1. man 4 bpf from BSD system. 2. BPF paper http://citeseer.nj.nec.com/mccanne92bsd.html 3. http://ourmon.cat.pdx.edu/ourmon - PSU ourmon system note: user-mode BPF code is not available yet, except privately from me 4. http://ourmon.cat.pdx.edu/ourmon/info.html - ourmon info page Test tools: 1. ping note -c for pkt count -f for flood ping 2. ttcp tcp memory to memory xmit: # ttcp -t -s -f m ip recv: # ttcp -r -s -f m Note 1. -u for udp ... can use this one way ... (don't need a recv side) 2. -p for ports 3. more advanced possibilities include: use tcpdump to write packets to a file. tcpdump -w file tcpreplay - to play them back This needs thought about the test setup.