        14        38        1 shift 


            3          5          10        11        13        29        37        14        38       


            3          5          10        11        13        29        37        14        38       


            3          5          10        11        13        29        37        14        38


            3          5          10        11        13        14        29        37        38        2 shifts

Bubble sort -- also called exchange sort

• Many of you should already be familiar with the bubble sort. It is used here as an example, but it is not a particular good algorithm!


• The bubble sort simply compares adjacent elements and exchanges them if they are out of order. To do this, you need to make several passes over the data. During the first pass, you compare the first two elements in the list. If they are out of order, you exchange them. Then you compare the next pair of elements (positions 2 and 3). If they are out of order, you exchange them. This algorithm continues comparing and exchanging pairs of elements until you reach the end of the list.


• Notice that the list is not sorted after this first pass. We have just "bubbled" the largest element up to its proper position at the end of the list! During the second pass, you do the exact same thing....but excluding the largest (last) element in the array since it should already be in sorted order. After the second pass, the second largest element in the array will be in its proper position (next to the last position).


      An example:                       PASS #1

            29        10        14        37        13        The underlined portion is compared


            10        29        14        37        13


            10        14        29        37        13


            10        14        29        37        13


            10        14        29        13        37        the largest has bubbled to the end



                        PASS #2

            10        14        29        13        37        the bold portion is ignored


            10        14        29        13        37       


            10        14        29        13        37       


            10        14        13        29        37       


                        PASS #3

            10        14        13        29        37       


            10        14        13        29        37       


            10        13        14        29        37       


      In the best case, when the data is already sorted, only 1 pass is needed and only N-1 comparisons are made (with no exchanges).


• The mergesort is considered to be a divide and conquer sorting algorithm (as is the quicksort ). The mergesort is a recursive approach which is very efficient. The mergesort can work on arrays, linked lists, or even external files.


• The mergesort is a recursive sorting algorithm that always gives the same performance regardless of the initial order of the data. For example, you might divide an array in half - sort each half - then merge the sorted halves into 1 data structure. To merge, you compare 1 element in 1 half of the list to an element in the other half, moving the smaller item into the new data structure.


• The sorting method for each half is done by a recursive call to merge sort. That is why this is a divide and conquer method.


• Thus, the pseudo code is:


      Mergesort(list,starting place, ending place)


      if the starting place is less than the ending place then

            middle place = (starting + ending) div 2

            mergesort(list, starting place, middle place)

            mergesort(list,middle place+1, ending place)


            merge the 2 halves of the list(list,starting,middle,ending)

      else -- return!


• Believe it or not - this algorithm really does sort!



• If we implemented this approach using arrays ---

      If the total number of items in your list is m...then for each merge we must do m-1 comparisons.  For example, if there are 6 items we must do five comparisons. In addition, there are m moves from the original location to some temporary location (and back).


      Even though this seems like alot, you will see that this is actually faster than either the selection sort or the insertion sort.


      Although the mergesort is extremely efficient with respect to time, it does require that an equal "temporary" or "auxiliary" array be used which is the same size as the original array. If temporary arrays are not used...this approach ends up being no better than any of the others we have discussed - and becomes very complicated!


• If we implement the mergesort using linked lists, we do not need to be concerned with the amount of time needed to move data items. Instead, we just need to concentrate on the number of comparisons. When lists get very long, the  number of comparisons is far less with the mergesort than it is with the insertion sort. Problems requiring 1/2 hour of computer time using the insertion sort will probably require no more than a minute using the mergesort.


• The quicksort is also considered to be a divide and conquer sorting algorithm. The quicksort partitions a list of data items that are less than a pivot point and those that are greater than or equal to the pivot point.


• You could think of this as recursive steps:

            step 1 - choose a pivot point in the list of items

            step 2 - partition the elements around the pivot point.


      This generates two smaller sorting problems, sorting the left section of the list and the right section (excluding the pivot point...as it is already in the correct sorted place). Once each of the left and right smaller lists are sorted in the same way, the entire list will be sorted (this terminates the recursive algorithm).


