The BLITZ Emulator



Harry H. Porter III, Ph.D.

Computer Science Department

Portland State University






Using The BLITZ Emulator


The BLITZ emulator is a program written in ÒCÓ which emulates the BLITZ architecture. In other words, the emulator is a virtual machine which simulates in software the behavior of a BLITZ machine. This program is named ÒblitzÓ and is run on a computer known as the ÒhostÓ computer. When running under Unix, for example, you may start the emulator by typing ÒblitzÓ at the Unix prompt.


The emulator begins by reading in a BLITZ program and loading it into memory. Normally, the BLITZ executable file is called Òa.outÓ but it can be given another name. The emulator begins by reading data from Òa.outÓ and loading it into its internal memory. In effect, the emulator begins by initializing the main memory of the BLITZ machine, using the bytes in the Òa.outÓ file.


As an example, assume there is a file called Òtest.sÓ containing a BLITZ assembly code program. The following sequence can be used to assemble, link, and run this program. In this document, Ò%Ó is the Unix prompt. We show user input as underlined, boldface.


    % asm test.s

    % lddd test.o

    % blitz


The program ÒasmÓ is the BLITZ assembler. It takes as input an assembly language program and produces an object file called, in this case, Òtest.oÓ.


The second program (called ÒldddÓ) is the BLITZ linker. It takes as input one or more object files and produces an executable file called Òa.outÓ. The executable file may be renamed with the Ò-oÓ command line option.


The program called ÒblitzÓ is the emulator. It loads an executable file into the main memory of the emulated BLITZ machine. By default, the emulator reads from a file called Òa.outÓ, but another file may be named on the command line.


The BLITZ emulator is command oriented. It accepts one command at a time and executes each command before prompting for the next command.


The emulator is meant to be run interactively, with ÒstdinÓ and ÒstdoutÓ connected to an interactive user interface. The BLITZ emulator uses the Ò>Ó character as a prompt. You type in commands after this prompt and the result of each will be displayed.


One command is called ÒgoÓ; this command begins executing BLITZ machine instructions. Other commands allow you to do things like:


    (1)  Look at (and change) the BLITZ registers

    (2)  Look at (and change) the contents of the BLITZ memory

    (3)  View the state of the BLITZ machine

    (4)  Execute a single instruction at a time

    (5)  Dis-assemble instructions from memory

    (6)  Manipulate the I/O devices (the serial I/O and the disk)

    (7)  Quit the emulator



The ÒquitÓ Command


The ÒquitÓ command (which may be abbreviated as ÒqÓ) will terminate the BLITZ emulator.


Before terminating, the emulator will print some execution statistics, reflecting all activity since the emulator began (or since the last ÒresetÓ command).


    > quit

    Number of Disk Reads    = 0

    Number of Disk Writes   = 0

    Instructions Executed   = 18560

    Time Spent Sleeping     = 0

        Total Elapsed Time  = 18560



(The final Ò%Ó symbolizes the host / Unix prompt.)



The ÒgoÓ Command


The ÒgoÓ command (which may be abbreviated as ÒgÓ) is used to start execution of the emulator. Once execution begins, the BLITZ machine will execute instructions until either an error is detected or the BLITZ machine executes a ÒwaitÓ or ÒdebugÓ instruction.


Here is an example:


    > go

    Beginning execution...

        < output from the BLITZ program >

    Done!  The next instruction to execute will be:

    000074: 01000000       wait  




The ÒhelpÓ Command


When running the BLITZ emulator, you may type ÒhelpÓ. Below, we show the BLITZ emulator starting up and the ÒhelpÓ command being executed.  The ÒhelpÓ command may be abbreviated as ÒhÓ.


    % blitz


    =====                                       =====

    =====      The BLITZ Machine Emulator       =====

    =====                                       =====

    =====  Copyright 2001, Harry H. Porter III  =====

    =====                                       =====



    Enter a command at the prompt.  Type 'quit' to exit or 'help' for

    info about commands.

    > h


    This program accepts commands typed into the terminal.  Each command

    should be typed without any arguments; the commands will prompt for

    arguments when needed.  Case is not significant.  Some abbreviations

    are allowed, as shown.  Typing control-C will halt execution.


    The available commands are:


      quit    - Terminate this program


      help    - Produce this display


      info    - Display the current state of the machine


      dumpMem - Display the contents of memory


      setmem  - Used to alter memory contents

      fmem    - Display floating point values from memory

      go      - Begin or resume BLITZ instruction execution


      step    - Single step; execute one machine-level instruction


      t       - Single step; execute one KPL statement

      u       - Execute continuously until next call, send, or return

      stepn   - Execute N machine-level instructions

      r       - Display all the integer registers

      r1      - Change the value of register r1


      r15     - Change the value of register r15

      float   - Display all the floating-point registers


      f0      - Change the value of floating-point register f0


      f15     - Change the value of floating-point register f15

      dis     - Disassemble several instructions

      d       - Disassemble several instructions from the current location

      hex     - Convert a user-entered hex number into decimal and ascii

      dec     - Convert a user-entered decimal number into hex and ascii

      ascii   - Convert a user-entered ascii char into hex and decimal

      setI    - Set the I bit in the Status Register

      setS    - Set the S bit in the Status Register

      setP    - Set the P bit in the Status Register

      setZ    - Set the Z bit in the Status Register

      setV    - Set the V bit in the Status Register

      setN    - Set the N bit in the Status Register

      clearI  - Clear the I bit in the Status Register

      clearS  - Clear the S bit in the Status Register

      clearP  - Clear the P bit in the Status Register

      clearZ  - Clear the Z bit in the Status Register

      clearV  - Clear the V bit in the Status Register

      clearN  - Clear the N bit in the Status Register

      setPC   - Set the Program Counter (PC)

      setPTBR - Set the Page Table Base Register (PTBR)

      setPTLR - Set the Page Table Length Register (PTLR)

      pt      - Display the Page Table

      trans   - Perform page table translation on a single address

      cancel  - Cancel all pending interrupts

      labels  - Display the label table

      find    - Find a label by name

      find2   - Find a label by value

      add     - Add a new label, inserting it into the indexes

      reset   - Reset the machine state and re-read the a.out file

      io      - Display the state of the I/O devices

      read    - Read a word from memory-mapped I/O region

      write   - Write a word to memory-mapped I/O region

      raw     - Switch serial input to raw mode

      cooked  - Switch serial input to cooked mode

      input   - Enter input characters for future serial I/O input

      format  - Create and format a BLITZ disk file

      sim     - Display the current simulation constants

      stack   - Display the KPL calling stack


      frame   - Display the current activation frame


      up      - Move up in the activation frame stack

      down    - Move down in the activation frame stack






Abbreviated Spellings of Some Commands


Some of the commands have abbreviation, which are easier to type. Here are the abbreviations.


    quit       q

    help       h

    go         g

    dumpmem    dm

    info       i

    step       s

    float      f

    stack      st

    frame      fr



The ÒdumpmemÓ Command


The ÒdumpmemÓ command (which may be abbreviated ÒdmÓ) can be used to display the contents of the BLITZ machineÕs memory.


Each byte of memory is displayed in hex, with 16 bytes per line. Addresses are displayed on the left. On the right side, the same 16 bytes are displayed as ASCII, with non-printable characters displayed as periods.


Many of the emulator commands require arguments. For example, the ÒdumpmemÓ command needs a starting address and a length (in bytes). Each command should be typed on a line by itself. The emulator will then prompt for any arguments that are needed.


Here is an example:


    > dm

    Enter the starting (physical) memory address in hex: 200

    Enter the number of bytes in hex (or 0 to abort): 20

    00000200:  546F 0000  547F 0000  548F 0000  549F 0000    To..T...T...T...

    00000210:  54AF 0000  54BF 0000  C0B0 00FF  C1B0 FF04    T...T...........



This command ignores page tables and virtual address spaces; it displays the actual (i.e., ÒphysicalÓ) memory space.



The ÒsetmemÓ Commands


The ÒsetmemÓ command can be used to modify the contents of the BLITZ machineÕs memory.


Here is an example:


    > setmem

    Enter the (physical) memory address in hex of the word to be modified: 4c

    The old value is:

    0x00004C: 0xC120FF04

    Enter the new value (4 bytes in hex): 123def

    0x00004C: 0x00123DEF



The addresses used in this command are physical memory addresses; no page table translation is performed.  (For page table translation, see the ÒtransÓ command.)



Conversion between Hex, ASCII, and Decimal


Occasionally you may need to convert between hex and decimal or see what some ASCII character code is.  There are three commands that do such translations: ÒhexÓ, ÒdecÓ, and ÒasciiÓ.


Each command asks you to enter a value.  The command then prints out the value in the other two forms.


To see the ASCII code for some character, use the ÒasciiÓ command.  For example:


    > ascii

    Enter a single character followed by a newline/return: h

         hex: 0x00000068     decimal: 104     ascii: "...h"



To translate a hex value into decimal, use the ÒhexÓ command.


    > hex

    Enter a value in hex: 2468abcd

         hex: 0x2468ABCD     decimal: 610839501     ascii: "$h.."



The ÒhexÓ command takes up to 4 bytes, which it will also display as four characters.  You can also use it to translate a single byte.


    > hex

    Enter a value in hex: 6a

         hex: 0x0000006A     decimal: 106     ascii: "...j"



The ÒdecÓ command can be used to translate decimal numbers into hex and into ASCII characters.


    > dec

    Enter a value in decimal: 107

         hex: 0x0000006B     decimal: 107     ascii: "...k"




The ÒdisÓ Command


The emulator includes a command called ÒdisÓ which can be used to disassemble memory.


Here is a fragment of a BLITZ assembly program:




        push     r1                 ! save registers

        push     r2                 ! .

    flushLoop:                      ! loop

        cleari                      !   disable interrupts

        set      outBufferCount,r1  !   r2 = outBufferCount

        load     [r1],r2            !   .

        cmp      r2,0               !   if (r2 == 0)

        be       flushLoopEx        !     break

        seti                        !   re-enable interrupts

        jmp      flushLoop          ! end

    flushLoopEx:                    ! .

        seti                        ! re-enable interrupts



Assume that the BLITZ emulator is running and this program has been loaded into memory.


Below is an example of the ÒdisÓ command. In this program, it turns out the above fragment was loaded into bytes beginning at address 0x000180. Below, we ask the emulator to disassemble memory starting at that address:


    > dis

    Enter the beginning phyical address (in hex): 180


    000180: 541F0000       push    r1,[--r15]

    000184: 542F0000       push    r2,[--r15]


    000188: 03000000       cleari 

    00018C: C0100000       sethi   0x0000,r1

    000190: C1102088       setlo   0x2088,r1    ! decimal: 8328, ascii: " ."  (outBufferCount)

    000194: 6B210000       load    [r1+r0],r2

    000198: 81020000       sub     r2,0x0000,r0

    00019C: A200000C       be      0x00000C     ! targetAddr = flushLoopEx

    0001A0: 04000000       seti   

    0001A4: A1FFFFE4       jmp     0xFFFFE4     ! targetAddr = flushLoop


    0001A8: 04000000       seti   




The first thing to notice is that the comments from the Ò.sÓ file are lost. The second thing to notice is that the instructions are printed in greater detail than in the Ò.sÓ file.


Note that information about labels (such as ÒflushÓ, ÒflushLoopÓ, and ÒflushLoopExÓ) is carried in the Òa.outÓ file. While label information is not technically part of the BLITZ program, this information is used by the emulator when disassembling, to make the result more meaningful.


Each instruction is printed both in hex and in human-readable mnemonic form. Consider the instruction:


    0001A4: A1FFFFE4       jmp     0xFFFFE4     ! targetAddr = flushLoop


This instruction is at address 0x0001a4. It is a ÒjumpÓ instruction (whose opcode is hex a1) and has a relative offset of –28 (which is ffffe4 in hex). The disassembler adds the information (printed like a comment) that the value 0xffffe4 would be the instruction labeled ÒflushLoopÓ.


