These are things that can be done for goodwill ``extra credit'' brownie points, as discussed in class.
Supply comments and corrections on the Korf book.
(easy) In Figure 1.3 of the Brucker book, a schedule is shown with Cmax=5. Is this an optimal schedule for the problem shown? Prove optimality, or give a counterexample.
(harder) If you give a counterexample, prove its optimality.
On p. 51 of Korf's text, he says
It is also easy to show, by induction on the length of the path from node n to node m, that local consistency implies global consistency.Prove this.
(hard) Assume you have an implementation of CKK for n equal bins as outlined in the Korf paper. Show how to use this implementation to solve for n uneven bins, using a generalization of Korf's two-uneven-bin trick.