This home page is intended for the use of the CS 572 OS Internals class and will have links to documents useful for the class. At this time CS 572, has three different aspects. 1. It may be a class on Linux Internals. 2. It may be a class on Linux device drivers., 3. It may be a class on TCP/IP stack internals in an operating system. The latter form is currently based on the BSD TCP/IP stack.
This year (*Fall 2009*) Bart Massey and I am teaching a class on Linux device drivers. The rest of this has not yet been updated.
Click on the coffee icon below to get to the information associated with the label.
The syllabus has basic information about the class, where it meets, outline of topics, books, grading, tests, assignments, lesson plan, etc.
Some class handouts, assignments focused on the ixp2400.
ixp handouts, etc.