Next, take a look at the following instruction from the Ò.sÓ file:


        cmp      r2,0               !   if (r2 == 0)


The ÒcmpÓ instruction is a Òsynthetic instructionÓ. It is really assembled as a ÒsubÓ instruction which places the result in Òr0Ó. In other words, the result is discarded, although the condition codes are modified. This instruction is disassembled as:


    000198: 81020000       sub     r2,0x0000,r0


Next, look at the following instruction from the Ò.sÓ file:


        set      outBufferCount,r1  !   r2 = outBufferCount


The ÒsetÓ instruction is a Òsynthetic instructionÓ. It is really equivalent to 2 instructions, a ÒsethiÓ followed by a ÒsetloÓ. It is disassembled as the following two lines. (The second line may wrap to a new line in this document.)


    00018C: C0100000       sethi   0x0000,r1

    000190: C1102088       setlo   0x2088,r1    ! decimal: 8328, ascii: " ."  (outBufferCount)


When the disassembler prints out values like 0x2088, it adds a comment. The comment gives the value interpreted as a decimal number, interpreted as ASCII characters, and interpreted as an address label. For this particular instruction, the label information is helpful and the decimal and ASCII information is not.


The ÒdisÓ command disassembles about 30 instructions at a time. The ÒdÓ command will disassemble another 30 instructions, beginning at whatever address the previous command ended on. Thus, by entering ÒdÓ commands repeatedly, you can disassemble a lengthy program one page at a time.



The ÒresetÓ Command


When debugging a BLITZ program, it is sometimes desirable to give up and start over. The ÒresetÓ command in the emulator will re-initialize the emulator and will re-read the Òa.outÓ executable file. It will also reset all registers to zero, reset the state of the I/O devices, and re-read the Ò.blitzrcÓ file (if it exists) for any non-standard simulation parameters. The effect of ÒresetÓ is exactly as if the emulator had been quit and then re-started.


A typical debugging session might involve editing, compiling, and assembling a BLITZ program in one window, and running the emulator in a second window. After a bug has been found, the user would switch to the editing window and re-build the program. Then, after switching to the emulator window, the ÒresetÓ command could be used to re-read the newly built program.


Another common scenario involves trying to find a bug in a BLITZ program. Perhaps the bug has already occurred (i.e., been encountered during execution). The ÒresetÓ command could then be used to rerun the program from the beginning, in order to observe and more closely understand the bug.



The ÒinfoÓ Command


The command ÒiÓ (which is short for ÒinfoÓ) can be used to dump the entire state of the CPU. Here is an example of the ÒiÓ command:


    > i


    Memory size = 0x01000000     ( decimal: 16777216    )

    Page size   = 0x00002000     ( decimal: 8192        )

    .text Segment

        addr    = 0x00000000     ( decimal: 0           )

        size    = 0x00002000     ( decimal: 8192        )

    .data Segment

        addr    = 0x00002000     ( decimal: 8192        )

        size    = 0x00002000     ( decimal: 8192        )

    .bss Segment

        addr    = 0x00004000     ( decimal: 16384       )

        size    = 0x00000000     ( decimal: 0           )

    =====  USER REGISTERS  =====

      r0  = 0x00000000     ( decimal: 0 )

      r1  = 0x00000000     ( decimal: 0 )

      r2  = 0x00000000     ( decimal: 0 )

      r3  = 0x00000000     ( decimal: 0 )

      r4  = 0x00000000     ( decimal: 0 )

      r5  = 0x00000000     ( decimal: 0 )

      r6  = 0x00000000     ( decimal: 0 )

      r7  = 0x00000000     ( decimal: 0 )

      r8  = 0x00000000     ( decimal: 0 )

      r9  = 0x00000000     ( decimal: 0 )

      r10 = 0x00000000     ( decimal: 0 )

      r11 = 0x00000000     ( decimal: 0 )

      r12 = 0x00000000     ( decimal: 0 )

      r13 = 0x00000000     ( decimal: 0 )

      r14 = 0x00000000     ( decimal: 0 )

      r15 = 0x00000000     ( decimal: 0 )

    =====  SYSTEM REGISTERS  =====

      r0  = 0x00000000     ( decimal: 0 )

      r1  = 0x000000AA     ( decimal: 170         ascii: "...."   waitMsg )

      r2  = 0x00002088     ( decimal: 8328        ascii: ".. ."   outBufCt )

      r3  = 0x00000000     ( decimal: 0 )

      r4  = 0x00000000     ( decimal: 0 )

      r5  = 0x00000000     ( decimal: 0 )

      r6  = 0x00000000     ( decimal: 0 )

      r7  = 0x00000000     ( decimal: 0 )

      r8  = 0x00000000     ( decimal: 0 )

      r9  = 0x00000000     ( decimal: 0 )

      r10 = 0x00000000     ( decimal: 0 )

      r11 = 0x00000000     ( decimal: 0 )

      r12 = 0x00000000     ( decimal: 0 )

      r13 = 0x00000000     ( decimal: 0 )

      r14 = 0x00000000     ( decimal: 0 )

      r15 = 0x00FFFF00     ( decimal: 16776960    ascii: "...." )


      f0  = 0x00000000 00000000   ( value = 0 )

      f1  = 0x00000000 00000000   ( value = 0 )

      f2  = 0x00000000 00000000   ( value = 0 )

      f3  = 0x00000000 00000000   ( value = 0 )

      f4  = 0x00000000 00000000   ( value = 0 )

      f5  = 0x00000000 00000000   ( value = 0 )

      f6  = 0x00000000 00000000   ( value = 0 )

      f7  = 0x00000000 00000000   ( value = 0 )

      f8  = 0x00000000 00000000   ( value = 0 )

      f9  = 0x00000000 00000000   ( value = 0 )

      f10 = 0x00000000 00000000   ( value = 0 )

      f11 = 0x00000000 00000000   ( value = 0 )

      f12 = 0x00000000 00000000   ( value = 0 )

      f13 = 0x00000000 00000000   ( value = 0 )

      f14 = 0x00000000 00000000   ( value = 0 )

      f15 = 0x00000000 00000000   ( value = 0 )


      PC   = 0x00000074     ( decimal: 116         ascii: "...t" )

      PTBR = 0x00000000     ( decimal: 0 )

      PTLR = 0x00000000     ( decimal: 0 )

                            ---- ----  ---- ----  ---- ----  --IS PZVN

      SR   = 0x00000034  =  0000 0000  0000 0000  0000 0000  0011 0100

               I = 1   Interrupts Enabled

               S = 1   System Mode

               P = 0   Paging Disabled

               Z = 1   Zero

               V = 0   No Overflow

               N = 0   Not Negative


      Pending Interrupts                = 0x00000008


      System Trap Number                = 0x00000000

      Page Invalid Offending Address    = 0x00000000

      Page Readonly Offending Address   = 0x00000000

      Time of next timer event          = 91091

      Time of next disk event           = 2147483647

      Time of next serial in event      = 91355

      Time of next serial out event     = 2147483647

        Current Time                    = 90354

        Time of next event              = 91091

        Time Spent Sleeping             = 966

          Instructions Executed         = 89388

      Number of Disk Reads              = 0

      Number of Disk Writes             = 0


    Next instruction to execute will be:

    000074: 01000000       wait   




Examining and Modifying Registers


The ÒrÓ command is used to display the contents of the integer registers.


    > r

    =====  SYSTEM REGISTERS  =====

      r0  = 0x00000000     ( decimal: 0 )

      r1  = 0x000000AA     ( decimal: 170         ascii: "...."   waitMsg )

      r2  = 0x00002088     ( decimal: 8328        ascii: ".. ."   outBufCt )

      r3  = 0x00000000     ( decimal: 0 )

      r4  = 0x00000000     ( decimal: 0 )

      r5  = 0x00000000     ( decimal: 0 )

      r6  = 0x00000000     ( decimal: 0 )

      r7  = 0x00000000     ( decimal: 0 )

      r8  = 0x00000000     ( decimal: 0 )

      r9  = 0x00000000     ( decimal: 0 )

      r10 = 0x00000000     ( decimal: 0 )

      r11 = 0x00000000     ( decimal: 0 )

      r12 = 0x00000000     ( decimal: 0 )

      r13 = 0x00000000     ( decimal: 0 )

      r14 = 0x00000000     ( decimal: 0 )

      r15 = 0x00FFFF00     ( decimal: 16776960    ascii: "...." )




At any instant, the BLITZ machine is either in ÒSystem ModeÓ or ÒUser ModeÓ, as determined by the ÒSÓ bit in the status word.  The BLITZ machine has two sets of registers; the ÒrÓ command will display whichever register set is in use. If the machine is in System Mode, the system registers will be displayed and if the machine is in User Mode, the user registers will be displayed.


You may also modify individual integer registers with commands such as Òr3Ó and Òr12Ó.  For example:


    > r1

      SYSTEM r1 = 0x000000AA     ( decimal: 170         )

    Enter the new value (in hex): 123abc

      SYSTEM r1 = 0x00123ABC     ( decimal: 1194684     )



To display the contents of the floating-point registers, the ÒfloatÓ command (which may be abbreviated ÒfÓ), can be used:


    > f


      f0  = 0x00000000 00000000   ( value = 0 )

      f1  = 0x00000000 00000000   ( value = 0 )

      f2  = 0x00000000 00000000   ( value = 0 )

      f3  = 0x00000000 00000000   ( value = 0 )

      f4  = 0x00000000 00000000   ( value = 0 )

      f5  = 0x00000000 00000000   ( value = 0 )

      f6  = 0x00000000 00000000   ( value = 0 )

      f7  = 0x00000000 00000000   ( value = 0 )

      f8  = 0x00000000 00000000   ( value = 0 )

      f9  = 0x00000000 00000000   ( value = 0 )

      f10 = 0x00000000 00000000   ( value = 0 )

      f11 = 0x00000000 00000000   ( value = 0 )

      f12 = 0x00000000 00000000   ( value = 0 )

      f13 = 0x00000000 00000000   ( value = 0 )

      f14 = 0x00000000 00000000   ( value = 0 )

      f15 = 0x00000000 00000000   ( value = 0 )




You may also modify individual floating-point registers with commands such as Òf3Ó and Òf12Ó.  For example:


    > f5

      f5 = 0x00000000 00000000   ( value = 0 )

    Enter the new value (e.g., 1.1, -123.456e-10, nan, inf, -inf): -5.7

      f5 = 0xC016CCCC CCCCCCCD   ( value = -5.7 )




The ÒAuto-GoÓ Option


Normally, the emulator begins by asking for a command. It executes the command, displays the result, and asks for the next command in a loop. The emulator can also be set to begin execution automatically. This is called the Òauto-goÓ feature and may be specified using the command line option Ò-gÓ.


    % blitz –g


The Òauto-goÓ option causes the emulator to begin executing the BLITZ program immediately. Only if errors occur, will the emulator go into command-line mode. It will display an error message and ask the user to enter a command. If the program terminates without any errors, then the emulator will also terminate.



Single-Stepping Machine Instructions


The ÒstepÓ command (which may be abbreviated ÒsÓ) can be used to single-step the emulator.


Entering this command will cause a single BLITZ machine instruction to be executed, and control to be returned to the emulator command interface.  After the instruction is executed, the emulator will show the instruction that is due to be executed next (not the instruction that was executed) so you can stop before an instruction of interest.


In the following example, three instructions are executed.


    > s

    Done!  The next instruction to execute will be:

    000078: A1FFFFE0       jmp     0xFFFFE0         ! targetAddr = busywait

    > s

    Done!  The next instruction to execute will be:



    000058: 6B310000       load    [r1+r0],r3

    > s

    Done!  The next instruction to execute will be:

    00005C: 88030002       and     r3,0x0002,r0     ! decimal: 2, ascii: ".." 