• The pseudo code for a quicksort might look like:

      Quicksort(List, starting point, ending point)


      if (starting point < ending point) then

                        choose a pivot point in the List

                        go thru the list and place the smaller items to the left and the

                                    larger items to the right of the pivot (called partitioning)

                        quicksort (List, starting point, pivot point -1)

                        quicksort(List, pivot point +1, ending point)

      else we are done!


• Notice that partitioning the list is probably the most difficult part of the algorithm. It must arrange the elements in two regions: those greater than the pivot and those less. The first question which might come to mind is which pivot to use? If the elements are arranged randomly, you can chose a pivot randomly. For example, choose the first item as your pivot.


      Look at an example of the first partition of a list of numbers when the pivot is the first element:


            27        38        12        39        27        16


            27        38        12        39        27        16        1st comparison; 38 stays in the right    


            27        12   |  38          39        27        16        2nd comparison; 12 goes to the left     


            27        12   |  38          39        27        16        3rd comparison; 39 stays in the right   


            27        12   |  38          39        27        16        4th comparison; 27 stays in the right    


            27        12        16   |  38          39        27        5th comparison; 16  goes to the left     


            Lastly, place the pivot point between the left and right lists:


            12        16   |  27     | 38            39        27        This is the first "partition"


• We are not required to choose the first item in  the list as the pivot point. We can choose any item we want and swap it with the first before beginning the sequence of partitions. In fact, the first item is usually not a good choice...many times the first item in a list is already sorted. That would mean that there would be no items in the left partition! Therefore, it might be better to chose a pivot from the center of the list, hoping that it will divide the list approximately in two. If you are sorting a list that is almost in sorted order...this would require less data movement!


• Taking a closer look at our example, we see that we really have used another region: called the unknown region of our list of data. These are the numbers, to the right of the pivot point that have not been compared yet to the pivot (and are not underlined in our example). We need to keep track of  where this "unknown" region begins. We call this the "unknown" region because the relationship between the items in this part of the list and the pivot point is simply unknown!




• With an array implementation of the quick sort,  first initialize:

            pivot = the starting point

            first unknown = starting point + 1


      Which looks like:               



• At each step in the partition function, we need to examine one element in the unknown region, determine how it relates to the pivot point, and place it in one of the two regions (< or =>). Thus, the size of the unknown region decreases by one at each step. The function terminates when the size of the unknown region reaches zero (i.e., when the first unknown index = the ending point).


      Look at the pseudo code for partitioning using an array implementation:


      void partition (list L [], int starting,  int ending, int & pivot_point) {

            list pivot_value;

            int last_left, first_unknown;


            pivot_value = L[starting];

            last_left = starting;

            first_unknown = starting;


            while (first_unknown <= ending) {

                        // determine the relationship with the pivot

                        if (L[first_unknown] < pivot_value) {

                                    // move the first unknown value into the left list

                                    Swap list[first_unknown] with L[last_left+1];



                        // "move" the first unknown value into the right list




            //now we are ready to place the pivot value in the proper position

            Swap List[starting] with L[last_left]

            pivot_point = last_left



• Notice that quicksort actually alters the array itself...not a temporary array.


• Quicksort and mergesort are really very similar. Quicksort does work before its recursive calls...mergesort does work after its recursive calls.


• Quicksort has the form:


            Prepare the array for recursive calls

            quicksort (first region)

            quicksort (second region)


• Whereas, Mergesort has the form:


            Mergesort(left half of the list)

            Mergesort(right half of the list)

            Tidy up


• As we've noted, the major effort with the Quicksort is to partition the data. The worst case with this method is when one of the regions (left or right) remains empty (i.e., the pivot value was the largest or smallest of the unknown region). This means that one of the regions will only decrease in size by only 1 number (the pivot) for each recursive call to Quicksort.


      Also, notice what would happen if our array is already sorted in ascending order? If we pick a pivot value as the first value, for each recursive call we only decrease the size by 1 -- and do SIZE-1 comparisons. Therefore, we will have many unnecessary comparisons.


