Example BLITZ Assembly Language Program

! Example.s  --  Serial I/O Interface Routines
! Harry Porter  -  08/01/01
! This program serves as an example of BLITZ assembly code and
! of the recommended style for indenting and commenting assembly code.
! This program provides a "main" function which reads input characters
! from the terminal and echoes them back.  It can be used to explore
! the differences between "raw" and "cooked" serial input modes.
! In addition to the "main" function, this program also provides the
! following interface for the serial I/O device; these routines might
! provide the starting point for some other program.
        .export getChar
        .export putChar
        .export putString
        .export flush
        .export initSerial
        .export checkSerialDevice
! Program entry point

! Here is the interrupt vector, which will be loaded at address 0x00000000.
! Each entry is 4 bytes.  They are located at fixed, pre-defined addresses.
! This program will only handle SERIAL_INTERRUPTS.  The asynchronous,
! hardware interrupts (i.e., TIMER and DISK) will be ignored by returning
! immediately.  None of the other interrupts should occur; if they do, this
! program will get stuck in an infinite loop. 
        jmp     main
        jmp     SerialInterruptHandler
        jmp     HardwareFault
        jmp     IllegalInstruction
        jmp     ArithmeticException
        jmp     AddressException
        jmp     PageInvalidException
        jmp     PageReadonlyException
        jmp     PrivilegedInstruction
        jmp     AlignmentException
        jmp     ExceptionDuringInterrupt
        jmp     SyscallTrap

! Interrupt Service routines
        call    checkSerialDevice

! main
! The main program repeatedly prints a prompt, then gets and echoes characters
! until a NEWLINE is entered.  It then repeats the prompt.
        set     STACK_START,r15         ! initialize the stack pointer
        call    initSerial              ! initialize the serial I/O device
        seti                            ! enable interrupts
loop1:                                  ! loop
        set     prompt,r1               !   putString ("Enter something: ")
        call    putString               !   .
loop2:                                  !   loop
        call    getChar                 !     r1 := getChar
        cmp     r1,'\n'                 !     if (r1 == '\n' or '\r') then
        be      then                    !     .
        cmp     r1,'\r'                 !     .
        bne     else                    !     .
then:                                   !     .
        mov     '\r',r1                 !       putChar ('\r')
        call    putChar                 !       .
        mov     '\n',r1                 !       putChar ('\n')
        call    putChar                 !       .
        jmp     exit                    !       break
else:                                   !     else
        cmp     r1,'q'                  !       if (r1 == 'q') then
        bne     else2                   !       .
        set     bye,r1                  !         print "Good bye"
        call    putString               !         .
        call    flush                   !         wait until I/O completes
        debug                           !         Invoke DEBUG instruction
        jmp     cont                    !       else
else2:                                  !       .
        call    putChar                 !         putChar (r1)
cont:                                   !       end
        jmp     loop2                   !   end
exit:                                   !   .
        jmp     loop1                   ! end
prompt: .ascii  "Enter something (or 'q' to terminate): \n\r\0"
bye:    .ascii  "\n\rAbout to execute DEBUG instruction (type 'go' to resume)...

! getChar
! This routine reads one character from the terminal and returns it in r1.
! It does not echo the character or process special characters in any way.
! It checks the input buffer and gets a character from there if one is
! available.  Otherwise, it waits for a key to be typed.
! r1 = the character
! r2 = addr of inBufferCount
! r3 = inBufferCount
! r4 = addr of inBufferOut
! r5 = inBufferOut
! Registers modified: r1
        push    r2                      ! save registers
        push    r3                      ! .
        push    r4                      ! .
        push    r5                      ! .
        set     inBufferCount,r2        ! initialize address registers
        set     inBufferOut,r4          ! .
getChLoop:                              ! loop
                                        !   loop
        cleari                          !     disable interrupts
        load    [r2],r3                 !     if (inBufferCount != 0)
        cmp     r3,0                    !     .
        bne     getChExit               !       then break
        seti                            !     enable interrupts
        jmp     getChLoop               !   end
getChExit:                              !   .
        sub     r3,1,r3                 !   inBufferCount --
        store   r3,[r2]                 !   .
        load    [r4],r5                 !   r1 := *inBufferOut
        loadb   [r5],r1                 !   .
        add     r5,1,r5                 !   inBufferOut ++
        cmp     r5,inBufferEnd          !   if (inBufferOut == inBufferEnd)
        bne     getChElse               !   .
        set     inBuffer,r5             !     inBufferOut := &inBuffer
getChElse:                              !   end
        store   r5,[r4]                 !   save inBufferOut
        seti                            !   enable interrupts
        cmp     r1,'\0'                 ! until (r1 != '\0')
        be      getChLoop               ! .
        pop     r5                      ! restore regs
        pop     r4                      ! .
        pop     r3                      ! .
        pop     r2                      ! .
        ret                             ! return