Executing a large number of instructions using the ÒstepÓ command quickly becomes tedious. To speed up things, you can use the ÒstepnÓ command. The ÒstepnÓ instruction begins by asking you how many instructions you wish to execute. It then executes this many instructions and suspends execution.


An example of the ÒstepnÓ instruction appears next. The program being executed prints the message ÒHello, worldÓ. In this example, we execute 77 instructions, which is enough to print the first part of the message. We see the characters ÒHello, Ó displayed right after the ÒBeginning execution...Ó message.


    > stepn

    Enter the number of instructions to execute: 77

    Beginning execution...

    Hello, Done!  The next instruction to execute will be:

    00006C: A2000010       be      0x000010         ! targetAddr = loopExit




Debugging KPL Programs


Consider this program, written in the KPL programming language.  (Line numbers have been added.)


    1    header Hello

    2      uses System

    3      functions

    4        main ()

    5    endHeader



    1    code Test


    3      function main ()

    4          print ("Hello, world...\n")

    5          foo ()

    6        endFunction


    8      function foo ()

    9        var x: int = 1

    10         bar (x + 1)

    11       endFunction


    13     function bar (a: int)

    14       var y: int = a + 1

    15         test (y + 1)

    16       endFunction


    18     function test (b: int)

    19       var z: int = b + 1

    20         print ("The value of z is ")

    21         printInt (z)

    22         nl ()

    23         debug

    24       endFunction


    26   endCode


Here are the commands needed to compile, assemble, and link this program:


    % kpl Test

    % asm Test.s

    % kpl System -unsafe

    % asm System.s

    % lddd Test.o System.o runtime.o –o Test


To execute the program, the emulator is invoked and the ÒgoÓ command is issued:


    % blitz Test


    =====                                       =====

    =====      The BLITZ Machine Emulator       =====

    =====                                       =====

    =====  Copyright 2001, Harry H. Porter III  =====

    =====                                       =====



    Enter a command at the prompt.  Type 'quit' to exit or 'help' for

    info about commands.

    > go

    Beginning execution...

    ====================  KPL PROGRAM STARTING  ====================

    Hello, world...

    The value of z is 5


    ****  A 'debug' instruction was encountered  *****

    Done!  The next instruction to execute will be:

    0016AC: 87D00017       or      r0,0x0017,r13  ! decimal: 23, ascii: ".." 



This program prints a message and then calls function ÒfooÓ. The function ÒfooÓ calls function ÒbarÓ which then calls function ÒtestÓ. The function ÒtestÓ prints the value of a variable and then executes the ÒdebugÓ statement.


The compiler translates the KPL ÒdebugÓ statement into the ÒdebugÓ machine instruction. When executed, the ÒdebugÓ instruction causes the emulator to immediately suspend execution, print the message


    ****  A 'debug' instruction was encountered  *****


and re-enter the command-line mode. The user may now inspect the state of the BLITZ machine.


The ÒstackÓ command can be used to run through the activation record stack and print information showing where, in each currently active function, execution is suspended.


    > stack

       Function/Method        Frame Addr   Execution at...

       ====================   ==========   =====================

       test                    00FFFEA8    Test.c, line 23

       bar                     00FFFEC4    Test.c, line 15

       foo                     00FFFEE0    Test.c, line 10

       main                    00FFFEF8    Test.c, line 5

    Bottom of activation frame stack!



At the top of the stack, we see that we are executing in the function ÒtestÓ.  Furthermore, we can see the source code location of the statement being executed.  The ÒdebugÓ statement is on line 23 in the file named ÒTest.cÓ.  The function ÒtestÓ was called from the function ÒbarÓ and the call occurs on line 15.


The ÒstackÓ command assumes a KPL program has been running.  The command examines the contents of memory and extracts the information from the runtime stack.  If memory has been corrupted, this command might print erroneous information.  Nonetheless, the ÒstackÓ command is useful in debugging KPL programs.


The ÒframeÓ command can be used to see the current values of local variables.  For example:


    > frame

    =====  Frame number 0 (where StackTop = 0)  =====

    Function Name:    test                  

    Filename:         Test.c

    Execution now at: line 23

    Frame Addr:       00FFFEA8

    frameSize:        12

    totalParmSize:    4


       sp--> -20   00FFFE94:  00000005

             -16   00FFFE98:  00000005

             -12   00FFFE9c:  000011D8

    R.D.ptr:  -8   00FFFEA0:  000016C0

        r13:  -4   00FFFEA4:  0000000F

         fp:   0   00FFFEA8:  00FFFEC4

    RetAddr:   4   00FFFEAc:  000015CC


       Args:   8   00fffeb0:  00000004




      b: int

               8   00FFFEB0:  00000004    value = 4


             -12   00FFFE9C:  000011D8

      z: int

             -16   00FFFE98:  00000005    value = 5




In this example, the ÒframeÓ command prints information from the frame on the top of the stack, which is the frame of the currently executing function.  We see the name of the function (ÒtestÓ) and, within it, where execution currently is (line 23 in file ÒTest.cÓ).  Next, we see the exact contents of the frame in hex (between the ====== markers), as well as offsets and memory addresses.


Then we see the names of the parameters and local variables of this function, along with their types and current values.  The values are given in hex.  For some types of data (namely integers, doubles, Booleans, characters), the data is also printed in human-readable form. For pointers, we also see the word of data pointed to.  The compiler generates temporary variables with names such as Ò_temp_21Ó and the values of these are also printed.


The stack may contain many frames.  In this example, the stack contains 4 frames. When debugging some programs, we may need to look at more than just the top (currently executing) frame.  To look at other frames, we use the ÒupÓ and ÒdownÓ commands.


The ÒstackÓ, ÒupÓ, ÒdownÓ commands all use a notion of the Òcurrent frame positionÓ.  The ÒdownÓ command moves the current position down the stack (away from the top), while the ÒupÓ command moves it back up.  The ÒframeÓ command simply prints the current frame.


For example, the ÒdownÓ command will take us to the frame of the function that called ÒtestÓ:


    > down

    =====  Frame number 1 (where StackTop = 0)  =====

    Function Name:    bar                   

    Filename:         Test.c

    Execution now at: line 15

    Frame Addr:       00FFFEC4

    frameSize:        12

    totalParmSize:    4


             -20   00FFFEB0:  00000004

             -16   00FFFEB4:  00000003

             -12   00FFFEB8:  00000004

    R.D.ptr:  -8   00FFFEBC:  000015E0

        r13:  -4   00FFFEC0:  0000000A

         fp:   0   00FFFEC4:  00FFFEE0

    RetAddr:   4   00FFFEC8:  00001514


       Args:   8   00FFFECC:  00000002




      a: int

               8   00FFFECC:  00000002    value = 2


             -12   00FFFEB8:  00000004

      y: int

             -16   00FFFEB4:  00000003    value = 3




Here, we see the same information as we saw for the other frame.  We see the name of the function ÒbarÓ, where execution is (line 15), and the current values of the variables (ÒaÓ has value 2 and ÒyÓ has value 3).



Single-Stepping KPL Programs


Consider the ÒTestÓ program discussed above.  LetÕs restart the program by issuing the ÒresetÓ command, which resets the CPU and reloads memory.


    > reset

    Resetting all CPU registers and re-reading file "Test"...



We can single-step the program by issuing the ÒtÓ command, which will execute a single KPL statement and re-enter the emulatorÕs command-line mode.  Here is an example showing the execution of several KPL statements:


    > t

    About to execute FUNCTION ENTRY

                                       in main (Test.c, line 3)  time = 516

    > t

    About to execute FUNCTION CALL (external function)

                                       in main (Test.c, line 4)  time = 523

    > t

    Hello, world...

    About to execute FUNCTION CALL

                                       in main (Test.c, line 5)  time = 531

    > t

    About to execute FUNCTION ENTRY

                                       in foo (Test.c, line 8)  time = 550

    > t

    About to execute FUNCTION CALL

                                       in foo (Test.c, line 10)  time = 561

    > t

    About to execute FUNCTION ENTRY

                                       in bar (Test.c, line 13)  time = 580

    > t

    About to execute FUNCTION CALL

                                       in bar (Test.c, line 15)  time = 594

    > t

    About to execute FUNCTION ENTRY

                                       in test (Test.c, line 18)  time = 613

    > t

    About to execute FUNCTION CALL (external function)

                                       in test (Test.c, line 20)  time = 625

    > t

    The value of z is 5About to execute FUNCTION CALL

                                       in test (Test.c, line 22)  time = 642

    > t

    About to execute FUNCTION ENTRY

                                       in nl (System.c, line 48)  time = 655

    > t

    About to execute FUNCTION CALL (external function)

                                       in nl (System.c, line 49)  time = 659

    > t


    About to execute RETURN statement

                                       in nl (System.c, line 49)  time = 666



The ÒtÓ command executes one KPL statement and then stops.  After stopping, the ÒtÓ command prints information about the next statement to be executed.


The execution of one KPL statement involves the execution of several machine instructions.  Although the algorithm used by the emulator to determine exactly where the statement boundaries are is not 100% accurate, it will allow the programmer to walk through a programÕs execution at higher-level than machine instructions.


However, with large programs, single-stepping can get very tedious. When this happens, the programmer should consider the ÒuÓ command.


The ÒuÓ command will execute many KPL statements at once, and will stop only when a function or method is entered.  The ÒuÓ command will also stop just before a return is performed.


The ÒuÓ command can be used to execute a KPL program quickly, allowing the programmer to get to the point of interest.  Once there, the programmer can single-step using the ÒtÓ command, or look at the variables with the ÒstackÓ and ÒframeÓ commands.


In the above example, there were no statements other than call and return statements, so there is little reason to use the ÒuÓ  command.


The next example involves the execution of a larger program, which is not shown.  The ÒuÓ command is used to enter and leave different methods and functions.  Once in the method called ÒAddToEndÓ, the ÒtÓ command is used to single-step execution.


    > u

    About to execute METHOD ENTRY

                      in List::IsEmpty (List.c, line 49)  time = 11087

    > u

    About to execute RETURN statement

                      in List::IsEmpty (List.c, line 52)  time = 11098

    > u

    About to execute METHOD ENTRY

                      in Thread::Yield (Kernel.c, line 290)  time = 11168

    > u

    About to execute FUNCTION ENTRY

                      in SetInterruptsTo (Kernel.c, line 178)  time = 11197

    > u

    About to execute RETURN statement

                      in SetInterruptsTo (Kernel.c, line 198)  time = 11229

    > u

    About to execute METHOD ENTRY

                      in List::Remove (List.c, line 33)  time = 11270

    > u

    About to execute RETURN statement

                      in List::Remove (List.c, line 46)  time = 11316

    > u

    About to execute METHOD ENTRY

                      in List::AddToEnd (List.c, line 20)  time = 11379

    > t

    About to execute IF statement

                      in List::AddToEnd (List.c, line 24)  time = 11381

    > t

    About to execute SEND

                      in List::AddToEnd (List.c, line 24)  time = 11383

    > t

    About to execute METHOD ENTRY

                      in List::IsEmpty (List.c, line 49)  time = 11404

    > t

    About to execute IF statement

                      in List::IsEmpty (List.c, line 51)  time = 11406

    > t

    About to execute ELSE statement

                      in List::IsEmpty (List.c, line 54)  time = 11413

    > t

    About to execute RETURN statement

                      in List::IsEmpty (List.c, line 54)  time = 11415

    > t

    About to execute THEN statement

                      in List::AddToEnd (List.c, line 25)  time = 11427

    > t

    About to execute ASSIGN statement

                      in List::AddToEnd (List.c, line 25)  time = 11429

    > t

    About to execute RETURN statement

                      in List::AddToEnd (List.c, line 24)  time = 11440




Note that the ÒtimeÓ displayed shows that this example spanned the execution of 353 machine instructions.  The time value can be used in conjunction with the ÒstepnÓ command to quickly get to the same point again.


Next, we discuss a ÒtrickÓ which allows us to effectively Òback upÓ program execution.  This can be useful when debugging.  We say ÒeffectivelyÓ back up because the CPU cannot actually be run in reverse.


