Alpha-Beta And Other Pruning Techniques
Lecture 6
July 11, 2000
- Alpha-Beta (AB)
- Depth-First Branch-and-Bound; trying best children
first in single-agent search
- Two-player search trees
- Win pruning in perfect two-player search: ``alpha''
- Draw pruning in perfect two-player search: ``beta''
- Pruning with heuristic-valued leaves
- The full AB pruning technique
- The basic idea: the ``AB window''
- Implementations
- Mutual recursion (Korf)
- Window flipping
- Performance
- Worst case: no improvement
- Best case: 1/2 exponent
- o(b^(d/2) + b^(d/2) - 1) (proof)
- implications of performance: double depth search
- ``Average case'': 3/4 exponent
- 30% extra search depth
- Proof (Pearl) hard: board-splitting
- Assumptions iffy
- Enhancements
- Move ordering using heuristic function
- Move ordering using saved values: iterative
- Narrowing the window
- Other Pruning Techniques
- Quiescence search
- ``Best-first minimax'' (Korf) = ``Principal Variation Search''