      The good news is that if the list is already sorted in ascending order and the pivot is the smallest #, then we actually do not perform any moves. But, if the list is sorted in descending order and the pivot is the largest, there will not only be a large number of un-necessary comparisons but also the same number of moves.




      On average, quicksort runs much faster than the insertion sort on large arrays. In the worst case, quicksort will require roughly the same amount of time as the insertion sort. If the data is in a random order, the quicksort performs at least as well as any known sorting algorithm that involves comparisons. Therefore, unless the array is already ordered -- the quicksort is the best bet!


      Mergesort,  on the other hand, runs somewhere between the Quicksort's best and worst case (insertion sort). Sometimes quicksort is faster; sometimes it is slower! The thing to keep in mind is that the worst case behavior of the mergesort is about the same as the quicksort's average case. Usually the quicksort will run faster than the mergesort...but if you are dealing with already sorted or mostly sorted data, you will get worst case performance out of the quicksort which will be significantly slower than the mergesort.



Radix Sort

• Imagine that we are sorting a hand of cards. This time, you pick up the cards one at a time and arrange them by rank into 13 possible groups -- in the order 2,3,...10,J,Q,K,A. Combine each group face down on the table..so that the 2's are on top with the aces on bottom. Pick up one group at a time and sort them by suit: clubs, diamonds, hearts, and spades. The result is a totally sorted hand of cards.


• The radix sort uses this idea of forming groups and then combining them to sort a collection of data. Look at an example using character strings:


            ABC    XYZ    BWZ    AAC    RLT     JBX     RDT     KLT     AEO    TLJ


      The sort begins by organizing the data according to the rightmost (least significant) letter and placing them into groups:

            Group 1: ABC, AAC

            Group 2: TLJ

            Group 3: AEO

            Group 4: RLT, RDT, KLT

            Group 5: JBX

            Group 6: XYZ, BWZ


      Now, combine the groups into one group like we did the hand of cards. Take the elements in the first group (in their original order) and follow them by elements in the second group, etc. Resulting in:

            ABC    AAC    TLJ      AEO    RLT     RDT     KLT     JBX     XYZ    BWZ



      The next step is to do this again, using the next letter:

            Group 1: AAC

            Group 2: ABC, JBX

            Group 3: RDT

            Group 4: AEO

            Group 5: TLJ, RLT, KLT

            Group 6: BWZ

            Group 7: XYZ


      Doing this we must keep the strings within each group in the same relative order as the previous result. Next, we again combine these groups into one result:

            AAC    ABC    JBX     RDT     AEO    TLJ      RLT     KLT     BWZ    XYZ


      Lastly, we do this again, organizing the data by the first letter:

            Group 1: AAC, ABC, AEO

            Group 2: BWZ

            Group 3: JBX

            Group 4: KLT

            Group 5: RDT, RLT

            Group 6: TLJ

            Group 7: XYZ


      We do a final combination of these groups, resulting in:

            AAC    ABC    AEO    BWZ    JBX     KLT     RDT     RLT     TLJ      XYZ

      The strings are now in sorted order!


  When working with strings of varying length, you can treat them as if the short ones are padded on the right with blanks.


• The pseudo code that describes this algorithm looks like:

      // Num is the number of strings or numbers to sort

      // Digits is the number of digits in the number or characters in the string

      void RadixSort(List, Num, Digits) {

            for (j=Digits; j <= 1; j--) {

                        initialize all groups to being empty

                        initialize a counter for each group to be zero


                        for (i= 1; i <= Num; i++) {

                                    k = jth digit of List[i-1]

                                    place List[i-1] at the end of group k

                                    increase the kth counter by 1



                        Replace elements in List with all the elements in group 1, followed

                        by all the elements in group 2, etc.




• Notice just from this pseudo code that the radix sort requires Num moves each time it forms groups and Num moves to combine them again into one group. This algorithm performs 2*Num moves "Digits" times. Notice that there are no comparisons!


• Therefore, at first glimpse, this method looks rather efficient. However, it does require large amounts of memory to handle each group if implemented as an array. Therefore, a radix sort is more appropriate for a linked list than for an array. Also notice that the worst case and the average case (or even the best case) all will take the same number of moves.



