This web page contains links to short heat transfer animations.
The animations are Quicktime movies embedded into web pages. You will need to have Quicktime 2.x or greater installed in your computer. This software is free and can be downloaded directly from an Apple web page. I recommend that you install the Quicktime Plug-in for your web browser. The plug-in allows you to view the animations on the same page with the text describing the animations.
Transient Heat Conduction | Transient cooling of a sphere exposed to a step change in convective boundary condition is examined for two different Biot numbers. For the lumped case (Bi < 0.1) temperature gradients inside the sphere are negligible, and the heat transfer is controlled by the surface resistacne. For the non-lumped case the temperature distribution inside the sphere is significant. This page shows the transient behavior of a sphere with line plots and a color animation. |
ME 323 (Spolek) | Fluid flow animatinos | GWR Home |