LetÕs assume that after single-stepping the program for a while, we realize that a bug may involve something that happened a little earlier.  In the above example, letÕs assume that we want to back up the execution and see the value of the variable ÒpÓ directly before the assignment statement is executed.  In other words, we want to back-up execution to time 11429 and look at the value of ÒpÓ before the assignment statement.  Unfortunately, the assignment statement has already been executed, possibly changing the value of Òp.Ó


To Òback upÓ the CPU, we execute the ÒresetÓ command to restart the program, followed by ÒstepnÓ to get to the time of interest, followed by the ÒframeÓ command to see the variableÕs value.


    > reset

    Resetting all CPU registers and re-reading file "os"...

    > stepn

    Enter the number of instructions to execute: 11429

    Beginning execution...

    ====================  KPL PROGRAM STARTING  ====================

    Initializing Thread Scheduler...

    Initializing Idle Process...

    Done!  The next instruction to execute will be:

    0049C4: 8B1E000C       load    [r14+0x000C],r1  ! decimal: 12 

    > frame

    =====  Frame number 0 (where StackTop = 0)  =====

    Function Name:    List::AddToEnd

    Filename:         List.c

    Execution now at: line 25

    Frame Addr:       0002F410

    frameSize:        12

    totalParmSize:    8


       sp--> -20   0002F3FC:  0102D334

             -16   0002F400:  0002D334

             -12   0002F404:  00000000

    R.D.ptr:  -8   0002F408:  00004A50

        r13:  -4   0002F40C:  00000142

         fp:   0   0002F410:  0002F44C

    RetAddr:   4   0002F414:  000123D4


       Args:   8   0002F418:  0002D334

              12   0002F41C:  0002E404




      self: ptr

               4   0002F414:  000123D4    --> 000123D4:  8B1EFFDC

      p: ptr

              12   0002F41C:  0002E404    --> (_P_Kernel_idleThread) 0002E404:  00011914


             -12   0002F404:  00000000


             -16   0002F400:  0002D334




The ÒfmemÓ Command


The ÒfmemÓ command is similar to the ÒdumpmemÓ command.  Both commands display the contents of the BLITZ machineÕs main memory.  The ÒdumpmemÓ command displays the contents in hex and in ASCII.  The ÒfmemÓ command interprets the memory as holding floating-point values and print these.


Here is an example of the same block of memory.  First it is displayed using the ÒdumpmemÓ command.  Second it is displayed with ÒfmemÓ.


    > dm

    Enter the starting (physical) memory address in hex: 40

    Enter the number of bytes in hex (or 0 to abort): 100

    00000040:  C010 00FF  C110 FF00  C020 00FF  C120 FF04    ......... ... ..

    00000050:  C040 0000  C140 0084  6B31 0000  8803 0002    .@...@..k1......

    00000060:  A2FF FFF8  6C54 0000  8105 0000  A200 0010    ....lT..........

    00000070:  8044 0001  6F52 0000  A1FF FFE0  0200 0000    .D..oR..........

    00000080:  A1FF FFB8  4865 6C6C  6F2C 2077  6F72 6C64    ....Hello, world

    00000090:  210A 0D00  0000 0000  0000 0000  0000 0000    !...............

    000000A0:  0000 0000  0000 0000  0000 0000  0000 0000    ................

    000000B0:  0000 0000  0000 0000  0000 0000  0000 0000    ................

    000000C0:  0000 0000  0000 0000  0000 0000  0000 0000    ................

    000000D0:  0000 0000  0000 0000  0000 0000  0000 0000    ................

    000000E0:  0000 0000  0000 0000  0000 0000  0000 0000    ................

    000000F0:  0000 0000  0000 0000  0000 0000  0000 0000    ................

    00000100:  0000 0000  0000 0000  0000 0000  0000 0000    ................

    00000110:  0000 0000  0000 0000  0000 0000  0000 0000    ................

    00000120:  0000 0000  0000 0000  0000 0000  0000 0000    ................

    00000130:  0000 0000  0000 0000  0000 0000  0000 0000    ................

    > fmem

    Enter the beginning phyical address (in hex): 40

    Dumping 256 bytes as 32 double-precision floating-points...

       000040: C01000FF C110FF00   value = -4.00097562471615

       000048: C02000FF C120FF04   value = -8.00195125129495

       000050: C0400000 C1400084   value = -32.0000230371961



       000058: 6B310000 88030002   value = 2.18316291430363e+208

       000060: A2FFFFF8 6C540000   value = -4.19865739775962e-140

       000068: 81050000 A2000010   value = -9.56960205083827e-304

       000070: 80440001 6F520000   value = -2.22507629429519e-307

       000078: A1FFFFE0 02000000   value = -6.40656817048898e-145

       000080: A1FFFFB8 48656C6C   value = -6.40644681309642e-145

       000088: 6F2C2077 6F726C64   value = 3.3315582820848e+227

       000090: 210A0D00 00000000   value = 1.59166957876397e-149

       000098: 00000000 00000000   value = 0

       0000A0: 00000000 00000000   value = 0

       0000A8: 00000000 00000000   value = 0

       0000B0: 00000000 00000000   value = 0

       0000B8: 00000000 00000000   value = 0

       0000C0: 00000000 00000000   value = 0

       0000C8: 00000000 00000000   value = 0

       0000D0: 00000000 00000000   value = 0

       0000D8: 00000000 00000000   value = 0

       0000E0: 00000000 00000000   value = 0

       0000E8: 00000000 00000000   value = 0

       0000F0: 00000000 00000000   value = 0

       0000F8: 00000000 00000000   value = 0

       000100: 00000000 00000000   value = 0

       000108: 00000000 00000000   value = 0

       000110: 00000000 00000000   value = 0

       000118: 00000000 00000000   value = 0

       000120: 00000000 00000000   value = 0

       000128: 00000000 00000000   value = 0

       000130: 00000000 00000000   value = 0

       000138: 00000000 00000000   value = 0




Changing the Program Counter


The ÒsetpcÓ command can be used to change the Program Counter (the ÒPCÓ register).  The PC indicates where the next instruction will be fetched from.  Changing it will, in effect, cause a branch to the new location.


    > setpc

    Please enter the new value for the program counter (PC): 40

      PC   = 0x00000040     ( decimal: 64          ascii: '@' )

    Next instruction to execute will be:

    000040: C01000FF       sethi   0x00FF,r1        ! 0x00FFFF00 = 16776960




Interrupt Processing


Recall that the Status Registers in the CPU contains the following bits:


    I:   Interrupts Enabled

    S:   System Mode

    P:   Paging Enabled

    Z:   Result is Zero

    V:   Overflow Occurred

    N:   Result is Negative


The state of these bits controls the execution behavior of the CPU; for details, consult the document titled ÒThe BLITZ ArchitectureÓ. These bits can be changed with the following commands:


    setI    - Set the I bit

    setS    - Set the S bit

    setP    - Set the P bit

    setZ    - Set the Z bit

    setV    - Set the V bit

    setN    - Set the N bit

    clearI  - Clear the I bit

    clearS  - Clear the S bit

    clearP  - Clear the P bit

    clearZ  - Clear the Z bit

    clearV  - Clear the V bit

    clearN  - Clear the N bit


For example:


    > sets

    The S bit is now 1: System Mode.

    > cleari

    The I bit is now 0: Interrupts Disabled.



The contents of the Status Register is displayed as part of the ÒinfoÓ command. The leading 26 of the 32 bits in this registers are unused and will always be zero.


    > info


                            ---- ----  ---- ----  ---- ----  --IS PZVN

      SR   = 0x0000001F  =  0000 0000  0000 0000  0000 0000  0001 1111

               I = 0   Interrupts Disabled

               S = 1   System Mode

               P = 0   Paging Disabled

               Z = 0   Not Zero

               V = 0   No Overflow

               N = 0   Not Negative




You may see which interrupts have been signaled with the ÒinfoÓ command.


    > info


      Pending Interrupts                = 0x00000002





Unmaskable interrupts will be processed on the next cycle. Maskable interrupts will either be processed (if the ÒIÓ bit is set) or will remain pending until the ÒIÓ bit is changed to 1.


Pending interrupts can be cleared with the ÒcancelÓ command. This command will cancel both maskable and unmaskable interrupts.


    > cancel

    All pending interrupts have been cancelled.



When an interrupt is processed, an extra ÒstepÓ cycle is required. This is illustrated in the next example. Prior to what is shown below, we assume a TIMER_INTERRUPT  is pending but the ÒIÓ bit in the Status Register is Ò0Ó. Thus, the interrupt is temporarily masked.


The first command is a ÒstepÓ, which executes the instruction directly before the ÒstoreÓ. If we were to execute another ÒstepÓ command at this point, the ÒstoreÓ instruction would be executed.


    > s

    Done!  The next instruction to execute will be:

    000E84: 6F120000       store   r1,[r2+r0]



Instead of another ÒstepÓ, we issue the ÒsetiÓ command, which changes the Status Register. Now the interrupt is no longer masked and interrupt processing will occur next.


    > seti

    The I bit is now 1: Interrupts Enabled.



Next, we issue a ÒstepÓ command. No instruction is executed during this step cycle. Instead, the interrupt processing is initiated.


    > s

    Processing an interrupt and jumping into interrupt vector.

    Done!  The next instruction to execute will be:


    000004: 08000000       reti   



In this program, TIMER_INTERRUPTs are dealt with by simply returning; no computation is necessary. Therefore, this program has previously loaded a return-from-interrupt instruction (ÒretiÓ) into the interrupt vector in low memory, instead of a jump to the interrupt handling routine, which might be more typical of an operating system. In this program, the interrupt handler effectively consists of this single ÒretiÓ instruction.


Finally, we issue another ÒstepÓ command. During this step cycle, the ÒretiÓ instruction is executed and control returns to the interrupted code.


    > s

    Done!  The next instruction to execute will be:

    000E84: 6F120000       store   r1,[r2+r0]



If we were to execute another ÒstepÓ command at this point, the ÒstoreÓ instruction would be executed.



Coping with Errors During Emulation


The BLITZ architecture describes how the BLITZ machine will respond to various instructions. Included in the BLITZ architecture is information about how various error conditions are handled. For example, an attempt to divide by zero will cause an Arithmetic Exception. Such an error will not interrupt the emulator.


In fact, all interrupts, including asynchronous hardware interrupts and synchronous exceptions during instruction execution, will be processed as specified in the BLITZ architecture. Interrupts will not stop instruction emulation.


However, there are several error conditions that the emulator will watch for. These primarily concern the I/O devices. For example, if the BLITZ program fails to fetch a character on the serial input before the next character arrives, this error will be caught by the emulator. Whenever the emulator catches an error, it will print an error message and immediately suspend instruction execution. The command loop will then be entered.


The BLITZ architecture requires word alignment on word-length data. I considered requiring double-word alignment for double-length data, just as many real machines do, but I decided not to require double alignment, since it complicates things. The presence of word alignment certainly gives the idea of alignment requirements, while having several flavors of alignment (e.g., halfword, word, double) adds little more than additional complexity.



Probabilistic and Pseudorandom Behavior


The BLITZ emulator includes the simulation of several asynchronous and probabilistic events. Most of the BLITZ architecture is deterministic, but things like interrupts will occur at random times. In addition, the emulator can simulate things like random disk read/write errors and statistical variation of timer interrupts.


In order to simulate such asynchronous or probabilistic behavior, the emulator uses a random number generator to determine when asynchronous or probabilistic events are to occur.


The random number generator supplies a sequence of pseudo-random numbers from an initial Òrandom number seedÓ.  The emulator uses numbers from this sequence in determining when to generate asynchronous events, etc. Since all random numbers are pseudo-random, the emulator should run exactly identically each time, as long as the initial seed is identical. Even though probabilistic behavior is being simulated, the behavior of the emulator will be fully repeatable. This is useful in debugging BLITZ programs.


