Search In Games
Lecture 3
April 17, 2002
- Single Agent Search
- Some solitaire games
- n-puzzle
- Sokoban
- Rubik's Cube
- Search and ``Branching Factor''
- Heuristic Search
- Pruning and guidance
- Depth-First Branch and Bound
- A*
- Relation to two-player case
- Adversary Search
- Reminder: conditions
- two player
- zero sum
- perfect information
- deterministic
- alternating, terminating
- Minimax Search
- Terminology: first player is ``maximizer'', opponent is
- Completed game has a definite score. (Intervals [-1.0 ... 1.0] or
[-1000 ... 1000] are popular.)
- Maximizer wants to make outcome of the game
as positive as possible, minimizer as negative as
- Symmetry: can negate scores and
switch minimizer w. maximizer. This leads to
negamax search.
- The "easy" minimax theorem
- base case: choose the winning option
- inductive case
- choose the option damaging opponent since zero sum
- know this option since perfect info deterministic
- induction terminates since game terminates
- induction step: compute opponent minimax value
since alternating