Speculative Agents; Single Agent Search
PSU CS441/541
Lecture 3
October 11, 2001
(Note: added Chapter 11 to readings)
- Consider Some Examples (from Ginsberg)
- Game Playing
- Pathfinding
- missionaries and cannibals
- Towers of Hanoi
- 15 puzzle
- Rubik's Cube
- Satisfiying/Satisficing
- cryptarithmetic
- n-queens
- mutilated checkerboard
- What Is The Common Ground?
- Smart Reactive Systems? No
- Must react to exponential number of situations:
too much memory
- Make no effective use of computation: lookups are slow
- Even if there was, lookup always too slow
- Problems are (problem is) NP-hard
- problem description
- NP
- NP-hardness
- NP-completeness
- reductions
- P = NP?
- State Spaces
- Graph
- Nodes, edges
- Rooted, directed, labeled nodes, labeled edges
- DAG, tree, clique, weighted, colored
- Nodes describe world state
- Edges describe ``legal'' transitions between states
- Direction?
- Action? Maybe: any change in state can be regarded
as such (``Feature Vector'' and planning)
- Problem: find desired state in space
- Given initial state, find path (Nilsson)
- Find state meeting constraints
- Blind Search
- Database (graph) too big: build lazily (on-demand)
- solves storage problem
- might attack computation problem
- Tree-structure database
- initial state at root
- solutions at leaves
- move toward more knowledge
- Blind search algorithms
- breadth-first search: shortest path
- node represents location
- select least recently examined node until
- move away from node in direction not
previously visited
- not space-efficient: cannot discard nodes
- produces shortest paths: optimal
- depth-first search?
- depth-first search: usable instance
- node represents partial assignment
- extend partial assignments until
- contradiction
- total assignment (solution)
- ``obvious'' approach
- runs forever (except small or easy instances)
- space-efficient
- making DFS more like BFS
- iterative deepening
- iterative broadening
- nonsystematic methods
- undirected and directed graphs: open and closed
- Heuristic Search
- DFS gets lost: add problem-specific ``hints''
- Goal distance estimates in pathfinding search
- How to use the goal distance heuristic
- Hill climbing: local search
- Best-first search
- A*: an admissable and ``provably optimal'' pathfinding search algorithm
- A* on trees
- admissable heuristics
- extension to graphs
- consistent/monotonic heuristics
- IDA*
- RBFS (optional)
- The role of heuristics
- Heuristics as ``cheating''
- Tweaking a heuristic
- Monotonizing
- Sacrificing admissibility
- Nogoods
- DFS for SAT does not use memory effectively
- Keep nogoods around: partial assignments that
- Resolve nogoods to shorter nogoods
- Prune search using nogoods
- What nogoods to keep?
- short nogoods: does not work
- "relevant" nogoods: RELSAT
- Search and SAT
- Search space
- Solution algorithms
- Heuristics
- Local Search
- Completeness of search
- Hill climbing: problems
- local maxima
- plateaus
- ridges
- Noise
- natural noise
- introducing noise
- convergence
- restarts
- simulated annealing
- Systematic hill climbing: iterated randomness
- WSAT: local search for Boolean SAT
- idea: start with total assignment and ``flip''
- problem: can get stuck
- solution: noise flips
- algorithm
- Start with (random?) total assignment
- Repeatedly flip a coin and on
- Heads: pick ``best'' variable in unsat clause,
flip it
- Tails: pick random variable, flip it
- If a solution is ever found, stop
- ``walks'' through total assignment space