Comparison of methods

• Now that we have become familiar with the selection sort, insertion sort, bubble sort, shell sort, mergesort, quicksort, and radix sort, it is time to compare these methods and look at their worst case/average case efficiencies.


• Remember, when comparing the efficiencies of solutions, we should only look at significant differences and not overanalyze.  In many situations the primary concern should be simplicity; for example, if you are sorting an array that contains only a small number of elements (like fewer than 50), a simple algorithm such as an insertion sort is appropriate. If you are sorting a very large array, such simple algorithms may be too inefficient. Then, look at faster algorithms, such as the quicksort if you are confident that the data in the array is arranged randomly!



Selection Sort Efficiency

• Selection sort requires both comparisons and exchanges (i.e., swaps). Start analyzing it by counting the number of comparisons and exchanges for an array of N elements.


      Remember the selection sort first searches for the largest key and swaps the last item with the largest item found. Remember that means for the first time around there would be N-1 comparisons. The next time around there would be N-2 comparisons (because we can exclude comparing the previously found largest! Its already in the correct spot!). The third time around there would be N-3 comparisons. So...the number of comparisons would be:


            (N-1)+(N-2)+...+ 1 = N*(N-1)/2


      Next, think about exchanges. Every time we find the largest...we perform a swap. This causes 3 data moves (3 assignments). This happens N-1 times! Therefore, a selection sort of N elements requires 3*(N-1) moves.


      Lastly, put all of this together:

            N*(N-1)/2 + 3*(N-1)  which is:    N*N/2 - N/2 + 6N/2 - 3

                                                            which is:     N*N/2 + 5N/2 - 3

      Put this in perspective of what we learned about with the BIG O method. Remember we can ignore low-order terms in an algorithm's growth rate.

      And, you can ignore a constant being multiplied to a high-order term.

      Therefore, some experts will consider this sorting method to be:

                        1/2 N*N + O(N)


      Other experts consider this simply to be O(N*N).


      Given this, we can make a couple of interesting observations. The efficiency DOES NOT depend on the initial arrangement of the data. This is an advantage of the selection sort. However, O(N*N) grows very rapidly, so the performance gets worse quickly as the number of items to sort increases. Also notice that even though there are O(N*N) comparisons there are only O(N) data moves. Therefore, the selection sort could be a good choice over other methods when data moves are costly but comparisons are not. This might be the case when each data item is large (i.e., big structures with lots of information) but the key is short. Of course, don't forget that storing data in a linked list allows for very inexpensive data moves for any algorithm!



Bubble Sort Efficiency

• The bubble sort also requires both comparisons and exchanges (i.e., swaps). Remember, the bubble sort simply compares adjacent elements and exchanges them if they are out of order. To do this, you need to make several passes over the data.


      This means that the bubble sort requires at most N-1 passes through the array. During the first  pass, there are N-1 comparisons and at most N-1 exchanges. During the second pass, there are N-2 comparisons and at most N-2 exchanges. Therefore, in the worst case there are comparisons of:


            (N-1)+(N-2)+...+ 1 = N*(N-1)/2


      and, the same number of exchanges... where each exchange requires 3 data moves. Putting this altogether:


            N*(N-1)/2*4   which is:          2N*N - 2*N    in the worst case


      This can be summarized as an O(N*N) algorithm in the worst case. We should keep in mind that this means as our list grows larger the performance will be dramatically reduced. In addition, unlike the selection sort, in the worst case we have not only  O(N*N) comparisons but also O(N*N) data moves.


      But, think about the best case for a moment. The best case occurs when the original data is already sorted. In this case, we only need to make 1 pass through the data and make only N-1 comparisons and NO exchanges. So, in the best case, the bubble sort O(N).



Insertion Sort Efficiency

• Remember, the insertion sort divides the data into a sorted and unsorted region. Initially, the entire list is unsorted. Then, at each step, the insertion sort takes the first item of the unsorted region and places it into its correct position in the sorted region.


