Forward-Looking Agents: Scheduling and Planning
PSU CS441/541
Lecture 8
November 15, 2001
- Scheduling
- Task: thing to be done
- Task properties
- Label
- Duration
- Resource Use
- Schedule: assign times to tasks, optimizing
- Time
- Resource consumption
- Constraints
- Precedence = task ordering (end-start, etc.)
- Resource availability (capacity, consumable, etc.)
- Release times and deadlines
- Solution via search
- Transformation to SAT
- Direct Methods
- Systematic search
- Local search
- MD4
- Aircraft assembly problem:
575 tasks, 14 resources
- Results
- MS Project ``Leveller'': 80 days
- State of art mid 90s: 40-50 days
- CIRL best fully automatic: 30 days
- Perhaps $1M/day!
- Planning
- Action: situation -> situation
- change of situation usually means timestep
- not always: ring puzzle example
- timestep vs. flow of real time
- situation is some kind of theory (world state)
- two special situations
- initial situation: what you've got, where you are
- goal situation: what you want, where you want to be
- action is something changing situation
- preconditions: in what situations can action be executed?
- effects: how does action change situation?
- Planning: finding sequence of actions taking initial
situation to goal situation
- planning is not execution: failure means
different things in these stages
- software compilation as planning
- Where do plans come from?
- no planning (= ``reactive planning''): just do
what is ``known'' to be correct in each situation
- pluses: fast, realistic
- minuses: doesn't work, not obvious when it
doesn't work
- again, planning v. execution
- programming: follow a canned plan, maybe with options
- pathfinding search: find general-purpose optimal
plan given always-executable action
- monotonic, theorem proving in sitcalc: see below
- nonmonotonic reasoning: default to persists (but
beware the Yale Shooting Problem again)
- STRIPS & friends: see below
- hierarchy: plan (using above) at increasing levels
of detail
- Situation calculus and theorem proving
- situation calculus (from Ginsberg, c.f. Nilsson)
- take statement about action:
move(b,l) -> loc(b,l)
- repair to include situation:
move(b,l,s) -> loc(b,l,next(s))
- connect extra function to action:
loc(b, l, result(move(b, l), s)) [*]
- add preconditions:
clear(b,s) and clear(l,s) -> *
- alternatively, lift s (reify):
holds(clear(b),s) and holds(clear(l),s) ->
- Note can quantify over sentences in FOL:
exists s . forall f . not holds(f, s)
- basic tp planner
- write problem in sitcalc (FOL)
- resolve to proof problem is solvable
- this yields plan
- problems with tp planning
- frame problem: must axiomatize persistence
- qualification problem: must axiomatize all
- domain axioms: forall b s . not holds(loc(b, b), s)
- scoping: potato in tailpipe
- ramification problem: must axiomatize all
- briefcase problem
- spraygun problem
- tractability: tp impossibly slow
- STRIPS and the Blocks World
- STRIPS formulation
- situation: set of fluents (logical statements that
may hold)
- initial situation: what fluents hold initially
- goal situation: fluents that must hold (not hold) finally
- action
- precondition: fluents that must hold (not hold) to execute
- effects:
- fluents ``added'' (made to hold) by execution
- fluents ``deleted'' (made to not hold) by execution
- other fluents persist
- Power of STRIPS
- directly attacks frame problem
- not too relevant to qualification, ramification
- tractability: PSPACE-complete (Towers of Hanoi)
- STRIPS folklore
- The ``blocks world''
- formal setting
- predicate logic
- objects: table T, blocks A, B, C,...
- fluents: on(x,y), clear(x)
- actions (2!):
- move(x,y): clear(x), clear(y), on(x,z) ->
add on(x,y), add clear(z), del on(x,z), del clear(y)
- drop(x): clear(x), on(x,z) ->
del on(x,z), add on(x,T), add clear(z)
- initial situation: clear(T), stacks...
- goal situation: total? partial?
- the Sussman Anomaly
- problem
C to B
- cannot solve either A on B or B on C first!
- (XXX can solve C on table first)
- tractability
- satisfying: easy via unstack-stack (but most
planners do not do this!)
- optimal (shortest plan): NP-complete! (Gupta and Nau)
- STRIPS planning algorithms
- forward/backward state space (e.g. GPS)
- means-end analysis
- causal links
- partial-ordered plans
- complexity of linearization: NP hard
- Macro Planning
- Hierarchical Planning
- Plan Learning
- Bart's Dissertation
- Observation 1: POCL is effectively backward planning
- Observation 2: literature says backward planning is
- Result 1: any STRIPS problem S can be converted into
a STRIPS problem S' such that a forward step in S is
a backward step in S' (and vice versa)
- Observation 3: result 1 says obs 2 is hooey
- Result 2: artificial STRIPS problems can be
constructed which are trivial to search forward
and NP-hard to search backward (and vice versa)
- Result 3: result 2 was used to show that obs 1 is
(roughly) correct
- Observation 4: result 2 says obs 2 is hooey
- Conclusions:
- STRIPS is ``too expressive''
- state space planning is fast = good
- smart people are still confused about planning