The tournament was run Wednesday evening December 6 2000. Of the 13 submitted projects, 6 qualified for the tournament by dint of completing games against LOA-Q without crashing or violating the rules. A couple of potentially strong players appear to have been excluded from the tournament because of last-minute interface troubles. Such is life.
The qualifying programs were
The results were as follows. In this table, each entry shows the outcome of a black-white matchup between two programs, with `-' indicating a drawn game.
Tournament Results 1-2: 1 2-1: 2 1-3: 1 3-1: 1 1-4: 1 4-1: 1 1-5: 1 5-1: 1 1-6: 1 6-1: 1 2-3: 2 3-2: 2 2-4: 2 4-2: 2 2-5: 2 5-2: 2 2-6: 2 6-2: 2 3-4: - 4-3: - 3-5: 3 5-3: 3 3-6: 3 6-3: - 4-5: 4 5-4: - 4-6: - 6-4: 4 5-6: 5 6-5: 5
Upon careful inspection, there are clearly 3 groups of programs: 1 and 2, 3-5, and 6. After some consideration and further evaluation, I was led to declare the following tournament ranking
Congratulations to Jay and Brian, and to all who participated! We'll hold the awards ceremony early next quarter.