study questions - 2nd half of netmgmt/security class ----------------------- snmpv3 1. what is the overall structure of an snmpv3 packet? 2. what crypto facilities does snmpv3 include? 3. give a rough overview of the ideas behind the user-based ACL mechanism 4. what is the basic crypto idea behind how snmpv3 can change a set of authentication passwords simultaneously on a set of network boxes? ----------------------- attacks 1. explain or characterize how attacks gone over in class work e.g., winnuke, land 1.1 how to defend if policy is accept all, deny a few 1.2 how to defend if policy is deny all, accept a few 2. what is a buffer overflow attack ? how can it be defined against? 3. what can be done about virus attacks? 3.1 what can apparently NOT be done about virus attacks? 4. what is the difference between a multi-user based attack and an attack over the network? which is harder to defend against? 5. why can open source be presumed to be a defence against attacks? 6. explain the rdrop or Xmas-day or "combined" attack that uses IP spoofing, and TCP sequence number hijacking. ----------------------- cryptographic protocols 1. explain how a session-key protocol could work using DH 2. define public key cryptography symmetric key cryptography hash/one-way functions what all can hash/one-way functions do? 3. explain how RSA would be used to send authenticated, encrypted email from Alice to Bob 4. how can you use a function like DES and create an authentication protocol in which a shared secret (password) is NOT sent as plaintext? ----------------------- firewalls/acls 1. be able to explain what cisco acls on slides do ... 2. explain the difference between a packet based/ACL firewall, and a proxy-based firewall 3. argue which of the above is "more secure". give a justification. 4. what is tripwire and how does it work? 5. what is ingress/egress filtering and what relationship does this have to smurf attacks? 6. how can a stateful inspection based firewall do a better job on allowing ftp-client access from inside an enterprise to outside - compared to a traditional ACL-based firewall? ----------------------- link layer 1. what does "bump in the wire" mean? 2. what are the pros and cons of link-layer encryption? ----------------------- ipsec 1. define AH/ESP/IKE/Oakley 2. what is a DH group? 3. what is PFS? 4. what is the difference between tunnel mode and transport mode 5. roughly explain what IKE does 6 what is a proposed plaintext attack and how might this apply to IPSEC? ----------------------- ssh 1. ssh roughly gives you what functionality? 2. explain how the sshv1 protocol works 3. how does ssh make X secure? what part of X does it NOT make secure? how do you fix that? 4. how does sshv2 hope to protect against the sshv1 man-in-the-middle attack flaw? ----------------------- ssl 1. explain the basis ssl protocol server-side encryption client-side authentication 2. what is ssl normally used for? why is it more general? 3. functions of certificates ? client/server/root how are these signed (who signed them)? 4. who was Monica and why wouldn't ssh/ssl/ipsec/PPTP or whatever not be terribly helpful in her case?