1. what is the basic packet structure of an SNMP v1 packet? 2. what kind of packets exist in SNMP v1? pair them in terms of possible send/receive peer relationships. 3. what is the relationship between the SNMP SMI and ASN.1 ISO language in general? 4. explain the OBJECT-TYPE macro. 5. explain the construction of SNMP v1 tables and how they are walked. 6. think aloud about possible implementation strategies based on SNMP and its use of UDP. What limitations exist? What are the problems that UDP poses for SNMP-based management? What advantages, if any, exist for using UDP, as opposed to TCP? 7. Characterize the object/MIB groups under MIB-2. There are two broad categories of mib-2 mibs, what are they? 8. Character the object/MIB groups under the enterprises area. If you wanted to find out about a particular Cisco enterprise MIB, how would you go about doing so? 9. you just used # snmpwalk -v 1 wierd-router-box public enterprises and discoverered that the company OID value was 301, how would you determine what company that was? How would you find out what MIBS they had available for their instrumentation? How would you installed those MIBS in your snmp manager? 10. give a short characterization of SNMPv2 and how it differs from SNMPv1. 11. ditto for SNMPv3, compared to v1 and v2. 12. what is meant by "utilization" in RMON-1 terms. 13. how do you setup a RMON-1 history (ethernet) control row? What kind of data do you get as a result? 14. where would you find data in SNMP about general usage of data sent to different kinds of protocols (IP/IPX/Appletalk), IP addresses, and TCP/UDP ports? 15. what does TOPN refer to in RMON terms? 16. characterize the differences between the following network tools: . network analyzers however simple or complex, e.g., RMON-1 versus tcpdump . large systems like HPOpenview versus home-brew solutions, ucd-snmp + MRTG.