- 1
Bart Massey.
Funny business, serious business: O'Reilly OSCON 2006.
IEEE Software Magazine, pages 102-103, November 2006.
URL https://www.computer.org/csdl/magazine/so/2006/06/s6099/13rRUyXKxSv.
- 2
Bart Massey.
Open source and government systems: GOSCON 2005.
IEEE Software Magazine, pages 111-113, January 2006.
URL http://csdl2.computer.org/comp/mags/so/2006/01/s1108.pdf.
- 3
Bart Massey.
Opening the mainstream: O'Reilly OSCON 2005.
IEEE Software Magazine, pages 101-102, November 2005.
URL http://csdl2.computer.org/comp/mags/so/2005/06/s6098.pdf.
- 4
Bart Massey.
Java development for the rest of us: Java development in odd
Power Builder & Java Journal Online, March 1997.
URL http://www.pbmag.com.
- 5
Bart Massey.
Java awt images: Use and uses.
Power Builder & Java Journal Online, January 1997.
URL http://www.pbmag.com.
Bart Massey