! putChar
! This routine is passed a character in r1.  It writes it to the terminal
! exactly as it is.  Normally, the output character is added to a buffer
! and will be written as soon as the device is ready.  If the buffer is
! full, this routine will busy-wait for the buffer to become not-full.
! r1 = the character
! r2 = addr of outBufferCount
! r3 = outBufferCount
! r4 = addr of outBufferIn
! r5 = outBufferIn
! Registers modified: none
        push    r2                      ! save registers
        push    r3                      ! .
        push    r4                      ! .
        push    r5                      ! .
        set     outBufferCount,r2       ! initialize address registers
        set     outBufferIn,r4          ! .
putChLoop:                              ! loop
        cleari                          !   disable interrupts
        load    [r2],r3                 !   if (outBufferCount < BUFFER_SIZE)
        cmp     r3,BUFFER_SIZE          !   .
        bl      putChExit               !     then break
        seti                            !   enable interrupts
        jmp     putChLoop               ! end
putChExit:                              ! .
        add     r3,1,r3                 ! outBufferCount ++
        store   r3,[r2]                 ! .
        load    [r4],r5                 ! *outBufferIn := r1
        storeb  r1,[r5]                 ! .
        add     r5,1,r5                 ! outBufferIn ++
        cmp     r5,outBufferEnd         ! if (outBufferIn == outBufferEnd) then
        bne     putChElse               ! .
        set     outBuffer,r5            !   outBufferIn := &outBuffer
putChElse:                              ! end
        store   r5,[r4]                 ! save outBufferIn
        call    checkSerialDevice       ! start output if necessary
        seti                            ! enable interrupts
        pop     r5                      ! restore regs
        pop     r4                      ! .
        pop     r3                      ! .
        pop     r2                      ! .
        ret                             ! return

! putString
! This routine is passed a pointer to a string of characters, terminated
! by '\0'.  It sends all of them except the final '\0' to the terminal by
! calling 'putChar' repeatedly.
! Registers modified: none
        push    r1                      ! save registers
        push    r2                      ! .
        mov     r1,r2                   ! r2 := ptr into string
putStLoop:                              ! loop
        loadb   [r2],r1                 !   r1 := next char
        add     r2,1,r2                 !   incr ptr
        cmp     r1,0                    !   if (r1 == '\0')
        be      putStExit               !     then break
        call    putChar                 !   putChar (r1)
        jmp     putStLoop               ! end
putStExit:                              ! .
        pop     r2                      ! restore regs
        pop     r1                      ! .
        ret                             ! return

! flush
! This routine waits until the output buffer has been emptied, then returns.
! It busy-waits until the buffer has been emptied.
! Registers modified: none
        push    r1                      ! save registers
        push    r2                      ! .
flushLoop:                              ! loop
        cleari                          !   disable interrupts
        set     outBufferCount,r1       !   r2 = outBufferCount
        load    [r1],r2                 !   .
        cmp     r2,0                    !   if (r2 == 0)
        be      flushLoopEx             !     break
        seti                            !   re-enable interrupts
        jmp     flushLoop               ! end
flushLoopEx:                            ! .
        seti                            ! re-enable interrupts
        pop     r2                      ! restore regs
        pop     r1                      ! .
        ret                             ! return

! initSerial
! This routine initializes the serial input and output buffers.
! Registers modified: r1, r2
initSerial:     set     inBuffer,r1             ! inBuferIn = &inBuffer
                set     inBufferIn,r2           ! .
                store   r1,[r2]                 ! .
                set     inBufferOut,r2          ! inBufferOut = &inBuffer
                store   r1,[r2]                 ! .
                set     outBuffer,r1            ! outBufferIn = &outBuffer
                set     outBufferIn,r2          ! .
                store   r1,[r2]                 ! .
                set     outBufferOut,r2         ! outBufferOut = &outBuffer
                store   r1,[r2]                 ! .
                clr     r1                      ! inBufferCount = 0
                set     inBufferCount,r2        ! .
                store   r1,[r2]                 ! .
                set     outBufferCount,r2       ! outBufferCount = 0
                store   r1,[r2]                 ! .
                ret                             ! return

