Assignment 4: Improve code for HigherOrderLists

Assigned: Tuesday 27th January; due Tuesday 3rd February

You are required to work with a partner on this assignment.

Make two improvements to the higher-order lists implementation that you can get from SqueakSource and which is also attached to this assignment.

An "improvement" is defined as

Turn in a Monticello package and some text describing what you have done. Don't forget to name all of the students who worked on this assignment. The reason for working with a partner is to give you the courage to tell your professor that his code is buggy or that it "needs improvement".

To get the code from Squeaksource, tell Monticello to "+Repository", choose an HTTP repository, and enter the following details:

location: ''
user: ''
password: ''
Then you should be able to open a repository browser and load the package.

If you prefer to use the attachment, the simplest way to extract the code from it is to drop the .mcz file into your package-cache, select the package-cache in Monticello, and load the package just as you would from a real repository.

Turn in your package by email to cs410aph @ cs and use the commit comment to give the names of BOTH STUDENTS and a descritpion of what you have done.