Lecture notes | ||
HW solutions |
Contact information: Please visit the contact page for the latest information on office hours, phone number, etc.
Lecture notes: There is no textbook requirements for the class. Lecture notes will be posted on the course web page. These will be supplemented with written/video tutorials for Abaqus software.
Recommended readings:
A First Course in the Finite Elements Method, by Daryl L. Logan (Any edition)
Introduction to Finite Elements in Engineering, by T.R. Chandrupatala and A.D. Belegundu (Any edition)
Concepts and Applications of Finite Element Analysis, by Cook, et al. (Any edition)
Week 1:
Week 2:
Week 3:
Week 4:
Week 5:
Week 6:
Week 7:
Week 8:
Week 9:
Select topics in Modeling, Pre and Post processing, Results interpretation, and Error analysis will be covered throughout the term.
Homework assignments | 20% |
Midterm exam 1 | 35% |
Final exam (comprehensive) | 45% |
1 No make up exams will be given. Percentage of missed midterm exam grade will be added to the Final exam percentage.
Note to DRC students: If you are approved by the DRC for test accommodations it is your responsibility to schedule the exam with Testing Services. Your exam cannot start earlier than one hour before or later than one hour after the scheduled exam time. Notify me before each exam when your exam will start so that I can have an exam at the Testing Center. Schedule your testing times at the very beginning of the term to ensure you can get a test time that meets the start requirements. I will not offer a special proctored exam.
Homework Assignments and Due dates
Homework is due at the beginning of the class (Maximum of 5 minutes after the official start time of the class). Late submissions will not be graded. Submit HW electronically as pdf file to the course section of D2L. You must follow HW submission guidelines. Failure to do so will result in HW not being graded!
Extra 10% credit will be given if MathCAD is employed for the solution of specifically marked (M) homework problems.
HW set | Notes | Due Date | |
Set 1 stiffness approachM | Thursday October 5 | ||
Set 2 Truss elementM | Thursday October 12 | ||
Set 3 Beam element | Thursday October 19 | ||
Set 4 CST element |
Thursday October 26 | |
Set 5 Quadrilateral element | Thursday November 2 | ||
Bonus credit | Monday November 6 | ||
Set 6 Axisymmetric element | Link to Geomtery file for problem 1 | Tuesday November 14 | |
Set 7 3-D elements | Geometry for prob. 1 Geometry for prob. 2 | Tuesday November 21 | |
Set 8 Vibration |
Tuesday November 28 | |
Set 9 Thermal (optional) |
Friday December 1 | |
Attendance IS NOT mandatory. However, if you attend the class please observe the following guidelines:
MCAE laboratory and FE software
Notice to ABAQUS users
Please remember to direct all your questions regarding ABAQUS and MCAE lab
( room 420 EB) software/hardware issues to your instructor. Questions
regarding networking, e-mail, printing and web access should be brought to
the attention of the college computer support staff (support@cecs.pdx.edu)
How to obtain student version of MathCAD (ver. 15):
1. Print the Mathcad Student purchase PDF using the following link:
2. Fill out and submit the form to the Help Desk, room 18 Smith center.
Students need to have their current PSU ID with them.
3. The software CD will be given to the student at the cost of $20.
This is the full version of software!
Notice to Graduate Students
Graduate students who register for ME 555 must complete extra work
(project), usually during the last two weeks of the term. Details will be
announced in class, and posted on the web page.
Homework Submission guidelines:
1) Entire homework set must be submitted as one (single) PDF file
2) Only PDF format will be accepted and graded. Other formats (including JPEG images) will be ignored and will not be graded.
3) Use the following naming convention for homework:
Last-name_First-name_HWxx (where xx indicates the set number). For example: Smith_Jane_hw2.PDF
4) If you revise your submission send a message from D2L alerting the grader about the changes.