Almost no one believes that language ability is a necessary part of intelligence.
Almost everyone agrees that language ability is a sufficient demonstration of intelligence.
By answering a hard arithmetic question too quickly, for example.
Not true. Certainly guesses at solutions of instances of polynomial problems can be check in polytime.
Not by any means I'm aware of. There are still lots of problems that would be hard for an NP oracle, notably planning.
Yes. I think the wording is confusing, though: substitute `heuristic search' for `guesswork', and maybe it will be clearer. (Note that this is really all that heuristic search is: a clever way of guessing the answer!)
No. There seems to be some confusion about this. There are many problems where a correct answer cannot even be checked in polynomial time. Consider the Halting Problem, for example: this problem is undecidable, meaning that no amount of guesswork is guaranteed to tell you the answer to an arbitrary instance.
E.g., Propositional Logic, Computer Programs, Neural Nets, Natural-Language Texts, Databases, Rule bases
X \lor \lnot (Y \lor Z)to CNF. Show your work.
X \lor (\lnot Y \lor \lnot Z)
(X \lor \lnot Y) \land (X \lor \lnot Z)
There still seems to be a lot of confusion here. An entailment holds if every model of the left hand side forces the right hand side to be true.
It was noted that this is not a satisfiable formula: one student
(\forall p ~.~ \exists t ~.~ can-fool(p, t)) \land
(\forall t ~.~ \exists p ~.~ can-fool(p, t)) \land
\lnot(\exists t . can-fool(Mom, t))
(\forall p ~.~ (\exists t ~.~ can-fool(p, t)) \lor mom(p)) \land
(\forall t ~.~ \exists p ~.~ can-fool(p, t)) \land
(\forall p ~.~ mom(p) \limplies \lnot(\exists t . can-fool(p, t)))
Another student suggested the sentence implies Mom is not a person: this
would allow a logical model, but is not IMHO a natural interpretation
of the English.
Give the sequence of node labels visited (from above, i.e. preorder) by each search algorithm. For example, Iterative Broadening would visit
Breadth-First Search searches the
nodes at a given depth before all lower nodes.
Depth-First Search searches the nodes on the left
of a given node
before the nodes on the right.
Iterative Deepening is DFS with an iterated
depth cutoff.
(A \lor B) \land \lnot (C \land \lnot D)we would first get
(A \lor B) \land (\lnot C \lor D)and then
(A \land \lnot C) \lor \ldotsThis leftmost clause in the DNF formula gives a model (A = true, C = false) for the original formula.
Explain why the above is not a general linear-time algorithm for propositional satisfiability.
Because in general the leftmost term will contain
both an atom and its negation. Consider for example
The question seemed to be the source of much confusion, and
will be counted only as extra credit. Only one student correctly
identified the above problem. Many students seemed to think
that the suggested algorithm generated all the clauses of
the DNF formula automatically: I think the wording is clear,
((A \lor B) \land (\lnot A \lor C))
Attempting to generate only the satisfiable DNF terms is
in general as hard as any other approach to satisfiability.