CS 577 Homework 2 - Extending a MIPS Machine Code generator - 2pm, Wednesday, May 29, 2002

On the course web page, you'll find a program compile.java, which generates MIPS assembler code for a small subset of JVM code. The Java subset supported includes integer arithmetic, static methods, and a minimal set of output facilities. The program uses the ``Version 2'' code generation scheme: local variables and stack slots (up to 10 of each are allowed) are assigned to fixed register numbers. The program uses the BCEL library to handle the JVM code. Also on the course web page, you'll find a pointer to a MIPS simulator called SPIM, which is installed on our Solaris network and can be downloaded and installed on a Unix (or, supposedly, Windows) machine of your choice. You can use the simulator to run (and debug) the generated MIPS assembler code.

For example, to compile and run a Java file foo.java containing a suitable main method as usual, one can execute:
javac foo.java
java compile0 foo.class > foo.s
spim -file foo.s\end{code}

Your assignment is to extend compile to deal with integer arrays. This will involve adding support for about twelve new JVM instructions, and testing your modifications.


The subset handled by the existing generator should be sufficient to compile simple integer programs involving static methods. (I may have left out one or two rarely used instructions; if so, feel free to implement them!) The only way to do output (supported by a nasty special-case hack) is via System.out.print($x$) where $x$ is an integer or a string. Still, this is enough to write test cases that display their results, and will run under the ordinary JVM as well as via generator+simulator. The generator generally issues an ``unimplemented'' message about any instruction it can't cope with. It deliberately ignores constructor methods (called <init>) since javac always produces one of these for every class, even if the class contains only static methods.

To handle arrays, you'll need to add cases to handle twelve additional instructions: ACONST_NULL, ALOAD, ARETURN, ARRAYLENGTH, ASTORE, IALOAD, IASTORE, IF_ACMPEQ, IF_ACMPNE, IFNONNULL, IFNULL, NEWARRAY. Most of the necessary code can be copied from the existing support for integers. The interesting cases are NEWARRAY, ARRAYLENGTH, IALOAD, and IASTORE. To see how these instructions are used by real Java programs, write .java testcases and use javap -c to examine the corresponding bytecode. Make sure you write test cases that exercise all these instructions!

You need to arrange to ``raise'' the following built-in exceptions when appropriate:
If one of these exceptional conditions occurs, your generated code should simply print out a message ``Uncaught Exception name'' where name is one of the above, and exit immediately. Don't try to implement real exceptions or exception handling!

Represent arrays using the format suggested in lecture: i.e., an $n$-element integer array is represented by a $n+1$-word heap block, with the length stored in the first word. To allocate a heap block, use the sbrk system call (it behaves much like malloc and also zeroes the returned memory). Don't worry about deallocation or garbage collection!

The register conventions used by the generator are explained in a source-code comment. You should find them straightforward. You may find the implmentation of INVOKE and RETURN informative, although it is not directly relevant to this assignment.

SPIM is straightforward to use. You'll definitely want to examine the documentation carefully; it gives full details on the MIPS instruction set, assembler format, and SPIM options. (Note: I've had difficulty making vanilla spim run in interactive mode from a linux shell; it just sits there eating input and does nothing. The batch mode spim -file seems to work fine, as does xspim - except for the odd core dump.) In particular, you'll need to learn about the sbrk, print_string and exit system calls; the examples of system calls in the existing code should help.

How to submit your homework.

Submit the homework on paper at the beginning of class on the due date. You should submit:

Extra Credit

Implement more of the JVM instructions. Or (more fun), implement the ``Version 3'' generation scheme.

Andrew Tolmach 2002-05-13