To test the behavior of non-deterministic programs, you may supply a different random number seed when the emulator starts up. This will cause asynchronous events to be signaled at slightly different times. There is a default random seed which can be overridden with the Ò-rÓ command line option:


    % blitz –r 123654


Each time the emulator is run with the same random seed, the results should be identical.


Unfortunately, there is a second source of non-determinism, besides the random number generator. Input for the Òserial I/OÓ device may come from either a file or directly from the user, via the keyboard. If the input comes from a file, each run of the emulator using the same seed will be identical; there can be no variation. However, if the input comes from the keyboard, then the program may execute differently from run to run, even though the random number seed is the same. This is because the timing of the serial input interrupts will be governed by the actual arrival times of input characters from the keyboard. The BLITZ program will continue to execute (like any real CPU) waiting until the input actually arrives. The exact timing of the interrupts will be dependent on the typing of input by the user. If the BLITZ program is well-behaved, the input will be handled correctly, independently of the precise timing of keystrokes, but if the program contains race conditions, its behavior may be non-repeatable.



Emulating the BLITZ Input/Output Devices


The BLITZ computer has two I/O devices. One is a serial I/O interface and the other is a disk.


The serial I/O interface is used for communicating with a human user. The BLITZ emulator will emulate the serial I/O device by either getting input from the user (i.e., from ÒstdinÓ) or by getting input from a file. If a file is used, it is specified with a command line option when the emulator is first invoked. For example:


    % blitz –i InFileName


All output to the serial I/O device goes to ÒstdoutÓ, unless it is re-directed with the Ò-oÓ command line option:


    % blitz –o OutFileName


Normally, the Ò-iÓ and Ò-oÓ options will not be used. Normally, the serial I/O will go directly to the terminal interface so the running BLITZ program will interact directly with the user.


The BLITZ disk device is emulated using a file on the host computer. All disk reads and disk writes will be simulated by getting and putting data to this file. This file is named ÒDISKÓ by default, but a different name can be given using a command line option to the emulator:


    % blitz –d DiskFileName



Memory-Mapped I/O


The BLITZ architecture has no instructions specifically for I/O.  Instead, the BLITZ machine communicates with various I/O devices using a technique called Òmemory-mapped I/OÓ. With this approach, a region of physical memory is set aside for sending data to and receiving data from the various I/O devices of the BLITZ machine.


To send data to an external device, the CPU writes data into one of several special, predfined memory addresses.  Instead of storing the bits in physical memory, the data is passed through to one of the I/O devices as described below.  Likewise, to retrieve data from an external device, the CPU reads from one of several special, predefined memory locations.  Instead of fetching data from main memory, the I/O device provides data.  Thus, the memory ÒloadÓ and ÒstoreÓ commands may be used to interact with and control the external I/O devices.


Currently, there are only two devices supported by the BLITZ emulator: a serial interface and a disk drive.


Communication with the serial I/O device is through two memory addresses, called





Communication with the disk device is through four memory addresses, called







The following constants describe where the memory-mapped region of memory is and where the various I/O addresses are located. (The values given here are the defaults. They may be changed by specifying different values in the Ò.blitzrcÓ file.)














Sometimes, these special, predefined memory-mapped I/O addresses are called ÒregistersÓ, although they are quite different from any CPU registers.  Also note that the same address may be used for an input address and for an output address.  (This is the case for DISK_STATUS_WORD_ADDRESS and DISK_COMMAND_WORD_ADDRESS.)


The memory-mapped region of physical memory is the range of addresses from MEMORY_MAPPED_AREA_LOW to MEMORY_MAPPED_AREA_HIGH, inclusive. Normally it is 256 bytes, as shown above.


All addresses in the memory-mapped region besides those mentioned above for the serial I/O device and the disk device are unassigned and should not be used. Any attempt to load or store from those addresses will be caught by the emulator. An error message will be printed and instruction emulation will be suspended.


Note that these constants are shared by both the emulator and the program being emulated. A change to one of these values would require a change to both the BLITZ emulator as well as the BLITZ program itself.



The Serial I/O Device


The BLITZ computer includes a serial I/O device, which allows BLITZ programs to communicate with the outside world via a two-way, asynchronous stream of bytes. The serial device is also referred to as the ÒterminalÓ device.


The serial I/O interface is intended to be a simplified model of a typical interface to a standard UART serial interface chip, which in turn interfaces to something like an RS-232 terminal or modem port.


The serial I/O interface might be connected to either a display terminal (such as an old-fashioned teletype terminal, which transmits and receives ASCII characters, one-by-one), or to a modem, or to an RS-232 type serial interface. With the BLITZ emulator, the serial I/O interface is connected to either the terminal you are using (e.g., Unix ÒstdinÓ and ÒstdoutÓ) or to a file (using the –i and –o options on the emulator command line). By using stdin and stdout, you can communicate with a running BLITZ program simply by typing on the terminal.


The serial I/O interface is asynchronous and two-way, which means that bytes may be transmitted in either direction simultaneously, with no timing connection between the input and output flows.


The communication is through two memory-mapped registers, called





At any moment, the serial I/O device is either busy sending a character or not, and it is busy receiving a character or not. To determine the status of the device, a BLITZ program may read from the SERIAL_STATUS_WORD location in memory. The word retrieved will have this format:


      byte 1      byte 2      byte 3      byte 4

    ==== ====   ==== ====   ==== ====   ==== ====

    0000 0000   0000 0000   0000 0000   0000 00RA


    R = OutputReady bit (1=ready, 0=not ready)

    A = CharacterAvailable bit (1=available, 0=not available)


When the device is ready and capable of sending a new character to the terminal, the OutputReady bit will be 1. To start the transmission of a character to the terminal, the BLITZ program should write a word to the SERIAL_DATA_WORD. The least significant byte of this word should contain a byte of data, which will normally be an ASCII character. (The remaining bytes in word are ignored.) The OutputReady bit will change to a zero, and the character will be transmitted. The transmission is not instantaneous, but is in fact a rather slow process, so the OutputReady bit will stay zero for some time. Later, after the transmission is completed, the device will become ready to receive another character for transmission, and the OutputReady bit will once again change to 1.


From time-to-time keys may be pressed on the keyboard (or bytes will be received on the serial I/O interface). Each time a key is pressed, the CharacterAvailable bit will change to 1. The BLITZ program may then get the character by reading from the SERIAL_DATA_WORD. Whenever the BLITZ program reads the SERIAL_DATA_WORD, the CharacterAvailable bit will change to 0. It is the BLITZ programÕs responsibility to retrieve the characters from the SERIAL_DATA_WORD in a timely way; if the data is not retrieved, it will be lost when the next character comes in from the keyboard. (It is not an error to re-read from the SERIAL_DATA_WORD, before CharacterAvailable becomes true again for the next character.)


Every time a transmission is completed and the OutputReady bit is changed to 1, a SerialInterrupt will occur. Also, every time a character reception is completed and the CharacterAvailable bit is changed to 1, a SerialInterrupt will occur. (However, when these bits are changed to zero, there will be no interrupt.) The BLITZ program may read from the SERIAL_STATUS_WORD as often as desired to check the state of the bits. The program should never write to the SERIAL_STATUS_WORD.


The emulator checks for several errors that may occur regarding the proper operation of the serial I/O device. If the BLITZ program writes to the SERIAL_STATUS_WORD, an error message will be displayed and instruction execution will be suspended immediately. If the BLITZ program attempts to send a character to the terminal (by writing to the SERIAL_DATA_WORD) before the terminal is ready to display the next character (i.e., while OutputReady is false), an error message will be displayed and instruction execution will be suspended immediately. If a character is input (i.e., a key is pressed), before the previous input character was retrieved (i.e., before the BLITZ program has read from the SERIAL_DATA_WORD), then an error message will be displayed and instruction execution will be suspended immediately.



Echoing and Buffering of Raw and Cooked Serial Input


With an operating system such as Unix, some rather complex processing is done on character input and output to a terminal. For example, whenever the user hits a key on the keyboard, the character is normally echoed by Unix and then simply added to a buffer area. The characters in the buffer are accumulated as they are typed, but are not given to the user-level program until the user hits the ENTER key. Then, the entire line of characters is given to the user-level program all at once.


Unix also handles several control characters specially. For example, when the user hits the backspace key, Unix will send characters to the terminal to back up the cursor, display a blank to over-write the previous character, and finally reposition the cursor.


When the user hits the ENTER key, many terminals will transmit the ASCII ÒCRÓ character, not the ASCII ÒNLÓ character to the computer. Recall that the CR and NL characters are different.


               ASCII name   C notation   Hex value   Decimal value

               ==========   ==========   =========   =============

    ÒnewlineÓ     NL (or LF)   Ô\nÕ         0A           10

    ÒreturnÓ      CR           Ô\rÕ         0D           13


Unix generally echoes the CR character with two characters: the CR followed by the NL. Then, an NL character is added to the buffer, instead of the CR character which was actually received.


With Unix, all of this processing is completely configurable, making it possible to use many different types of terminal, each with slightly different behaviors, while not requiring any change to user-level programs. For example, all programs expect lines to end with NL, even though some terminals may send different characters when the ENTER key is pressed.


When the BLITZ emulator uses ÒstdinÓ and ÒstdoutÓ for the serial I/O device, the emulator may run in either of two modes: ÒrawÓ or ÒcookedÓ. The default is ÒcookedÓ mode, but you may switch the emulator between modes with the ÒrawÓ and ÒcookedÓ commands.


    > raw

    Future terminal input will be "raw".

    > cooked

    Future terminal input will be "cooked".



You may also use the command line option Ò-rawÓ to put the emulator in ÒrawÓ mode. This is particularly useful when running with the Òauto-goÓ command line option.


Raw mode is intended to allow the emulator to function more exactly like a real computer. All buffering, echoing, and special processing of certain control characters is left to the BLITZ program. The Unix I/O processing is turned off and the emulator simply passes the keystrokes through to the BLITZ serial I/O device. The BLITZ program must perform all buffering, echoing, and special processing required. If the BLITZ program fails to echo characters, it may appear that your computer is dead, since it does not seem to respond to keystrokes. Also, the BLITZ program must deal with any differences in different  types of terminals. The terminal you are using may supply a ÒCRÓ, an ÒLFÓ, or some other character when ENTER is pressed; the BLITZ program must be able to handle each. The bottom line is that this puts a lot of extra work on the BLITZ program.


In ÒcookedÓ mode, the emulator runs like most normal Unix user-level programs, making use of all the special terminal configuration software included in Unix. This allows you to use whichever terminal you use normally, without having to put terminal-specific code into your BLITZ program. Whenever you type input to be supplied to the BLITZ serial I/O interface, it is buffered, echoed, and processed by Unix first. For example, you may correct typing errors with the backspace key and the BLITZ program will see only the corrected data. In cooked mode, you must type a full line, followed by ENTER before the BLITZ program will see any characters at all. The BLITZ program will always sees a single NL character at the end of every line of input.


To accurately model a real OS, your BLITZ program should echo all characters received on the serial input. When you are using cooked input, this has the effect of causing a double echoing of input: First the Unix terminal drivers will echo the characters as you type them. Then, at the end of the line when you type ENTER, all characters will be supplied one at a time to the serial I/O device, and the BLITZ program will then (presumably) echo each character. Thus, the line just entered will be redisplayed a second time, if the BLITZ program is echoing its input properly.


When debugging programs that process serial input using interrupts, it is useful to be able to control exactly which characters are read from the serial device. However, it is difficult to type input to the BLITZ computer while also entering commands to the emulator. To alleviate this problem, you may use the ÒinputÓ command, which allows you to type ahead several characters, which will be supplied to the serial interface when it is ready.


    > input

    The following characters will be supplied as input to the BLITZ serial

    input before querying the terminal:


    You may add to this type-ahead buffer now.

    The terminal is now in "cooked" mode.

    Enter characters followed by control-D...




