CS510-610 Functional Logic Programming --- Winter 06

CRN 44888, 44889 (Version Jan 9, 2006)


Sergio Antoy
office: FAB 120-02
e-mail: antoy@cs.pdx.edu
homepage: http://www.cs.pdx.edu/~antoy/
office hours: Tue-Thu 11:30 & by appointment
class time and location: TR 10-11:20 in FAB 150
This course provides an introduction to functional logic programming throught its basic ideas, foundations and implementation techniques. FLP combines the distinctive features of functional programming (algebraic data types, lazy evaluation, polymorphic typing, first-class functions, monadic I/O) and logic programming (logic variables, non-determinism, search) seamlessly through narrowing and residuation. The course will address three kinds of questions: Why are these features useful? What is their underlying theory? How can they be implemented? Lectures will be augmented with weekly programming assignments in Curry, a leading functional logic language. Exercises will serve both to illustrate the use of the language and to illuminate the underlying theory and implementation issues. Prior exposure to functional or logic programming will be useful, but is not required.
Regular lectures. Weekly assigned readings. Weekly homework exercises in Curry using the PAKCS (Curry) programming environment. Comprehensive final exam.
Students will be given considerable latitude in focusing either on the theory or the practice and/or in exploring research opportunities in this area. Students are expected to learn the main concepts of declarative programming, to understand the key principles on which functional logic programming is based, to know one or more functional logic languages, and to be able to translate problems into programs in these languages.
The expected preparation is a bachelor degree in Computer Science or equivalent background. Willingness to learn a non-traditional computing paradigm and appreciation for clear and rigorous foundations of computing are good assets for this course.
Course materials

Contacts: antoy@cs.pdx.edu
Last updated: Mon Jan 9 11:18:49 PST 2006