README FOR Automata ======================================== version 0.1 Automata is a Max/MSP Java (mxj) object that spawns an arbitrary number of Java threads, each of which may run an arbitrary algorithm to generate a stream of output which is returned to the calling environment. Each algorithm may be parameterized and is encapsulated by an individual Java class. Automata limits the overhead of using the mxj object while providing the flexibility of multiple instances. Supporting Java classes include-- * TimerThread :: timer mechanism to individually regulate the output of each Automata algorithm * StepSwing :: example of an algorithm. StepSwing erratically oscillates up and down a range of values according to a complex, stepping pattern. * DebugLabel :: harness for debugging and documentation * ToolBox :: a general class to contain helper functions such as random() or fibonacci() * Urn :: Java implementation of the max object urn threads.js is the prototype of Automata, written in Javascript.