EAS 199B - Required Equipment
Each student in EAS 199B will
use the Arduino Experimenter's Kit
and software that was used in the prerequisite course,
EAS 199A.
Each student will also need the additional equipment listed below.
For your convenience, a
list of local and on-line suppliers
is provided at the bottom of this page.
EAS 199B — Required new equipment for EAS 199B
In addition to the Arduino Experimenter's Kit, each student will also
need to purchase the following equipment.
- 1. Standard 20x4 Character LCD

- Minimum Quantity: One per student
To provide visual feedback on status of Arduino programs, especially
for the fish tank.
PSU Bookstore -- go to the textbook desk in the basement. $18
Tutorial for wiring:
Follow the
LCD tutorial
at Lady Ada's Arduino tutorials.
Instructions on building a wiring harness to connect the wiring
harness to the Arduino will be given via class notes.
John Boxall has an
alternative tutorial
that describes both the parallel and serial interfaces to the LCD panel.
If you want to try the serial interface you will need
a Serial Peripheral Interface (SPI) device like the
i2c/SPI character LCD backpack
from Adafruit or the
Serial Enabled LCD Backpack
from Sparkfun or use the
Three-Wire Interface described in
Boxall's tutorial.
Approximate Cost: $18-24
- 2. Breadboard

- Minimum Quantity: One per student
To provide room to implement additional circuits for controlling
the fishtank. We recommend a breadboard with about the same number
of holes as the one shown in the picture (840 tie-point breadboard).
Various sources, including Radio Shack (catalog number 276-002 for
$14.99) and Omnitron Electronics (part number BB-9831 for
Approximate Cost: $3 - $20
- 3. Drill Bit Set: 1/6 to 1/4 inch

- Minimum Quantity: One per team
You need to have your own bits to drill whatever size hole you
want as you complete your projects for the remainder of the year.
Remember to only drill in a shop environment (not on surfaces that
you are apt to damage).
Various sources, including most hardware stores. You don't need an
expensive, high precision, set for this class.
Approximate Cost: $5 - $15
- 4. DC Power Supply: 12 V, 1.5 Amp (minimum)

- Minimum Quantity: One per team
The power supply is necessary for the solenoids and heater used in
the fishtank system. At least a 1.5A at 12 VDC capacity is needed.
Various sources including Radio Shack or other electronics supply
stores. Amazon has a big selection.
Adafruit has a slightly underpowered
12V 1A supply
and a
beefy 12V 5A supply.
The desktop model on the right (above) is model number PS-28 available
at www.omnitronelectronics.net.
Approximate Cost: $5 - $30
EAS 199B — Recommended new equipment for EAS 199B
The following items are recommended for each fish tank — one set
per group of four students. These items should
be either bought together or not at all. They will allow you to separately
control the power to your electronics and the pump. This will be very
handy — but not necessary — when you debug the equipment.
Note that there are variations on the electrical box with switches. One
solution – option 5a – is to use the electrical boxes and
switches common to 110 VAC household wiring. Another solution – option 5b –
is to use a project box and rocker switches for a more geek gadget feel.
- 5a. Electrical box and dual switch

- One per fish tank
The dual switches allow you separately control the power to the pump
and to the electronics.
Note that there are two switches on the single switch unit. This
is unlike the most common kind of light switch.
Local hardware stores.
Approximate Cost: $9 for the double switch
and $3 for the box and cover
- 5b. Project box and switches

- One per fish tank
The individual switches allow you separately control the power to the pump
and to the electronics.
There are many types of rocker switches and toggle switches. Make sure you
get an on/off type rocker or toggle switch, not a
a momentary type switch.
Electronic supply stores. Note that rocker switches and toggle switches
can be recycled/reused
from old electrical equipment. Before you throw any electronic
equipment away, deconstruct it to salvage parts.
Approximate Cost: $5 to $7 for the project box
and $3 to $7 each for the switches.
- 6. Terminal blocks for two circuits

- One per fish tank
The terminal block allows connection of the input power to the
always-on side of the switches. Details of installation are
provided in the class notes. The terminal block also provides
strain relief in case someone accidentally yanks on the power supply cord.
Local autoparts stores or electronics stores like Radio Shack.
Approximate Cost: $1 to $3
- 7. Barrel Jack

- One per fish tank
To make it easy to disconnect the power supply so that the fish
tank can be transported. Make sure the gender of your barrel
jack is opposite of the gender of your power supply. In other
words, if the power supply has a male plug, the barrel jack should
be female, and vice versa.
Local electronics stores or scavenged from used electronics,
or purchased from Adafruit.com
or part number 2099121 at (for a 2.5 mm jack) from www.jameco.com.
or part number 159506 (for a 2.1 mm jack).
Approximate Cost: $2
The student section of the IEEE
has a store that is
open a few hours per day.
Note that the hours are posted as a PDF file that has different names for
each term. It's likely, therefore, that this link will become stale.
If the link is broken, you can (probably) find the current hours from a
link on the
home page for the student section of the IEEE.
Here is a list of local businesses that sell electronics and tools useful for this class
and all sorts of related tinkering:
Used Electronics/Surplus Electronics
Mail order and On-line
Local Hardware Stores
- Winks Hardware, 200 SE Stark Street -- an excellent source of hard-to-find hardware
- Pearl Hardware, 1621 NW Glisan St.
- Parkrose Hardware 10625 NE Sandy Boulevard -- an excellent source of hard-to-find hardware
- Lowes, Home Depot, etc.
Some online suppliers: