Agents, Knowledge and Uncertainty
PSU CS441/541
Lecture 6
November 1, 2001
- Resolution Refutations and 1st-Order Logic
- FOL is semi-decidable (subsets are NP-hard)
- Prolog
- Horn clause is (-a or -b or c) = (a and b implies c)
- Prolog (c :- a, b) captures same idea
- Use MGU (text 16.1) to chain
- Backward chaining from goals to facts
- FW chaining is RBS idea
- ``Expert Systems'' example
- Book e.g.: loan payments
- Ginsberg/Rod Ludwig: Meadowlark/GIB
- TMSs and Non-Monotonic Logic
- Idea: keep track of truth or falsity of
goals as facts change
- Some facts may be ``undefined''
- non-monotonicity: may have to retract conclusions
- Inductive learning of logical rules
- Commonsense and Naive Knowledge
- KR: logic?
- objects & materials, space, time, physics
- Allen temporal interval logic
- Taxonomies, semantic nets, frames
- Probabilistic Logic
- Idea: chance and likelihood are
important concepts for real reasoning
- Method: assign probabilities to events
and combinations of events
- Formulation
- pr(p) is probability of event
- pr(p|q) is probability of q given
p (easy to get backward)
- pr(p and q) = pr(p) pr(q|p) = pr(q) pr(p|q)
- pr(not p) = 1 - pr(p)
- pr(p or q) = pr(not (not p and not q))
- equivalent sentences have same probability
- Reasoning
- Bayes' Rule: given
- effect E with prior probability pr(E)
- cause C with pp pr(C)
- probability pr(C|E) of the effect given the cause
prove from above and compute
- pr(E|C) = pr(C|E) pr(C) / pr(E)
- problem: everything depends on everything else
- need to know impossible number of prior and
conditional probabilities to conclude anything
- Bayes Net (BBN, influence diagram): indicate which
priors and conditionals have significant influence
in practice
- problem: probabilities may be meaningless
- difference between 0.5 and ``don't know'' and
``don't care''
- MYCIN and probabilities v. ``likelihoods''
- problems obtaining realistic numbers
- More about Bayes Nets
- causal/top-down: p(M|L) = p(M,B|L) + p(M,-B|L)
- diagnostic/bottom-up: p(-L|-M) = p(-M|-L)p(-L)/p(-M)
- D-separation: coping with uncertain evidence
- Polytrees: special case for easy computation
- Learning with BBNs: to cover later
- Programming
- HW: Programming and minimax search
- SE
- Recursion, DFS, and negamax
- Project: Gothello
- Rules (AFAIK)
- Teams (1-2)
- Requirements
- All
- play legal games
- use some AI technique to play better than
- reasonable writeup (dead trees)
- submitted code (probably for tourney) works with ref
- Graduate
- implement search w/ AB, ID, ttables
- locate research paper, use idea, report
- Tourney
- Referee for auto-play
- Strictly voluntary, non-graded
- Small prize