First-Order Databases
PSU CS441/541
Lecture 4
October 16, 2000
- Review: HW1
- Review: HW2
- First-Order Logic
- Quantifiers: the general case
- negation and flipping
- generalization
- elimination of exists by Skolemization
- e.g.: forall h . [big(h) and exists p . house(h, p)
implies work(h)]
- Goal: forall h, p . [big(h) and house(h, p) implies work(h)]
- Trick: existential negation
- Logic databases
- ``normal form'' clauses and Algorithm 8.6.3
- negated queries
- querying normal form databases
- normal form resolution
- renaming bound variables
- unification and bindings
- Search and search control
- set-of-support and the ramification problem
- imperative search control
- e.g. ordered search: static, user-supplied
- can be very efficient
- encodes the answer
- automatic search control
- e.g. lookahead, general purpose heuristics
- variable: ``cheapest-first'' (= most-constrained first)
- value: least-constraining first
- DFS considered ugly: fancy backtracking
- metalevel reasoning
- Review: Midterm
- Lecture 1: Introduction
- AI: Concept
- AI: Implementation
- AI: History
- Limits of computation
- Lecture 2: KR
- KR
- KR properties
- Logic as KR
- Other common AI KRs
- Logic
- model, interpretation, meaning
- soundness, completeness
- entailment, inference
- standard inference rules
- Horn clauses
- resolution
- why logic matters to AI
- Lecture 3: Search
- Classes: game playing, pathfinding,
- what is NP?
- blind search: DFS, BFS, ID, IB
- heuristic search: heuristics, A* pathfinding
- local search: giving up completeness for efficiency
- DP and WSAT for Boolean SAT search
- Lecture 4: First-Order Databases
- logic databases
- search control