Good Tent Assignment Search

PSU CS 410/510CS Homework 1c
Due Wednesday, February 28, 5:00PM

In this homework, you will continue to consider the basic optimization problem posed in the August 1998 Dr. Dobb's Journal article entitled Mates, in Dennis Shasha's regular Dr. Ecco's Omniheurist Corner column. This time, however, you will attack it using better search technology.

Implement search for an optimal solution to the tent assignment problem using

  1. Dynamic variable and value ordering with LDS + BnB. Note that this will require devising several heuristics:
    1. A variable-ordering heuristic.
    2. An admissible goal-value heuristic.
    3. A value-ordering heuristic (can just be the goal-value heuristic, but ties should be broken sensibly).
  2. Stochastic search. Use any hill-climbing algorithm discussed in class or of your own designing. The heuristics of part 1 should be useful here.
As before, limit the search to 100000 nodes (flips in the stochastic case), and follow the safety guidelines when working on departmental machines.

Homework should be submitted by e-mail to <>. The words "CS410/510CS HW1c" should appear somewhere in the subject line. Remember: