Lab orientation: netlab 86-04, downstairs card key access The netlab has the IP net/mask: Within that space, we will confine ourselves to the list of tigerteam host IPs. The tigerteam IP address subnet is: Note that your subnet is actually: your router is: router: IPs to NOT attack: do not attack any IP that is not in the list below. In particular do not attack - MCECS router -, lab console box in general, attacks should be confined to the boxes in use by tiger teams. hosts for tigerteams are: abene, ago, morris, mitnick, phantomd, levin, dfulton: Where are the boxes? Walk straight in, face the RACK. The RACK has switches/routers in it with a PC console running FBSD in front of it. You have PCs to the left of you. You have dead things to the right of you. The tigerteam boxes (6 in all) are to the left of you along the wall. Don't use the PC closest to the rack that is running MUMBLE and is not baked yet. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Boxes: team name: DNS name abene is, ago:, morris:, mitnick:, phantomd: levin: dfulton: Each box has a "desktop" PC and a monitor, keyboard and mouse. Monitors and computer are somewhat labeled with the team name. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- note: Layer 2 connectivity may change at any time but the IP address in question will not change. further note: The netlab's IP net is protected by a college ACL on an upstream router. The college netlab ACL blocks certain things (e.g., BGP can't get out of the lab). Web access from outside PSU is allowed. telnet ain't available.