PSU CS441/541
Lecture 9
November 29, 2001
- Topics:
- Bayes' Nets: George Borden
- Genetic Algorithms and Genetic Programming
- Project (due date change?)
- Exam Review (Final 7:30-9:00 Thursday)
- Course Evals
- Genetic Algorithms and Genetic Programming
- Idea: Nature is smart (Sphex wasp again)
- Perform local-search-style optimization
- Work on population of solutions at once
- Replace heuristic repair with simple keep-or-discard
- Questions:
- How smart can something that takes 50M yrs be?
- Interaction between learning, tropism, etc.?
- How seriously do we take natural model of evolution?
- genome -> organism map
- crossover, mutation
- interacting populations
- GA model
- Create random population
- Discard bad instances
- Create new instances to replace discards
- Repeat last three steps until satisfied
- Genetic Programming: use GA to evolve algorithm
- Nilsson example: reactive wall follower
- Represent reaction as prop-logic tree
- Create 5000 random reactions
- Run each for 60 steps in grid world
- Pick groups of 7 and select best until 500 chosen
- Fill in remaining 4500 by exchanging subtrees of
pairs out of 500 survivors
- (Could mutate 500 or so during creation)
- Repeat loop with new 5000
- More Questions:
- How to pick magic numbers, algorithm details?
- Note redundancies in good programs
(e.g. NOT(NOT(NOT(NOT(NOT(X)))))).
Why? How to cope?
- The cool thing about GAs/GPs: no heuristics necessary
- The AI "Big Tent": consider
- STRIPS Planning
- Bayes' Nets
- Neural Nets
- GAs
- Final Exam Review
- Games
- Adversary search
- Minimax
- Depth-limits and heuristic evaluators
- KR: Horn clauses, Prolog, and rule-based systems
- Truth Maintenance Systems and assumptions
- Probabilistic inference
- Likelihood v. probability
- Bayes' rule, Bayes Nets
- Neural Nets
- neurons, weights, nonlinearity
- layers, evaluation, back-propagation
- transparency, under- or over-training, performance
- Planning
- initial state, goal, actions, plan
- Reasoning about actions using situation calculus / FOL
- Blocks World
- forward v. backward chaining
- GAs
- Concept
- Advantages
- Problems