CS510{OC2,OCB,OCD}, Design Patterns in Java --- Winter 02
(Version, Jan 10, 2002)

Index Instructor
Sergio Antoy
office: FAB 120-24
e-mail: antoy@cs.pdx.edu
homepage: http://www.cs.pdx.edu/~antoy/
office hours: Tue 9:30 at PSU, Fri 6:40 PM at OCATE, and by appointment
class time, location and size: Fri 4-6:40 PM, OCATE Rm 1025, 45 students
Teaching Assistant
There is no teaching assistant for lack of qualified applicants. If you are interested in this position contact the instructor, antoy@cs.pdx.edu, or the CS office, cmps@cs.pdx.edu.
This course provides an in-depth view of Software Design Patterns. The course, which is programming intensive, uses Java for presentation and analysis of the patterns and for the assignments. The course is suitable to software architects and developers who are already well-versed in this language. Patterns are reusable solutions to recurring software problems. They capture successful experiences and convey expert insight and knowledge to less experienced developers. In addition to patterns, the course provides continuous opportunities for learning the most advanced features of the Java language and understanding the principles behind the design of its fundamental libraries.
At the end of this course, students are expected to: master the Java language to the degree required by the subject; become familiar with the situations and motivations that call for using patterns; and be able to employ patterns in their appropriate contexts.
The expected background is a B.S. degree in Computer Science and CS510 Programming in Java. Both ability to recognize and appreciate an elegant solution to a problem and willingness to "learn" (as opposed to "live") an experience are highly desirable.
Course materials
The grade is based on weekly assignments and on midterm and final exams. The weekly assignments can be solved individually or in group, are self-graded and contribute 10% to the total points. Students can skip up to 50% of the assignments without penalty. The exams are individual, close-book, mostly multiple-choice tests. Each exam contributes 45% to the total points.

Students will receive an A with more than 80% of the total points, a B with more than 60%. Students with weak prerequisites should take this course with audit grading option (as opposed to A-F).

Sample Exams
The exams are intended to test both knowledge of the material presented in class and skills acquired working on the assignments. Consult the Winter 2001 final and its solution for an example.
Class size
Registration is limited by the classroom size to 45 students. 15 seats are for PSU full-time students: 5 for GRAs/GTAs and 10 for admitted graduate students. The Computer Science Office keeps waiting lists for each category. Seats are assigned first-come first-served. Part-time students register at OCATE.
Contacts and Resources
For registration (including adding and dropping), computer accounts, parking and other administrative requests consult the Oregon Center for Advanced Technology Education, info@ocate.edu (voice: 503-725-2200, fax: 503-725-2201).
PSU students may also contact the Computer Science Office, cmps@cs.pdx.edu (voice: 503-725-4036, fax: 503-725-3211).

For questions, comments and complaints about the course content, organization, and delivery consult the instructor. Please, also read the paragraph about Adding/Dropping and Registration.

Information about OCATE's computing facilities is at http://help.ocate.edu.
Questions can be directed to the systems administrator, danm@ocate.edu.
Information about PSU's computing facilities is at http://www.cat.pdx.edu/.
Questions can be directed to the systems administrator, cat@cs.pdx.edu.
Adding/Dropping and Registration
Register for this course through OCATE or the follow the instructions of the Registrar at PSU.

You do not need my explicit permission to register for, add or drop this class. I have instructed both the Computer Science Office and OCATE to grant, without my signature, any and all requests to register for, add or drop this class. To contact OCATE and/or the Computer Science Office, see the Contacts and Resources paragraph.

Mailing list
There is a mailing list, cs510pij@cs.pdx.edu, for discussions and information about the course. Send a message to majordomo@cs.pdx.edu to subscribe to the list. This list is cleared at the end of each term.

If you have any problem with the mailing list, ask a tutor, see http://www.cs.pdx.edu/~tutors, phone 725-4023, e-mail tutors@cs.pdx.edu, to help you and/or consult Warren's list at http://www.cs.pdx.edu/~warren/lists.html.
The instructor will present the 41 patterns of the textbook during the lectures. The course is 10 weeks long. This entails an average of about four patterns per week. Some patterns will take more time than others. The patterns will be presented in the same order in which they occur in the textbook.

The final exam will be held on March 15, 2002, at 4PM in the classroom. Exceptions will be allowed according to PSU regulations.

Previous Evaluations
Course and instructor evaluations of previous offerings of this course are avaliable for the Winter 2000 and the Winter 2001 terms.

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Last updated Thu Jan 10 09:55:17 PST 2002