EAS 199A Lecture 15:     12,13 November 2012

Last updated at 10:47 AM on 12 Nov 2012

15. Least squares fitting to exponential and power law functions, 3D model of pump impeller

Class meeting on 12,13 November 2012

Homework: Assignment will involve submitting a 3D model of the pump impeller by Wednesday, 21 November 2012

Learning Objectives

  1. Be able to perform power law, semi-log, and log-log curve fits with the Excel Trendline function
  2. Be able to create a 3D solid model of a pump impeller by following the Solidworks tutorial
  3. Be ready to begin fabrication the pump body with the milling machines in the lab
  4. Be aware that Quiz 2 will be given in two weeks

Notes and Supplemental Files

  1. Least squares fitting to semi-log, power, and log-log functions: PowerPoint, or PDF or 3-up handout
  2. Solidworks instructions for impeller design
  3. Instructions for manufacturing the pump body: PowerPoint, PDF, or 3-up notes
  4. Key operations on pump body (PNG image), and Larger PDF version

Our Ping-pong playing overlords

Advance the scrubber to 2:32 to see the robot rally with a human player, including backhands.