    The following characters will be supplied as input to the BLITZ serial

    input before querying the terminal:




To determine the status of the serial I/O device, the ÒioÓ command may be used. This command displays information about the serial device, the disk device, and some information about the status of the CPU.


    > io

    ==========  Serial I/O  ==========

      Output Status:       Ready

      Input Status:        Character Not Available

      Current Input Char:  '\0'    (already fetched by CPU)

        The following characters are currently in the type-ahead buffer:


      Input coming from: stdin

        Input Mode: Cooked

    ==========  Disk I/O  ==========





The ÒwaitÓ Instruction


The BLITZ architecture includes an instruction called ÒwaitÓ.  This instruction will suspend further instruction execution and the CPU will go into a low-power wait/sleep state. The only thing that will cause instruction execution to resume is an interrupt. If no interrupts occur the CPU will remain forever dormant.


How does the emulator handle the ÒwaitÓ instruction?  When does the emulator suspend emulation and return to the command interface?


The emulator handles the ÒwaitÓ instruction as follows:  If there is disk activity that is not yet complete or serial output activity that is not yet complete, then the emulator will continue until the activity is completed. Otherwise,  the emulator may suspend emulation, depending on the status of the serial input.


If serial input is coming from ÒstdinÓ and interrupts are enabled, then the emulator will wait for user input and then will continue execution by signaling an interrupt. If serial input is coming from ÒstdinÓ but interrupts are disabled, then the emulation will halt. If input is coming from a file and we have reached the end of file, then emulation will halt. Otherwise, if there is more left in the input file, emulation will continue.


Note that the emulator will ignore timer interrupts in determining whether to halt emulation. There will always be another timer interrupt, so timer interrupts would keep emulation going forever and emulation would never halt if the emulator paid attention to timer events. In other words, if execution is suspended on a ÒwaitÓ instruction and the only thing that could cause an interrupt is a timer event, then emulation will be suspended.


(Note that this may cause difficulties in certain kinds of programs. Imagine a program that simply counts timer interrupts in order to wait a certain amount of time, and then prints a message after (say) 10 interrupts. The program begins by initializing a counter then performs a ÒwaitÓ. This program will not be emulated correctly, since the emulator will suspend emulation after the ÒwaitÓ is encountered.)



The Disk Device


A BLITZ computer includes a disk drive, and the BLITZ emulator simulates a virtual disk drive.


Real disk drives store bytes in sectors. For example a sector might have 8K bytes. The sector is the minimum unit of data transfer. The main operations are Òread a sectorÓ and Òwrite a sectorÓ. Sectors are arranged in tracks. Each track traces out a concentric circle on a rotating magnetic platter.


Generally a disk has several platters rotating together on one axis. Consequently, tracks are arranged in cylinders. For example, a disk with 5 platters and a read/write head on each side of each platter would have 10 tracks per cylinder, All 10 of the read/write heads are attached to a single, comb-like arm, so all 10 heads move together. To read any sector within a single cylinder, no arm movement is necessary if the arm is already positioned on the correct cylinder.


To read or write a sector, the read-write heads must be moved to the correct cylinder. This is called the Òseek timeÓ. The seek involves physically moving the arm, the time of which is proportional to the length moved. After the movement, a ÒsettleÓ time occurs, during which the vibrations in the arm created by the movement die out. In addition, the disk platter is constantly rotating, so an additional delay involves waiting until the desired sector comes under one of the read/write heads. This is called the Òrotational delayÓ. Finally, the data is transferred at a constant rate determined by how fast the disk is spinning. This is called the Òtransfer timeÓ or Òtransfer rateÓ and is measured in bytes per second.


Often disks are described using Òtransfer rateÓ and Òaverage access timeÓ.  The Òaccess timeÓ is the sum of the seek time, the settle time, and the rotational delay, and will vary from operation to operation depending on where the disk heads are before the operation.


In the virtual disk provided by the BLITZ emulator, things are simplified. First, there is only one platter and only one side is used; in other words, there is just one track per cylinder. Consequently, we view the disk as an integral number of tracks. Each track contains a number of sectors, numbered from zero up to some maximum sector number, given by SECTORS_PER_TRACK.


The size of each sector is identical to the page size in the machine, which is 8K bytes (i.e., 8192 bytes).


The actual disk data is kept in a separate file on the host system. Normally, this file is named ÒDISKÓ and is opened when the BLITZ emulator begins. The size of the virtual disk will be an integral number of tracks. The actual number of tracks will be determined based on the size of the DISK file, when the emulator starts up. A different filename (other than ÒDISKÓ) may be specified with the Ò-d filenameÓ command line option to the BLITZ emulator.


The DISK file can be created using an emulator command called ÒformatÓ. The format command will ask for the desired number of tracks. It will then create and initialize the file. This command can also be used to change the size of the file.


The format of data stored in the DISK file should not be of concern to the BLITZ programmer, but it consists of a 4 byte Òmagic numberÓ at the beginning of the file, followed by N sectors of data bytes. Thus, it has the following format:


    Size  Description

    ====  ===============================================

      4   Magic number 0x53504B64 (ASCII code for "BLZd")

    8192  Sector 0

    8192  Sector 1

    8192  Sector 2


    8192  Sector K-1


We can summarize the virtual disk as follows:


    Filename:                    "DISK"

    Number of Tracks per Disk:    <variable>

    Number of Sectors per Track: 16

    Number of Bytes per Sector:  8K (8192 bytes)


We can measure the size of the disk in tracks:




or in sectors:




or in bytes:




For example, a typical DISK file might have the following size:




    NUMBER_OF_BYTES = 13,107,200


The sectors on the disk are number from 0 up to the maximum:


    0, 1, 2, ... , NUMBER_OF_SECTORS-1


The basic operations that the BLITZ programmer can do are:


    Read K Sectors into Memory

    Write K Sectors from Memory


The disk is controlled by reading and writing the following memory-mapped I/O registers. Each is a 32-bit word in the memory-mapped I/O region of physical memory.








The disk is either busy reading or writing, or is free and available. The DISK_STATUS_WORD may be read at any time. The following values indicate the status of the disk and the result of the last disk operation.


    DiskBusy                      0x00000000

    OperationCompletedOK          0x00000001

    OperationCompletedWithError1  0x00000002

    OperationCompletedWithError2  0x00000003

    OperationCompletedWithError3  0x00000004

    OperationCompletedWithError4  0x00000005

    OperationCompletedWithError5  0x00000006


The following commands may be written to the DISK_COMMAND_REGISTER:


    DiskReadCommand   0x00000001

    DiskWriteCommand  0x00000002


The ÒreadÓ operation will transfer 1 or more sectors from the disk into memory. To perform a read operation, the BLITZ program must take the following steps.


First, the DISK_SECTOR_NUMBER_REGISTER, DISK_SECTOR_COUNT_REGISTER and the DISK_MEMORY_ADDRESS_REGISTER must be loaded (in any order). Then the program must move the ÒDiskReadCommandÓ to the DISK_COMMAND_WORD.


The number of sectors to be transferred must be placed in the DISK_SECTOR_COUNT_REGISTER. This should be between 1 and NUMBER_OF_SECTORS. The sector from the disk should then be loaded into the DISK_SECTOR_NUMBER_REGISTER. This number must be between 0 and NUMBER_OF_SECTORS-1. It is an error to attempt to read or write beyond the end of the disk. The DISK_MEMORY_ADDRESS should be loaded with the physical memory address into which to place the data. It is an error to attempt transfer data to/from any address which is not in physical memory. In addition, you may not transfer data to/from any address in the memory-mapped I/O area.


After the command has been issued, the disk will become busy for some time. When the operation is finished, the status will change to either ÒOperation Completed OKÓ or ÒOperation Completed with ErrorÓ.


The ÒwriteÓ operation is very similar to the ÒreadÓ operation: First, the following registers should be loaded:






in any order. Then the ÒDiskWriteCommandÓ command should be written to the DISK_COMMAND_WORD. The disk will be busy while the data is moved from the memory to the disk. Then the disk status will change to ÒOperation Completed OKÓ or ÒOperation Completed with ErrorÓ.


After issuing a DiskReadCommand or a DiskWriteCommand, the disk will become busy for a while. When the operation completes (either normally or with an error), a DiskInterrupt will occur and the disk status will change to OperationCompletedOK or OperationCompletedWithError.


The following are considered errors and will result in the DISK_STATUS_WORD being ÒOperationCompletedWithErrorÓ. The status will remain unchanged until the next ÒreadÓ or ÒwriteÓ operation is initiated (i.e., until the DISK_COMMAND_WORD is written to).


(Error 1)  The MEMORY_ADDRESS_REGISTER is not aligned on a memory page boundary. The last 13 bits of the REGISTER should always be zeros. Also, the SECTOR_COUNT_REGISTER is not positive.


(Error 2)  The MEMORY_ADDRESS_REGISTER and length specification include memory addresses that are not legal physical addresses or that are in the memory-mapped I/O area.


(Error 3)  The DISK_SECTOR_NUMBER_REGISTER and length specification include a sector that is not between 0 and NUMBER_OF_SECTORS-1.


(Error 4)  The DISK had some sort of a I/O error. This could be a Òsoft errorÓ, in which case the operation will succeed if re-tried, or it could be a Òhard errorÓ, in which case the operation will never succeed if re-tried. It is assumed that the disk controller itself has re-tried the operation a few times. Therefore, any errors reported here can be assumed to be ÒhardÓ errors. It is better for the BLITZ program to print a message for the user and give up when I/O errors occur. Perhaps the user can correct the error (e.g., by reconnecting a disk cable) and re-try the operation later.


In a real disk, each sector is written with a header and trailer, and error-checking codes are computed and written on the disk, in addition to the actual data bytes. In a most disk drives, headers and trailers are handled entirely by the disk controller, not by the CPU. The BLITZ system emulates such an approach, assuming headers and trailers are handled by the device controller. Consequently the details of the header, trailer, and error-checking codes are not specified. The BLITZ program only needs to concern itself with the actual bytes of data, not with headers, trailers, or error-checking codes.


Several things can go wrong during a disk operation and there can be ÒsoftÓ or ÒhardÓ errors during and disk operation. For example, a disk read operation may have a failure in the error-checking process; this would be a soft error, since it will generally disappear upon a re-try. Or the disk may be disconnected or the power may be turned off, which would be a hard error.


(Error 5)  Invalid Command Word. The program has attempted to store something besides DiskReadCommand or DiskWriteCommand into the command register.


In addition to checking for the errors listed above, the BLITZ emulator also performs additional error checking on the use of the disk device by the BLITZ program. The emulator checks to make sure that the DISK_SECTOR_NUMBER_REGISTER, DISK_MEMORY_ADDRESS_REGISTER, and DISK_SECTOR_COUNT_REGISTER are each loaded exactly once before each read or write operation. It also checks to make sure that bytes in the memory buffer being transferred to or from disk are not accessed by the CPU while the disk operation is still in progress. If any errors like this are detected, a message is displayed and BLITZ instruction execution is immediately suspended.


