CS 350 --- Syllabus


The course introduces classic techniques for the design and analysis of algorithms, case studies of existing algorithms (e.g., sorting, searching, graph algorithms, dynamic programming, matrix multiplication, etc.) and NP-completeness.

The course is delivered by traditional weekly or by-weekly lectures with homework, projects, a midterm and a final exam. The effort is about equally divided between theory and practice.

Course Objectives

The Course Objectives are defined in a separate document, the schedule.

Basis for Grade

The weights of homework plus projects, midterm and final are 30%, 30% and 40% respectively. The thresholds for A, B and C are 80%, 65% and 50% respectively.


A separate document, the schedule, defines the schedule of the lectures, homework plus projects, and exams.


The instructor applies all the University policies regarding grading, academic integrity, code of conduct, disabilities, registration, etc.
