Welcome to
The Portland State Performance Laboratory
Events and News
- [September 2021] Our paper "Workflow Critical Path: A Data-Oriented Critical Path Metric for Holistic HPC Workflows" has been accepted to BENCH '21
- [June 2021] Congratulations to John Fastabend he passed his Dissertation Proposal Defense!
- [Oct 2020] Congratulations to Yasodha Suriyakumar she passed her Research Proficiency Exam!
- [Oct 2020] Dr. Brian Delgado presented "Applying the Principle of Least Privilege to System Management Interrupt Handlers with the Intel SMI Transfer Monitor" at Hardware and Architectural Support for Security and Privacy (HASP) 2020. The paper is co-authored by PPerfLab alum Tejaswini Vibhute and Dr. Karavanic.
- [Feb 2020] PPerfLab welcomes students from Tigard and Sunset High Schools
- [Feb 2020] Congratulations to Brian Delgado for the successful defense of his dissertation !
- [Feb 2020] Congratulations to Daniel Nguyen for the successful defense of his thesis !
- [Dec 2019] Congratulations to PPerfLab alum Kathryn Mohror, one of the contributors to the Scalable Checkpoint/Restart Framework that has been selected for the R&D 100 2019 .
Current Research Projects
Project Archive
PPerfLab People
Ph.D. Students:
John Fastabend, Kristina Frye, Long Phan, Yasodha Suriyakumar
Masters: Alexander Freed
Undergraduate: Charlene Namuyige (XSEDE Intern)
Faculty: Prof. Karen L. Karavanic, Dr. Bruce Irvin
PPerfLab Alums
Ph.D.: Dr. Brian Delgado (Intel Corp.), Dr. Kathryn Mohror (Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory)
Masters Thesis: Agniv Adhikari, Mathew Colgrove (NVIDIA), Christian Hansen, John Hoffman, Deron Jensen (New Relic), Brian Kearns, Daniel Nguyen (Apple), Tejaswini Vibhute (Intel Corp.)
Masters Project/RA: Dylan Abraham, Jaspar Alt, Payal Joshi, Cody Shepherd
Undergraduate: Henry Cooney (PSU URMP), Kobe Davis (NSF XSEDE Empower recipient) Rupika Dikkala, Sonja Johanson (CRA-W Distributed Mentor Program), Jiaqi Luo, KT Sutter (XSEDE Apprentice), Le Tu, Andy Wood
High School: Ozzy Sanchez-Aldana, Stephen Rivera