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Previous: Satisfaction
- What is the best feature of this course?
- Design Patterns themselves, plus instructor.
- My goal is to become a better designer,
to advance my career. This class has helped a lot (content).
- O-O analysis and design.
- It's content.
- The exercises created by the instructor.
- Instructor's solutions to assignments.
- Learning the patterns. Homework exercises were very good &
taught a lot. I liked being able to choose which
assignments I did.
- The answer of each exercise.
- It's not boring.
- Yes.
- Subject matter.
- The exposure to Java.
- Learning in depth Java & more than 23 patterns.
- Learn Java, learn Patterns.
- Course material.
- Useful for practical purpose.
- The discussion on patterns.
- Organization of web site with patterns,
assignments and solutions is good.
- Subject material.
- Instructor and assignment.
I could understand patterns after doing assignments
rather than reading textbook.
- Subject itself & the professor, I should say.
- What is the worst feature of this course?
- Homework.
- I would like to have 2-3 times the time to cover this material.
- The textbook.
- No spending enough time on textbook code.
- The instructor did not explain the examples/exercises
in the next class after the assignment, assuming that everyone
has done the exercise! I can bet in most of the class lectures,
only 50% of the students had done the exercises.
- The text.
- Too many homeworks, even though didn't ask us
to do all patterns.
- Too much work required.
- Assignments.
- The homework.
- Nothing.
- Too many patterns - not enough focus and practical learning.
- Too many homework.
- Too many patterns. Some I think are not important.
- Self-grading assignments.
- The ``worst'' thing is the amount of time it takes
to do all of the HW assignments.
However, I would not recommend changing anything.
The assignment are necessary.
- Starting time.
- Textbook.
- Too many topics in less time.
- What would you change about this course?
- More accountability.
- The textbook.
- Spending more time on textbook's code.
- Add GoF book to book list as supplementary (so
company will pay for it).
- Reorganize the presentation.
- Glue some concentrate on some important parts.
- Better examples & assignments.
- Less homework and graded.
- Nothing.
- More labwork with less theory.
- Less homework.
- Would make some patterns compulsory &
ask code to be mailed.
- Nothing.
- Please prescribe better text book.
- What would you add to this course?
- Nothing.
- The GoF textbook.
- Probably.
- Pls go through the exercises as the instructor can
provide a wealth of information which is assumes
all the students know.
- I would be happy if someone else evaluates my assignments.
- All files from instructor available as jar/tar archive.
- Nothing.
- Project that exercises most patterns.
- More samples that are programmed.
- Nothing.
- More concrete assignment -> it should be very clear
from the statement of the assignment how we should
tackle the problem, something like PIJ course.
- UML.
- Assign weekly homework in groups of 2, if possible.
- Nothing - content level is appropriate.
- Provide more material & links.
- More time.
- What would you remove from this course?
- Nothing.
- The textbook.
- Sometimes, I feel there is a lot of homework but probably
that's the way to get more from the class.
- Have take-home final.
- Nothing.
- Assignments (not patterns).
- Better book.
- Some patterns.
- Nothing.
- Some patterns.
- Some patterns which do not make a lot of sense.
- Nothing.
- Pl. make sure to ask for submission of assignments.
Thank you for your answers.
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Up: No Title
Previous: Satisfaction
Sergio Antoy