When a DISK file is created or enlarged by the ÒformatÓ command, the data in the file must be initialized. The ÒformatÓ command will initialize all new sectors with ASCII character data giving the sector number. The data will consist of a pattern of repeating characters. For example, assume that a DISK file with just 1 track (16 sectors) is created. Here is how the file would be initialized:


    00000000:  5350 4B64  3C2D 2D2D  4245 4749  4E4E 494E    BLZd<---BEGINNIN

    00000010:  4720 4F46  2053 4543  544F 522D  2D2D 2D2D    G OF SECTOR-----

    00000020:  2D2D 2D2D  2D2D 2D2D  2D2D 6469  736B 2073    ----------disk s

    00000030:  6563 746F  7220 3030  3030 3030  2064 6973    ector 000000 dis

    00000040:  6B20 7365  6374 6F72  2030 3030  3030 3020    k sector 000000

    00000050:  6469 736B  2073 6563  746F 7220  3030 3030    disk sector 0000

    00000060:  3030 2064  6973 6B20  7365 6374  6F72 2030    00 disk sector 0

    00000070:  3030 3030  3020 6469  736B 2073  6563 746F    00000 disk secto

    00000080:  7220 3030  3030 3030  2064 6973  6B20 7365    r 000000 disk se

    00000090:  6374 6F72  2030 3030  3030 3020  6469 736B    ctor 000000 disk

    000000A0:  2073 6563  746F 7220  3030 3030  3030 2064     sector 000000 d

    000000B0:  6973 6B20  7365 6374  6F72 2030  3030 3030    isk sector 00000

    000000C0:  3020 6469  736B 2073  6563 746F  7220 3030    0 disk sector 00

    000000D0:  3030 3030  2064 6973  6B20 7365  6374 6F72    0000 disk sector

    000000E0:  2030 3030  3030 3020  6469 736B  2073 6563     000000 disk sec

    000000F0:  746F 7220  3030 3030  3030 2064  6973 6B20    tor 000000 disk

    00000100:  7365 6374  6F72 2030  3030 3030  3020 6469    sector 000000 di

    00000110:  736B 2073  6563 746F  7220 3030  3030 3030    sk sector 000000

    00000120:  2064 6973  6B20 7365  6374 6F72  2030 3030     disk sector 000


    00001FA0:  3020 6469  736B 2073  6563 746F  7220 3030    0 disk sector 00

    00001FB0:  3030 3030  2064 6973  6B20 7365  6374 6F72    0000 disk sector

    00001FC0:  2030 3030  3030 3020  6469 736B  2073 6563     000000 disk sec

    00001FD0:  746F 7220  3030 3030  3030 2D2D  2D2D 2D2D    tor 000000------

    00001FE0:  2D2D 2D2D  2D2D 2D2D  2D2D 2D2D  2D2D 2D2D    ----------------

    00001FF0:  2D2D 2D45  4E44 204F  4620 5345  4354 4F52    ---END OF SECTOR

    00002000:  2D2D 2D3E  3C2D 2D2D  4245 4749  4E4E 494E    ---><---BEGINNIN

    00002010:  4720 4F46  2053 4543  544F 522D  2D2D 2D2D    G OF SECTOR-----

    00002020:  2D2D 2D2D  2D2D 2D2D  2D2D 6469  736B 2073    ----------disk s

    00002030:  6563 746F  7220 3030  3030 3031  2064 6973    ector 000001 dis

    00002040:  6B20 7365  6374 6F72  2030 3030  3030 3120    k sector 000001

    00002050:  6469 736B  2073 6563  746F 7220  3030 3030    disk sector 0000

    00002060:  3031 2064  6973 6B20  7365 6374  6F72 2030    01 disk sector 0


    0001FF10:  6563 746F  7220 3030  3030 3135  2064 6973    ector 000015 dis

    0001FF20:  6B20 7365  6374 6F72  2030 3030  3031 3520    k sector 000015

    0001FF30:  6469 736B  2073 6563  746F 7220  3030 3030    disk sector 0000

    0001FF40:  3135 2064  6973 6B20  7365 6374  6F72 2030    15 disk sector 0

    0001FF50:  3030 3031  3520 6469  736B 2073  6563 746F    00015 disk secto

    0001FF60:  7220 3030  3030 3135  2064 6973  6B20 7365    r 000015 disk se

    0001FF70:  6374 6F72  2030 3030  3031 3520  6469 736B    ctor 000015 disk

    0001FF80:  2073 6563  746F 7220  3030 3030  3135 2064     sector 000015 d

    0001FF90:  6973 6B20  7365 6374  6F72 2030  3030 3031    isk sector 00001

    0001FFA0:  3520 6469  736B 2073  6563 746F  7220 3030    5 disk sector 00

    0001FFB0:  3030 3135  2064 6973  6B20 7365  6374 6F72    0015 disk sector

    0001FFC0:  2030 3030  3031 3520  6469 736B  2073 6563     000015 disk sec

    0001FFD0:  746F 7220  3030 3030  3135 2D2D  2D2D 2D2D    tor 000015------

    0001FFE0:  2D2D 2D2D  2D2D 2D2D  2D2D 2D2D  2D2D 2D2D    ----------------

    0001FFF0:  2D2D 2D45  4E44 204F  4620 5345  4354 4F52    ---END OF SECTOR

    00020000:  2D2D 2D3E                                     --->



The ÒioÓ Command


The current status of the serial I/O device and the disk device can be seen with the ÒioÓ command. For example:


    > io

    ==========  Serial I/O  ==========

      Output Status:       Ready

      Input Status:        Character Not Available

      Current Input Char:  '\0'    (already fetched by CPU)

        The following characters are currently in the type-ahead buffer:


      Input coming from: stdin

        Input Mode: Cooked

    ==========  Disk I/O  ==========

      The file used for the disk: "DISK"

        DISK File is currently opened.

      Disk size:

        Total Tracks = 3

        Total Sectors = 48

        Sectors per track = 16

      Current Status:

        Positioned at Sector = 0

        Current Disk Status  = OPERATION_COMPLETED_OK

        Future Disk Status   = OPERATION_COMPLETED_OK

      Area of memory being read from / written to:

        diskBufferLow  = 0x00000000

        diskBufferHigh = 0x00000000

      Memory-Mapped Register Contents:


        DISK_SECTOR_NUMBER_REGISTER  = 0x00000000

        DISK_SECTOR_COUNT_REGISTER   = 0x00000000

      Number of Disk Reads  = 0

      Number of Disk Writes = 0


      CPU status:

        Interrupts:   Disabled

        Mode:         System

        Pending Interrupts:


      Time of next timer event........ 1001

      Time of next disk event......... 2147483647

      Time of next serial in event.... 0

      Time of next serial out event... 2147483647

        Current Time.................. 0

        Time of next event............ 0




The I/O devices are activated by reading and writing words in the Òmemory-mappedÓ region of physical memory.


You can do this from the command line in the emulator using the ÒreadÓ and ÒwriteÓ commands. For example, you can retrieve the status of the serial I/O device by reading from the SERIAL_STATUS_WORD (at address 0x00ffff00) as follows:


    > read

    This command can be used to read a word of memory that is in the

        memory-mapped I/O region, retrieving I/O device status or data.

    Enter the (physical) memory address in hex of the word to be

    read from: ffff00

    Reading word...   address = 0xFFFF00    value = 0x00000002



The value is Ò0x00000002Ó, which indicates that the output is ready to receive a character but that no character is available on the input.


You can write a value to a memory-mapped word using the ÒwriteÓ command. If we write to the SERIAL_DATA_WORD (i.e., address 0x00ffff04), it will cause a character to be written. In the following example, we write a word containing the ASCII code for the letter ÒaÓ, which is 0x61. Notice that there is an ÒaÓ printed out immediately.


      > write

      This command can be used to write to a word of memory that is in the

        memory-mapped I/O region, sending data or commands to the I/O device.

      Enter the (physical) memory address in hex of the word to be

      written to: ffff04

      Enter the new value (4 bytes in hex): 00000061

      aWriting word...   address = 0xFFFF04    value = 0x00000061




The Ò.blitzrcÓ File: Changing Emulation Parameters


There are a number of simulation parameters that may be changed. The parameters that can be changed are listed below, along with their default values.


    KEYBOARD_WAIT_TIME                30000


    TERM_OUT_DELAY                      100

    TERM_OUT_DELAY_VARIATION             10

    TIME_SLICE                         5000 (0=no timer interrutps)

    TIME_SLICE_VARIATION                 30

    DISK_SEEK_TIME                    10000

    DISK_SETTLE_TIME                   1000

    DISK_ROTATIONAL_DELAY               100

    DISK_ACCESS_VARIATION                10

    DISK_READ_ERROR_PROBABILITY         500 (0=never,1=always,n="about 1/n")

    DISK_WRITE_ERROR_PROBABILITY        500 (0=never,1=always,n="about 1/n")

    INIT_RANDOM_SEED             1829742401

    MEMORY_SIZE                  0x01000000 (decimal: 16777216)











When the emulator starts up, it looks to see if a file named Ò.blitzrcÓ exists. If it does not, then the default values are used. If Ò.blitzrcÓ is found, then it will contain values which are read in and used instead of the defaults. (The emulator will also re-read the Ò.blitzrcÓ file when the ÒresetÓ command is issued.)


The emulator command ÒsimÓ can be used to view the current settings, and produces a display like the list above. The ÒsimÓ command may also be used to create a new Ò.blitzrcÓ file; this is convenient since the user can then edit the file to modify one or two of the values as necessary.


The ÒsimÓ command will ask if you wish to create a new Ò.blitzrcÓ file. If you say ÒyesÓ, then it will write out a new file using the current values. Here is what the ÒsimÓ command looks like:


    > sim

    ====================  Simulation Constants  =========================

      KEYBOARD_WAIT_TIME                 30000







    The simulation constants will be read in from the file ".blitzrc"

    if it exists when the emulator starts up.  If the file does not

    exist at startup, defaults will be used.  You may edit the ".blitzrc"

    file to change the values and then restart the emulator.


    Would you like me to write these values out to the file ".blitzrc" now?


If the user answers ÒyesÓ, then a file will be created. The file will look like this:


    ! BLITZ Simulation Constants


    ! This file is read by the BLITZ emulator when it starts up and after a

    ! "reset" command.  This file is used to initialize various values that

    ! will be used by the emulator.


    ! This file was produced by the emulator (with the "sim" command). It may

    ! be edited to change any or all values.


    ! Each line has variable name followed by an integer value.  A value may

    ! be specified in either decimal (e.g., "1234") or hex (e.g.,

    ! "0x1234abcd").  Values may be left out if desired, in which case a

    ! default will be used.  In the case of the random seed, any value

    ! specified here will override a value given with a command line

    ! option (-r).



    KEYBOARD_WAIT_TIME                 30000







The Page Table Commands


At any time, these two BLITZ registers describe a page table:


    PTBR: Page Table Base Register

    PTLR: Page Table Length Register


The ÒptÓ command will print out the current page table. It will use the current values of these registers to find the bytes in memory and will then interpret them as a page table.


Here is an example of the ÒptÓ command.


    > pt

      Page Table:

        base   (PTBR) = 0x00001000

        length (PTLR) = 0x0000000C

        This table describes a logical address space with 0x00006000

                                     (decimal 24576) bytes (i.e., 3 pages)


        addr      entry        Logical  Physical  Undefined Bits  Dirty

      ========   ========     ========  ========  ==============  =====

      00001000:  00344003     00000000  00344000       000          0

      00001004:  00346007     00002000  00346000       000          0

      00001008:  0036200F     00004000  00362000       000          1


                                              Referenced  Writeable  Valid

                                              ==========  =========  =====

                                                  0           1        1

                                                  1           1        1

                                                  1           1        1



The ÒptÓ command prints out a single line for each page table entry. In this example, the table has 3 entries. (In this document, the display will not fit on one line and it is has been reformatted to fit the available space.)


The format and operation of the page table entries is described in the BLITZ architecture document.


For each page table entry, the ÒptÓ command displays the actual 4 byte entry under the heading ÒentryÓ. On the same line, the command also displays the interpretation of these bits under the headings ÒLogicalÓ, ÒPhysicalÓ, ÒUndefined BitsÓ, ÒDirtyÓ, ÒReferencedÓ, ÒWriteableÓ, and ÒValidÓ.


Occasionally it is useful to see how some particular logical (or ÒvirtualÓ) address will be interpreted using the current page table. The ÒtransÓ command can be used for this.


The ÒtransÓ command will ask for a logical address. It will then consult the page table to determine which physical address will be accessed. When the page table is used during program execution, it may be updated. The ÒtransÓ command will ask whether or not you wish to update the page table. Exceptions may also occur, and the ÒtransÓ command will ask whether you wish to cause a excecption.


Here is an example of the ÒtransÓ command. First, we use the ÒsetpÓ command to turn on page table translation.


