Discrete Structures I

CS 250 --- FALL 2011

Index Instructor
Sergio Antoy
office: FAB 120-26
e-mail: antoy@cs.pdx.edu (checked daily)
phone: 503-725-3009 (checked weekly)
homepage: http://www.cs.pdx.edu/~antoy/
office hours: TR 15:00 and by appointment
class time and location: see the CS schedule

Contact point for everything related to the course except homework, unless you have a homework issue that you were not able to resolve with the TA.

Teaching Assistant
Derek Qian
e-mail: electronseu@gmail.com
office hours, in the Fish Bowl: Monday 2-4PM, Wednesday 2-3PM, Friday 2-3PM.

Contact point for everything related to homework: questions, clarifications, solutions, grades, submissions by e-mail, etc.

Textbook Discrete Structures, Logic, and Computability, 3rd ed., by J. Hein. Jones and Bartlett, 2009.
Course Objectives ABET-based.
Course Objectives exam-based.
Schedule of the course. It might be updated during the course. Check it regularly.
Exams format, grading, dates, etc.
Homework assignments, deadlines and procedures (same as schedule).
Homework solutions (managed by the TA).
Basis for grade, criteria, computation and accessibility.
Grades (will be regularly updated).
Slides used during the lectures. They are not a replacement for the textbook.
Exam-like questions (without solution).
Exam-like questions (with solution).
Multiple choices (just kidding).
Recorded lectures (when available).
Scores and Comments of the Fall 2008 student evaluations.
Ratemyprofessors.com other comments and evaluations.
See links to Basis for grade, Exams, and Homework.
See links to objectives (both ABET- and exam-based) in the Material section.

Contact: antoy@cs.pdx.edu
Last update Tue Sep 13 15:49:25 PDT 2011