Using BLITZ under Windows




Harry H. Porter III, Ph. D.

Department of Computer Science

Portland State University


T.J. Craig

Westminster College

Salt Lake City


March 25, 2009







BLITZ can be used under the Windows operating system and this document describes how.


To run under Windows, youÕll have to use a third-party package called Cygwin.  Cygwin makes it possible to run most Linux / Unix programs under Windows.  This document includes information about installing Cygwin and then installing BLITZ.


This has been tested for Windows XP using the current version of Cygwin (1.5.25-15) on March 25, 2009.




Step 1: Download and Install Cygwin


Download and install Cygwin from


Cygwin is a UNIX emulator that runs on Windows.  When you download and install it from the Cygwin website, you can select all the default settings, except that BLITZ will require additional libraries that are not part of the default installation.  You must individually select these additional libraries during the Cygwin installation or BLITZ will not run correctly.


When you get to the ÒSelect PackagesÓ screen, add the following packages:


á      Devel  - gcc-g++: C++ compiler

á      Devel  - gcc4-g++: G++ subpackage

á      Devel  - make


When you select the above options, several other dependent components will automatically be selected.  Do not change any of these.  Let Cygwin automatically include related components.


Note that the installation does not include any text editors by default.  YouÕll need to edit files; you can either edit the files through Windows or you can also install Unix editors like ÒviÓ and ÒemacsÓ with Cygwin.  The Unix editors can be found in the ÒEditorsÓ section of the Cygwin installation list.


á      Editors - VI (vim)

á      Editors - EMACs




Step 2: Create ÒBlitzSrcÓ Folder


Create a folder in your home area in Cygwin called ÒBlitzSrcÓ.  You can either do this via the Windows host (using something like Explorer) or directly in the Cygwin shell, with the following Unix command:


mkdir ~/BlitzSrc


You may also want to take a minute to edit your Ò.bashrcÓ file at this point, to customize your aliases, etc., if this is something that you are familiar with.




Step 3: Download BLITZ Source Files


Download all the files from the BLITZ web site and place them in your new BlitzSrc directory.  The files can be found at:


You can use the FTP program to transfer the files from the BLITZ website (the ÒremoteÓ) to your computer (the ÒlocalÓ).  First, get into your new directory and start up FTP:


cd ~/BlitzSrc



FTP will require you to log in; use the name




You'll be asked to provide your email address as a password.


Then, within FTP at the Òftp>Ó prompt, change directory on the remote:


cd /pub/users/harry/Blitz/BlitzSrc


To list all the files in the remote directory, type:




FTP tends to assume that files contain ASCII text and will automatically translate the end-of-line characters from NL to CR-NL.  This will create a problem, so switch from ASCII mode to BINARY mode with the command:




To copy all files from the remote directory into the current directory on your local machine, type


mget *


Note that the file Òmakefile-SolarisÓ is not required, but it wonÕt hurt.


To suppress verbose interaction, answer ÒaÓ to the Òmget filename [anpqy?]?Ó prompt, if it appears.


Other useful FTP commands are


get <filename>, help, quit, pwd


For further info on FTP, google the web with:


man ftp


If you are using a Windows browser to download the files, the browser may try to save the ÒmakefileÓ file as Òmakefile.txtÓ.  If this happens, use the ÒmvÓ command in the Cygwin shell to rename the file to just ÒmakefileÓ with no extension.  You must do this from the Cygwin shell:


mv makefile.txt makefile


This is important, because as you download other files without extensions, you will need to rename them for use with BLITZ.


You should have these files:














makefile-Solaris   (this file is not needed)





Step 4: Compile the BLITZ Source


Compile the downloaded files by running the Unix ÒmakeÓ utility:


cd ~/BlitzSrc



Make will generate several lines of output, but you should not see any errors.  If you do see errors go back and verify that all the required Cygwin libraries were downloaded and that all the required BLITZ files were downloaded and placed in the BlitzSrc directory.


You should now have the following new files in this directory:





















You can remove the Ò.oÓ files with this command:


rm *.o




Step 5: Create ÒBlitzToolsÓ Directory & Move Executables


Create a new directory called ÒBlitzToolsÓ in your home area and move the executables into it.  You can use either the Windows host or the following commands in the Cygwin shell:


mkdir ~/BlitzTools

mv ~/BlitzSrc/*.exe ~/BlitzTools


You should now see the following files with the ÒlsÓ command:


ls ~/BlitzTools

asm.exe      check.exe      dumpObj.exe    hexdump.exe    lddd.exe

blitz.exe    diskUtil.exe   endian.exe     kpl.exe




Step 6: Set the PATH Environment


Setup the shellÕs PATH environment variable so that you can use the BLITZ tools.


By default Cygwin only installs the Bash shell, so youÕll need to use the ÒexportÓ command to change the PATH variable.  However, simply running the ÒexportÓ command in your Cygwin shell will only set the path temporarily.  Unfortunately, it will be reset every time you restart the Cygwin shell.


To make the change permanent, edit the file




in your home directory.  If you know the ÒviÓ editor, type:


vi ~/.bashrc


and add the following line to the end of the file:


export PATH=${HOME}/BlitzTools:${PATH}




Step 7: Make Sure Everything Works


Next, verify that the BLITZ tools are working and usable.  Type the following command:




You should see:


*****  ERROR: Missing package name on command line


**********  1 error detected!  **********


If you see this message, Cygwin is configured correctly to run BLITZ.


If you see ANYTHING else, BLITZ is NOT setup correctly and you need to go back and review each step. 


You are now ready for the first BLITZ project!