Professor Karen L. Karavanic

Email : karavan at

Office: FAB (Fourth Avenue Building) Room 120-12
Office Phone: 503-725-5491
How I prefer to be addressed:
"Professor Karavanic" or "Dr. Karavanic". Can't pronounce that? "Dr. K" is also fine

Closed Door Rule:
You are welcome to stop by anytime my office door is open. However, if my door is fully [latched] closed that means Please no interruptions, except for emergencies.

PANDEMIC exception: I am keeping my office door closed all the time ! Please feel free to knock, I will mask up and open the door unless I'm in a virtual meeting or phone call.
Mailing Address:
Portland State University
Department of Computer Science
P.O. Box 751
Portland, OR 97207-0751

Delivery Address:
Portland State University
Department of Computer Science
1900 SW Fourth Avenue Suite 120
Portland, OR 97201
Phone: (CS Department Office) 503-725-4036