PSU CS441/541
Lecture 10
November 27, 2000
- Final Review
- Lecture 1: Introduction
- Conceptually, What Is AI?
- Operationally, What Is AI?
- What ``Works'' In AI?
- The Pragmatist's Approach To AI
- Specific Outstanding Hard Problems
- Lecture 2: AI Problem Representation
- Logical Problem Representation
- Logic
- Predicate Logic and Horn Databases
- Cool, But What Happened To AI?
- Lecture 3: Single Agent Search
- Consider Standard Examples
- What Is The Common Ground?
- Blind Search
- Heuristic Search
- Nogoods
- Local Search
- Lecture 4: First-Order Logic
- Quantifiers: the general case
- Logic databases
- Search and search control
- Lecture 5: Adversary Search
- The Domain: Games
- Minimax
- DFS In Minimax Game Trees
- Practical Considerations
- Lecture 6: Advanced KR---Three Topics
- From Boolean Logic To General Formal Systems
- Default Logics and Non-Monotonic Reasoning
- Probabilistic Logic
- Constraint Satisfaction
- Lecture 7: Planning
- Planning and Action
- Planning: finding sequence of actions taking initial
situation to goal situation
- Situation calculus and theorem proving
- STRIPS and the Blocks World
- Lecture 8: Machine Learning
- Machine Learning
- ML and Systems
- Modes Of Learning
- Evaluating Learning: PAC
- Basic ML Techniques
- ML Example: Neural Net Backgammon
- Lecture 9: Natural Language
- Why AI?
- Two facets: recognition and synthesis
- levels of recognition