Functional Logic Programming
Sergio Antoy
ACM Student Chapter talk
Wed. May 12th, 2004
- the calculator metaphor
- defining functions
- defining types
- laziness
- non-determinism
- solving equations
- programming
- conclusion
- links
The calculator metaphor
Functional logic computations can be executed using an interpreter that
prompts for an expression to evaluate
[antoy@localhost acm-students]$ pakcs
Type ":h" for help
prelude> 2+3*4
Result: 14 ? user presses
enter key
The interpreter knows about the integers and other familiar types and
their most common operations. These are defined in a module or library knows
as the prelude (like the java.lang package).
Defining functions
Functions and types not found in the prelude can be coded by the user
in a file. The file is loaded by the interpreter which then knows about
these functions and types. Suppose this is the content of the file aver.curry:
average x y = (x+y) `div` 2
The user can load the file and execute the functions it defines.
prelude> :l aver
aver> average 234 66
Result: 150 ? user
presses enter key
Notice that function are applied to arguments by juxtposition. Function
application is almost all one can do in these languages, thus the notation
is the simplest possible. A convenient feature for defining functions is
pattern matching. A pattern is sort of an example of what the argument of
a function may look like. The pattern avoids if or switch statements.
not True = False
not False = True
Defines the Boolean not operation (both the
Booleans and not are defined in the prelude).
An expression can be infinite as long as only a finite portion of the
expression is used. Lists have a special notation for ease of use. The empty
list is [], the list with head h and tail
t is denote h:t. E.g, compute the n-th Fibonacci number.
allFibo = fiboList 0 1
where fiboList x y = x : fiboList y (x+y)
fibo n = nth n allFibo
The expression allFibo is the infinite
sequence of the Fibonacci numbers: 0,1,1,2,3,5,8,... The function nth,
defined in the prelude, returns the n-th element of a list. Laziness
promotes reusability and simplicity. Without it, the code for computing a
structure and the code for using the structure may have to be combined.
Defining types
User-defined types are declared by enumerating the possible forms that
instances can take. Below is the definition of the type binary tree of integers.
data IBTree = Leaf | Branch
Int IBTree IBTree
-- an instance of IBTree
mytree = Branch 7 (Branch 5 Leaf Leaf) Leaf
A tree is either a leaf or a branch consisting of an integer (generally
referred to as the decoration) and two trees (generally referred to as the
left and right children). Pattern matching is very convenient for user defined
-- add together all the decorations
of a tree
addAll Leaf = 0
addAll (Branch i l r) = addAll l + i + addAll r
-- count how many
decorations are in a tree
countAll Leaf = 0
countAll (Branch i l r) = countAll l + 1 + countAll r
-- find if a decoration
is in in a tree
isIn _ Leaf = False
isIn n (Branch i l r) = n==i || isIn n l || isIn n r
-- average value of the decorations
of in a tree
treeAver t = addAll t `div`
countAll t -- watch out
Types, including user-defined, can be polymorphic. e.g., list and trees
are. Some functions on these types are polymorphic as well, e.g., countAll.
Others, such as addAll, are specialized.
One can define functions (including constants) that return distinct results
for the same arguments
coin = 0
coin = 1
The constant coin has
two distinct values, 0 and 1.
Well-used non-determinism "programs for you" if you make non-deterministic
choices and constrain them for a purpose. E.g., a hospital information system
may find an available doctor as follows:
oncall Joan = Monday
oncall Joan = Tuesday
oncall Richard = Monday
oncall Luc = Wednesday
Suppose that today is
a variable holding the day of the week. The function available
tells whether its argument is an available doctor at the time of the call.
available x = oncall x =:= today
Solving equations
A major feature of functional logic languages is the ability to evaluate
an expression containing variables. It is interesting to do so when the expression
is an equation. The variables get values that solves the equation. As an
example, consider the operation ++, list concatenation,
defined by the prelude.
prelude> X++[3,4]=:=[1,2,3,4]
Free variables in goal: X
Result: success
X=[1,2] ? user
presses enter key
The value of the expression is success
and the variable X is bound to [1,2].
An equation may have more than one solution. Solutions are computed
prelude> X++Y=:=[1,2,3,4]
Free variables in goal:
X, Y
Result: success
Y=[1,2,3,4] ? ;
Result: success
Y=[2,3,4] ? ;
Result: success
Y=[3,4] ? ;
Result: success
Y=[4] ? ;
Result: success
Y=[] ? ;
No more solutions.
The mechanism for solving equations is called narrowing and it is the
subject of active research.
Example 1. Find if a poker hand scores four-of-a-kind.
data Card = Card Rank Suit
data Suit = Club | Spade | Heart | Diamond
data Rank = Ace | King | Queen | Jack ...
rank (Card r _) = r
fourOfAKind hand | hand =:= x++y:z & map rank (x++z) =:=
= r
where x,y,z,r free
Example 2. Color a map of the Pacific NW states so that adjacent
states have different colors.
data State = WA | OR | ID | BC
data Color = Red | Green | Blue
states = [WA,OR,ID,BC]
adjacent = (BC,ID)
adjacent = (BC,WA)
adjacent = (ID,OR)
adjacent = (ID,WA)
adjacent = (OR,WA)
pick = Red
pick = Green
pick = Blue
solve | colored =:= map (\x -> (x,pick)) states
& wrong colored
=:= []
= colored
where colored free
colored = findall (\_ -> let u,v,w,s1,s2,c free
in adjacent =:= (s1,s2) &
colored =:= u++(s1,c):v++(s2,c):w)
Functional logic programming is an interesting paradigm that supports terse
code and elegant algorithms. It is the subject of active research on theoretical
foundations, design and implementation of new languages. PSU has received
various grants
for a total of about $600K to study non-determinism, narrowing, and the
implementation of a Virtual Machine for functional logic computations.
Two virtual machines are being implemented concurrently at PSU, one in
Java and one in ML. Several students have contributed substantially to the
Java implementation, in particular Stephen Johnson, Jimeng Liu and Jason
Sergio Antoy:
Virtual Machine: