Competing Agents and Adversary Search
PSU CS441/541
Lecture 5
October 25, 2001
- The Domain: Games
- Zero Sum
- Alternating
- Terminating
- Two Player
- Deterministic
- Perfect Information
- ``Tractable to search''?
- Minimax
- What is minimax?
- Intractability of full minimax
- trees, graphs, and search space sizes
- Approximations for tractability
- perfect opponent play
- depth bounds and heuristic scoring
- single score (emergent features)
- DFS In Minimax Game Trees
- Why DFS?
- Implementing minimax
- mutual recursion
- code sharing
- negamax
- Alpha-beta pruning
- alpha-cutoffs
- beta-cutoffs
- importance of ordering
- effectiveness of alpha-beta
- (4/3)x depth in random case (Pearl)
- 2x depth in best case
- Transposition tables
- combine transpositions
- store previous search results
- implemented as hash tables on game state
- Practical Considerations
- Quiescence
- for efficiency
- for horizon effect
- Iterative deepening
- for time management
- for pruning
- with transposition tables
- Opening book
- Endgame
- Expectimax
- Better search algorithms
- zero-window
- partition search
- MTD(f)