! checkSerialDevice
! This routine is called whenever there is a SerialInterrupt.  If a character
! is ready on the input, it is moved into the inBuffer.  If there is no
! more room in the buffer, the character is simply dropped, with no
! error indication.  If the output device is ready to for another character
! and there are any characters in the outBuffer, then the next character is
! transmitted to the output device.
! No arguments, no result.
! This routine must be called with interrupts disabled!
! Registers modified: none
! r8 = addr of SERIAL_STATUS_WORD
! r11 = addr of SERIAL_DATA_WORD
! r2 = the character
! r9 = addr of inBufferCount
! r5 = inBufferCount
! r10 = addr of inBufferIn
! r3 = inBufferIn
! r7 = addr of outBufferOut
! r4 = outBufferOut
! r6 = addr of outBufferCount
! r5 = outBufferCount
        push    r1                      ! save all registers we use
        push    r2                      ! .
        push    r3                      ! .
        push    r4                      ! .
        push    r5                      ! .
        push    r6                      ! .
        push    r7                      ! .
        push    r8                      ! .
        push    r9                      ! .
        push    r10                     ! .
        push    r11                     ! .
        set     SERIAL_DATA,r11         ! r11 = addr of SERIAL_DATA_WORD
        set     SERIAL_STAT,r8          ! r1 := serial status word
        load    [r8],r1                 ! .
        btst    0x00000001,r1           ! if status[charAvail] == 1 then
        be      end1                    ! .
        load    [r11],r2                !   r2 := input char
        set     inBufferCount,r9        ! if inBufferCount < bufSize then
        load    [r9],r5                 !   .
        cmp     r5,BUFFER_SIZE          !   .
        bge     end1                    !   .
        set     inBufferIn,r10          !     *inBufferIn := char
        load    [r10],r3                !     .
        storeb  r2,[r3]                 !     .
        add     r5,1,r5                 !     inBufferCount++
        store   r5,[r9]                 !     .
        add     r3,1,r3                 !     inBufferIn++
        cmp     r3,inBufferEnd          !     if inBufferIn == inBufferEnd then
        bne     end2                    !     .
        set     inBuffer,r3             !       inBufferIn = &inBuffer
end2:                                   !     end
        store   r3,[r10]                !     store inBufferIn
end1:                                   !   end
                                        ! end
        btst    0x00000002,r1           ! if status[outputReady] == 1 then
        be      end4                    ! .
        set     outBufferCount,r6       !   if outBufferCount>0 then
        load    [r6],r5                 !   .
        cmp     r5,0                    !   .
        ble     end4                    !   .
        set     outBufferOut,r7         !     r2 := *outBufferOut
        load    [r7],r4                 !     .
        loadb   [r4],r2                 !     .
        store   r2,[r11]                !     send char in r2 to serial output
        sub     r5,1,r5                 !     outBufferCount--
        store   r5,[r6]                 !     .
        add     r4,1,r4                 !     outBufferOut++
        cmp     r4,outBufferEnd         !     if outBufferOut==outBufferEnd then
        bne     end3                    !     .
        set     outBuffer,r4            !       outBufferOut = &outBuffer
end3:                                   !     end
        store   r4,[r7]                 !     store outBufferOut
end4:                                   !   end
                                        ! end
        pop     r11                     ! restore all registers
        pop     r10                     ! .
        pop     r9                      ! .
        pop     r8                      ! .
        pop     r7                      ! .
        pop     r6                      ! .
        pop     r5                      ! .
        pop     r4                      ! .
        pop     r3                      ! .
        pop     r2                      ! .
        pop     r1                      ! .
        ret                             ! return

BUFFER_SIZE     =       128
inBuffer:       .skip   BUFFER_SIZE     ! Serial Input buffer area
inBufferIn:     .word   0               ! Addr of next place to add to
inBufferOut:    .word   0               ! Addr of next place to remove from
inBufferCount:  .word   0               ! Number of characters in inBuffer

outBuffer:      .skip   BUFFER_SIZE     ! Serial Output buffer area
outBufferIn:    .word   0               ! Addr of next place to add to
outBufferOut:   .word   0               ! Addr of next place to remove from
outBufferCount: .word   0               ! Number of characters in outBuffer

STACK_START     =       0x00ffff00
SERIAL_STAT     =       0x00ffff00      ! Addr of SERIAL_STATUS_WORD
SERIAL_DATA     =       0x00ffff04      ! Addr of SERIAL_DATA_WORD