M O R S E   C O D E   &   A B B R E V I A T I O N S


1. A dash is equal to 3 dots.
2. The space between parts of the same letter is equal to 1 dot.
3. The space between two letters is equal to 3 dots.
4. The space between two words is equal to 7 dots.
The Morse Code The Morse Code The Morse Code The Morse Code


73 - Best regards
88 - Love and kisses
AA - All after (used after question mark to request a repetition)
AB - All before (similarly)
ARRL - American Radio Relay League
ABT - About
ADS - Address
AGN - Again
ANT - Antenna
BN - All between
BK - Break (to pause transmission of a message, say)
BUG - Semiautomatic mechanical key
C - Yes
CBA - Callbook address
CFM - Confirm
CLG - Calling
CQ - Calling any station
CQD - Original International Distress Call
CS - Callsign
CUL - See you later
CUZ - Because
CW - Continuous wave
CX - Conditions
DE - From
DSW - Goodbye
DX - Distance (sometimes refers to long distance contact)
ES - And
FB - Fine business (Analogous to "OK")
FCC - Federal Communications Commission
FER - For
FM - From
FREQ - Frequency
GA - Good afternoon or Go ahead (depending on context)
GE - Good evening
GM - Good morning
GND - Ground (ground potential)
GUD - Good
HIHI - Laughter
HR - Here
HV - Have
LID - Poor operator
MILS - Milliamperes
NIL - Nothing
NR - Number
OB - Old boy
OC - Old chap
OM - Old man (any male amateur radio operator is an OM)
OO - Official observer
OP - Operator
OT - Old timer
OTC - Old timers club
OOTC - Old old timers club
PSE - Please
PWR - Power
QCWA - Quarter Century Wireless Association
R - I acknowledge or decimal point (depending on context. The origin of "Roger")
RCVR - Receiver (radio)
RIG - Radio apparatus
RPT - Repeat or report (depending on context)
RPRT - Report
RST - Signal report format (Readability-Signal Strength-Tone)
RTTY - Radioteletype
RX - Receive
SAE - Self-addressed envelope
SASE - Self-addressed, stamped envelope
SED - Said
SEZ - Says
SIG - Signal or signature
SIGS - Signals
SKED - Schedule
SN - Soon
SMS - Short message service
SRI - Sorry
STN - Station
TEMP - Temperature
TMW - Tomorrow
TNX - Thanks
TU - Thank you
TX - Transmit, transmitter
U - You
UR - Your or You're (depending on context)
URS - Yours
VY - Very
W - Watts
WDS - Words
WKD - Worked
WL - Will
WUD - Would
WTC - Whats the craic?
WX - Weather
XMTR - Transmitter
XYL - Wife
YL - Young lady (used for any female)