Discrete Structures

CS 250 --- Winter 2009

Index Instructor
Sergio Antoy
office: FAB 120-02
e-mail: antoy@cs.pdx.edu (checked daily)
phone: 503-725-3009 (checked weekly)
homepage: http://www.cs.pdx.edu/~antoy/
office hours: MW 3:40 PM and by appointment
class time and location: see the CS schedule
Teaching Assistant
Tony P. Doan
e-mail: tony.p.doan@gmail.com
office hours, in the Fishbowl (area outside the CS office):
Monday and Wednesday from 2PM to 3:30PM,
Friday from 2PM to 3PM
Textbook: Discrete Structures, Logic, and Computability, Second Edition, by James L. Hein. Jones and Bartlett, 2002.

Homework: Homework will be collected and graded only for selected exercises (see the schedule).

Account: Be sure to get your UNIX account up-to-date in the CS Department. (Stop by the CS Tutors Lab at FAB 88-03.) Once you have your account, add maple to your environment by choosing the appropriate item from the menu displayed when you type the addpkg command.

Schedule of the course. It might be updated during the course. Check it regularly.
Learning Objectives ABET inspired.
Homework assignments, deadlines and procedures.
Homework solution by Tony Doan.
Exam-like questions (the actual exam may differ)
Scores and Comments of the Fall 2008 student evaluations.
Video stream (if available, check with Video Services)
Resources for the students by Jim Hein.
Maple 10 User Manual.
Grades are based on correct answers to the questions of the homework, two midterms, and final exam.

An A is given for more than 80% correct answers, a B for 60% to 80%, a C for 40% to 60%, a D for 20% to 40%, and an F for less than 20%.

You need grades near A in the homework, midterms and final to to get an A in the course. Likewise for B, C and D.

In borderline situations, the relative weights are 20% for the homework, 25% for each midterm, and 30% for the final.

Contact: antoy@cs.pdx.edu
Last updated: Thu Feb 19 13:12:17 PST 2009