• With the first pass, we make 1 comparison. With the second pass, in the worst case we must make 2 comparisons. With the third pass, in the worst case we must make 3 comparisons. With the N-1 pass, in the worst case we must make N-1 comparisons. Therefore, in the worst case, the algorithm makes the following comparisons:


            1 + 2 + 3 + ... + (N-1) which is: N*(N-1)/2


      In addition, the algorithm moves data at most the same number of times.


      So, including both comparisons and exchanges, we get N(N-1) = N*N - N


      This can be summarized as a O(N*N) algorithm in the worst case. We should keep in mind that this means as our list grows larger the performance will be dramatically reduced. In addition, unlike the selection sort, in the worst case we have not only  O(N*N) comparisons but also O(N*N) data moves.


      For small arrays - fewer than 50 - the simplicity of the insertion sort makes it a reasonable approach. For large arrays -- it can be extremely inefficient!



Mergesort Efficiency

• Remember, the mergesort is a recursive sorting algorithm that always gives the same performance regardless of the initial order of the data. For example, you might divide an array in half - sort each half - then merge the sorted halves into 1 data structure. To merge, you compare 1 element in 1 half of the list to an element in the other half, moving the smaller item into the new data structure.


Start by looking at the merge operation. Each merge step merges your list in half. If the total number of elements in the two segments to be merged is m then merging the segments requires m-1 comparisons.  In addition, there are m moves from the original array to the temporary array and m moves back from the temporary array to the original array. Therefore, for each merge step there are:

                        3*m-1 major operations


Now we need to remember that each call to mergesort calls itself twice. How many levels of recursion are there? Remember we continue halving the list of numbers until the result is a piece with only 1 number in it. Therefore, if there are N items in your list, there will be either log2N levels (if N is a power of 2) and 1+log2N (if N is NOT a power of 2). Remember, each one of these calls requires 3*M-1 operations, where M starts equal to N, then becomes N/2. When M = N/2, there are actually 2 calls to merge, so there are 2*(3*M-1) operations or 6(N/2)-2  =>>>>> 3N-2.


      Expanding on this: at recursive call m, there are 2m calls to re-merge where each call merges N/2m elements, so it requires 3*(N/2m )-1 operations. Which is the same as 3*N-2m . Using the BIG O approach, this breaks down to O(N) operations at each level of recursion.


      Because there are either log2N or 1+log2N levels, mergesort altogether has a worst and average case efficiency of O(N*log2N)


      If you work through how log works, you will see that this is actually significantly faster than an efficiency of O(N*N). Therefore, this is an extremely efficient algorithm. The only drawback is that it requires a temporary array of equal size to the original array. This could be too restrictive when storage is limited.



Quicksort Efficiency

• Remember, the quicksort partitions a list of data items that are less than a pivot point and those that are greater than or equal to the pivot point.


• The major effort with the Quicksort is the partitioning step. When we are dealing with an array that is already sorted in ascending order and the pivot is always the smallest element in the array, then there are N-1 comparisons for N elements in your array. On the next recursive call there are N-2 comparisons, etc. This will continue leaving the left hand side empty doing comparisons until the size of the unsorted area is only 1. Therefore, there are N-1 levels of recursion and 1+2+...+(N-1) comparisons...which is: N*(N-1)/2. The good news that in this case there are no exchanges.


      Also, if you are dealing with an array that is already sorted in descending order and the pivot is always the largest element in the array, there are N*(N-1)/2 comparisons and N*(N-1)/2 exchanges (requiring 3 data moves each). Therefore, we should be able to quickly remember that this is just like the insertion sort -- and in the worst case has an efficiency of O(N*N).


• Now look at the case where we have a randomly ordered list and pick reasonably good pivot values that divide the list almost equally in two. This will require fewer recursive calls (either  log2N or 1+log2N recursive calls). Each call requires M comparisons and at most M exchanges, where M is the number of elements in the unsorted area and is less than N-1.