    > setp

    The P bit is now 1: Paging Enabled.

    Next instruction to execute will be:

    344000: 00000000       nop


Next, we issue the ÒtransÓ command. We supply a virtual address of 0x000468. We are interested in reading this word, without update, so we answer ÒyesÓ to the question about Òread-onlyÓ. Such an operation would set the ÒReferencedÓ bit, but would not set the ÒDirtyÓ bit. However, we do not want to actually modify the page table, so we answer ÒnoÓ to the last question.


    > trans

    Please enter a logical address: 468

    Will this be a read-only operation (y/n)? y

    After figuring out the affect of this memory access, do you want me to

    update the page table and signal exceptions, if any, as if this

    operation were performed (y/n)? n


        translate (logicalAddr=0x00000468, reading=TRUE,

                            wantPrinting=TRUE, doUpdates=FALSE)


       Logical address             = 0x00000468

         Page Number               = 0x00000000

         Offset into page          = 0x00000468

       Status[P] = 1, Paging is turned on

       Page Table:

                base               = 0x00001000

                length             = 0x0000000C

                addr of last entry = 0x00001008

       Page number (shifted)       = 0x00000000

       Address of page table entry = 0x00001000

       Page table entry            = 0x00344003

           Frame number = 0x00344000

           V=1 (Page is valid)

           W=1 (Page is writable)

           R=0 (Page has not been referenced)

           D=0 (Page not dirty)

       Setting the referenced bit

       Physical address            = 0x00344468

       Modified page table entry   = 0x00344007

         (Page table entry was NOT modified)

       Translation completed with no exceptions

    The value of the target word in physical memory was not changed.

    It is...

      0x344468: 0x00000000

    The page table has not been modified by this command.



The ÒPage Table Base RegisterÓ can be modified with the ÒsetptbrÓ command.  For example:


    > setptbr

    Enter the new value for the Page Table Base Register (PTBR) in hex: 2000

      PTBR = 0x00002000     ( decimal: 8192        )



The ÒPage Table Length RegisterÓ can be modified with the ÒsetptlrÓ command.  For example:


    > setptlr

    Enter the new value for the Page Table Length Register (PTLR) in hex: 10

      PTLR = 0x00000010     ( decimal: 16              HardwareFault )




Assembly Labels in the Emulator


A BLITZ assembly language program will define a number of ÒlabelsÓ. Typically these are the targets of branch and call statements.


Consider this assembly code fragment:


    getChLoop:                              ! loop

            cleari                          !   disable interrupts

            load    [r2],r3                 !   if (inBufferCount != 0)

            cmp     r3,0                    !   .

            bne     getChExit               !     then break

            seti                            !   enable interrupts

            jmp     getChLoop               ! end

    getChExit:                              ! .


This code defines the labels ÒgetChLoopÓ and ÒgetChExitÓ. When the linker determines where in memory this code will be placed, the linker will assign specific values to these labels. For example, the linker might place this code at location 0x000D10 in memory. Thus, these two labels will have these values after linking:


    getChLoop     000D10

    getChExit     000D28


The information about labels is not part of the program and is not used during the execution. Instead, the CPU uses relative and absolute byte addresses. Nonetheless, the labels and their values are placed in the executable file, along with the program bytes and the emulator reads this information in when it reads an executable file.


The emulator uses the label information when memory is disassembled. For example, if we disassemble the memory area containing these instructions, we will see the following. The disassembler inserts labels such as ÒgetChLoopÓ and ÒgetChExitÓ into the display, making it easier to understand.


    > dis

    Enter the beginning phyical address (in hex): 000d10


    000D10: 03000000       cleari 

    000D14: 6B320000       load    [r2+r0],r3

    000D18: 81030000       sub     r3,0x0000,r0

    000D1C: A300000C       bne     0x00000C         ! targetAddr = getChExit

    000D20: 04000000       seti   

    000D24: A1FFFFEC       jmp     0xFFFFEC         ! targetAddr = getChLoop


    000D28: 81330001       sub     r3,0x0001,r3     ! decimal: 1, ascii: ".." 

    000D2C: 6F320000       store   r3,[r2+r0]




In the BLITZ architecture, all jump, branch, and call instructions contain 24-bit relative offsets. In this example, the ÒjmpÓ instruction contains a relative offset of –20 (as a 24-bit hex value, 0xFFFFEC). The disassembler indicates that the target of the ÒjmpÓ is the instruction labeled ÒgetChLoopÓ.


To see all labels and their values, you can use the ÒlabelsÓ command. The list is printed twice. First, it is sorted alphabetically by the label name; second it is sorted by label value. (These lists are usually quite long; here we omit most of the output.)


    > labels

    Ordered alphabetically:

        Label                          Hex Value  (in decimal)

        ============================== =========  ============

        AddressException                0000001C            28

        AddressExceptionHandler         0000007C           124


        getChElse                       00000D4C          3404

        getChExit                       00000D28          3368

        getChLoop                       00000D10          3344

        getChar                         00001098          4248


        putStLoop                       00000E0C          3596

        ready                           00000C4C          3148

    Ordered by value:

        Label                          Hex Value  (in decimal)

        ============================== =========  ============

        PowerOnReset                    00000000             0

        _entry                          00000000             0

        TimerInterrupt                  00000004             4

        DiskInterrupt                   00000008             8


        putChar2                        00000D74          3444

        putChLoop                       00000DA0          3488

        putChExit                       00000DB8          3512

        putChElse                       00000DDC          3548


        outBufferCount                  00006114         24852

        _Global_memoryArea              00006118         24856

        _Global_nextCharToUse           0000882C         34860



To find the value of a specific label, you can use the ÒfindÓ command:


    > find

    Enter the first few characters of the label; all matching

    labels will be printed: getCh

        Label                          Hex Value  (in decimal)

        ============================== =========  ============

        getChElse                       00000D4C          3404

        getChExit                       00000D28          3368

        getChLoop                       00000D10          3344

        getChar                         00001098          4248

        getChar2                        00000CE4          3300



If you know the value, but not the label, you may use the Òfind2Ó command:


    > find2

    Enter the value to find (in hex): d28

      00000D28   (decimal: 3368)   getChExit



You may also create a new label with the ÒaddÓ command. For example:


    > add

    Enter the name of the new label: myLabel

    Enter the value of the new label (in hex): d1c

    Label "myLabel" has been added.



If we disassemble the same section of code as above, we will now see that the newly created label will be used just like any other label:


    > dis

    Enter the beginning phyical address (in hex): d10


    000D10: 03000000       cleari 

    000D14: 6B320000       load    [r2+r0],r3

    000D18: 81030000       sub     r3,0x0000,r0


    000D1C: A300000C       bne     0x00000C         ! targetAddr = getChExit

    000D20: 04000000       seti   

    000D24: A1FFFFEC       jmp     0xFFFFEC         ! targetAddr = getChLoop


    000D28: 81330001       sub     r3,0x0001,r3     ! decimal: 1, ascii: ".." 

    000D2C: 6F320000       store   r3,[r2+r0]




Of course the new label is added only to the tables maintained by the emulator. As soon as you quit the emulator (or execute the ÒresetÓ command), the newly added label will be gone.


In addition to printing decimal and ASCII equivalents, the disassembler also displays label information whenever it can. Sometimes this additional information is useful; other times it is meaningless and not useful. Consider this fragment of assembly code:



                 push    r14                     ! Function Entry:

                 mov     r15,r14                 ! .  Setup the standard frame

                 push    r13                     ! .

                 set     RoutineDescriptor_putChar,r1

                 push    r1                      ! .

                 mov     0,r13                   ! .

                 loadb   [r14+8],r1              ! Move the parameter into r1

                 cmp     r1,'\n'                 ! IF (char != '\n')

                 be      callputChar2            ! .

                 cmp     r1,'\t'                 ! .  AND (char != '\t')

                 be      callputChar2            ! .

                 cmp     r1,' '                  ! .  AND (char < ' '

                 bl      fixChar2                ! .

                 cmp     r1,0x7e                 ! .     OR char > 0x7e)

                 ble     callputChar2            ! .

    fixChar2:                                    ! .

                 mov     '?',r1                  !     char := '?'

    callputChar2:                                ! END IF

                 call    putChar2                ! Call putChar2



When disassembled, it prints like this. (Several of the long lines may wrap-around in this document.)


    > dis

    Enter the beginning phyical address (in hex): ff8


    000FF8: 54EF0000       push    r14,[--r15]

    000FFC: 67EF0000       or      r15,r0,r14

    001000: 54DF0000       push    r13,[--r15]

    001004: C0100000       sethi   0x0000,r1       ! 0x00001064 = 4196 (RoutineDescriptor_putChar)

    001008: C1101064       setlo   0x1064,r1

    00100C: 541F0000       push    r1,[--r15]

    001010: 87D00000       or      r0,0x0000,r13

    001014: 8C1E0008       loadb   [r14+0x0008],r1 ! decimal: 8  (DiskInterrupt)

    001018: 8101000A       sub     r1,0x000A,r0    ! decimal: 10, ascii: ".." 

    00101C: A2000020       be      0x000020        ! targetAddr = callputChar2

    001020: 81010009       sub     r1,0x0009,r0    ! decimal: 9, ascii: ".." 

    001024: A2000018       be      0x000018        ! targetAddr = callputChar2

    001028: 81010020       sub     r1,0x0020,r0    ! decimal: 32, ascii: ". "  (PageInvalidException)

    00102C: A400000C       bl      0x00000C        ! targetAddr = fixChar2

    001030: 8101007E       sub     r1,0x007E,r0    ! decimal: 126, ascii: ".~" 

    001034: A5000008       ble     0x000008        ! targetAddr = callputChar2


    001038: 8710003F       or      r0,0x003F,r1    ! decimal: 63, ascii: ".?" 


    00103C: A0FFFD38       call    0xFFFD38        ! targetAddr = putChar2




First consider the assembly source code instruction:


    cmp     r1,'\n'                 ! IF (char != '\n')


which is disassembled as:


    sub     r1,0x000A,r0    ! decimal: 10, ascii: ".."


Recall that the compare instruction ÒcmpÓ is a synthetic instruction; it is actually assembled as a subtract instruction, with the result stored into Òr0Ó (i.e., the result is discarded). The disassembler prints the instruction as it actually is.


When a literal value is included in an instruction, the disassembler will print it in hex (e.g., Ò0x000AÓ). In the comment area, the disassembler also prints this value in decimal and in ASCII. (The literal is two bytes long, so the disassembler prints two ASCII characters, enclosed in quotes. Since the neither Ò00Ó nor Ò0AÓ are considered printable characters, the disassembler prints two dots between the quotes.)


Next consider the assembly source code instruction:


    cmp     r1,' '                  ! .  AND (char < ' '


which is disassembled as:


    sub     r1,0x0020,r0    ! decimal: 32, ascii: ". "  (PageInvalidException)


Of the two bytes in the literal value (0x00 and 0x20), the first is not a printable ASCII character code and the second is the ASCII ÒspaceÓ character; between the quotes we see first a dot, then a space.


By coincidence, the literal value in this instruction also happens to be the value of a label named ÒPageInvalidExceptionÓ. The disassembler also includes this information, although it is not relevant or helpful in this case.


When the disassembler encounters a ÒsethiÓ instruction followed by a ÒsetloÓ instruction, it assumes they are the result of a synthetic ÒsetÓ instruction.  For example, consider the assembly source instruction:


    set     RoutineDescriptor_putChar,r1


which is disassembled as:


    001004: C0100000       sethi   0x0000,r1       ! 0x00001064 = 4196 (RoutineDescriptor_putChar)

    001008: C1101064       setlo   0x1064,r1


The disassembler puts together the two literals (0x0000 and 0x1064) in the two instructions to get a combined 32-bit value. This value is printed in decimal (4196) and as a label (if a label with this value exists). In this case, the label is meaningful and helpful, while the decimal value is not.