Discrete Structures I

CS 250 --- Winter 2010

Index Instructor
Sergio Antoy
office: FAB 120-02
e-mail: antoy@cs.pdx.edu (checked daily)
phone: 503-725-3009 (checked weekly)
homepage: http://www.cs.pdx.edu/~antoy/
office hours: TR 10:30 AM and by appointment
class time and location: see the CS schedule
Teaching Assistant
Alireza Goudarzi
e-mail: alirezag@cecs.pdx.edu
office hours, in the Fishbowl (area outside the CS office):
Monday : 10am to 11am and 3pm to 4pm
Tuesday: 11am to 12pm
By appointment
Textbook Discrete Structures, Logic, and Computability, 3rd edition, by James L. Hein. Jones and Bartlett, 2009.
Schedule of the course. It might be updated during the course. Check it regularly.
Slides used during the lecture. They are not a replacement for the textbook.
W10 Midterm 1 (with solution).
W10 Midterm 2 (with solution).
Learning Objectives ABET inspired.
Homework assignments, deadlines and procedures.
Scores and Comments of the Fall 2008 student evaluations.
Video stream (if available, check with Video Services).
Recorded lectures (when available).
Grades measure correct answers to the questions of the homework, two midterm exams, and the final exam. Only two out of the three exams contribute to the grade in the course. There is no make up for missing one of the three exams.

The exams are multiple choice. Bring a scantron form to each exam. Scantron forms are available, e.g., from the PSU Bookstore.

The total points, T, are computed as follows. Let A and B be the two best grades scaled to 100 among the exams and C the grade scaled to 100 of the homework. T = 0.4*(A+B)+0.2*C.

The following table converts the total points T into a letter grade. C- is not a passing grade for CS majors and it is changed by default into a D+. Notify the instructor if you expect to fail and prefer C- to D+.

Contact: antoy@cs.pdx.edu
Last update Wed Mar 10 16:43:26 PST 2010

90 ≤ T A
85 ≤ T and T < 90A-
80 ≤ T and T < 85B+
75 ≤ T and T < 80B
70 ≤ T and T < 75B-
65 ≤ T and T < 70C+
60 ≤ T and T < 65C
55 ≤ T and T < 60C-
50 ≤ T and T < 55D+
45 ≤ T and T < 50D
T < 45F