      We come to the realization that in an average-case behavior, quicksort has an efficiency of O(N*log2N). This means that on large arrays, expect Quicksort to run significantly faster than the insertion sort. Quicksort is important to learn because its average case is far better than its worst case behavior -- and in practice it is usually very fast. It can out perform the mergesort if good pivot values are selected. However, in its worst case, it will run significantly slower than the mergesort (but doesn't require the extra memory overhead).



Tree Introduction

• Remember when we learned about tables? We found that none of the methods for implementing tables was really adequate. With many applications, table operations end up not being as efficient as necessary. We found that hashing is good for retrieval, but doesn't help if our goal is also to obtain a sorted list of information. We found that the binary search also allows for fast retrieval, but is limited to array implementations versus linked list.  Because of this, we need to move to more sophisticated implementations of tables, using binary search trees! These are "nonlinear" implementations of the ADT table.


Tree Terminology

• Trees are used to represent the relationship between data items. All trees are hierarchical in nature which means there is a parent-child relationship between "nodes" in a tree.  The lines between nodes are called directed edges. If there is a directed edge from node A to node B -- then A is the parent of B and B is a child of A. Children of the same parent are called siblings. Each node in a tree has at most one parent, starting at the top with the root node (which has no parent).


      Here are some terms that might be useful:

Parent of n                        The node directly above node n in the tree


Child of n              The node directly below the node n in the tree


Root                                  The only node in the tree with no parent


Leaf                                  A node with no children


Siblings                             Nodes with a common parent


Ancestor of n                    A node on the path from the root to n


Descendant of n   A node on a path from n to a leaf


Empty tree                        A tree with no nodes


Subtree of n                      A tree that consists of a child of n and the child's                                               descendents


Height                               The number of nodes on the longest path from root                                            to a leaf


Binary Tree                      A tree in which each node has at most two                                                        children


Full Binary Tree   A binary tree of height h whose leaves are all at the                                           level h and whose nodes all have two children; this                                             is considered to be completely balanced


Binary Tree Definition

• A binary tree is a tree where each node has no more than 2 children. If we traverse down a binary tree -- for every node -- there are either no children (making this node a leaf) or there are two children called the left and right subtrees (A subtree is a subset of a tree including some node in the tree along with all of its descendants).


• The nodes of a binary tree will contain values. For a binary search tree, it is really sorted according to the key values in the nodes. It allows us to traverse a binary tree and get our data in sorted order!


      For example, for each node n, all values greater than n are located in the right subtree...all values less than n are located in the left subtree. Both subtrees are considered to be binary trees themselves. Let's see what this looks like:




• A binary tree is NOT:

• Notice that a binary tree organizes data in a way that facilitates searching the tree for a particular data item. It ends up solving the problems of sorted-traversal with the linear implementations of the ADT table.


• Before we go on, let's make sure we understand some concepts about trees. Trees can come in many different shapes. Some trees are taller than others. To find the height of a tree, we need to find the distance from the root to the farthest leaf. Or....you could think of it as the number of nodes on the longest path from the root to a leaf. 


      Each of these trees has the same number of nodes -- but different heights:

      You will find that experts define heights differently. For example, just by intuition you would think that the trees shown previously have a height of 2 and 4. But, for the cleanest algorithms, we are going to define the height of a tree as the following:


      If a node is a root, the level is 1. If a node is not the root, then it has a level 1 greater than the level of its parent. If the tree is entirely empty, then it has a height of zero. Otherwise, its height is equal to the maximum level of its nodes.


      Using this definition, the trees shown previously have the height of 3, 5, and 5.


• Now let's talk about full, complete, and balanced binary trees. A full binary tree has all of its leaves at level h. In the previous diagram, only the left hand tree is a full binary tree! All nodes that are at a level less than the height of the tree have 2 children.


      A complete binary tree is one which is a full binary tree to a level of its height-1 ... then at the last level, it is filled from left to right. For example:



      This has a height of 4 and is a full binary tree at level 3. But, at level 4, the leaves are filled in from left to right! From this definition, we realize that a full binary tree is also considered to be a complete binary tree. However, a complete binary tree does not necessarily mean it is full!