CS320 Principles of Programming Languages --- Spring 2021


Sergio Antoy
office: FAB 120-26
e-mail: antoy@cs.pdx.edu
homepage: http://www.cs.pdx.edu/~antoy/
office hours: TBA and by appointment
class time and location: see the Schedule
Language Design Criteria
Functional Programming
Logic Programming
Object-Oriented Programming
Basic Semantics
Data Types
Control I - Expressions and Statements
Control II - Procedures and Environments
Abstract Data Types and Modules
Background: This class requires CS 202, 251, 311; passed with grades of C or better.
Textbook: Kenneth C. Louden and Kenneth A. Lambert, Programming Languages: Principles and Practices, 3rd Edition. Course Technology, Cengage Learning, 2012, ISBN-13 978-1-111-52941-3.
Introduction This course embraces the following policy.
Each week there is a regular lecture, a lab session, assigned readings, and homework exercises. Midterm and comprehensive final exam.
This course provides an overview of programming languages through general principles combined with details about many modern languages. Languages covered in depth are Java, Prolog and Haskell representative of the object-oriented, logic and functional paradigms. Other languages whose features will discussed briefly include C, Python, C++, Ada, Scheme and/or Curry. The course provides coverage of implementation issues and theoretical foundations of programming languages. The course is suitable for students interested in compiler courses and the theoretical study of programming languages. The main use of programming languages is to develop software. This course is expected to improve developers' skills.
For standard in-class delivery, homework, midterm and final contribute respectively 30%, 30% and 40% of the course grade. You will need at least 85% of the points for an A, at least 70% for a B and at least 65% for C. For remote delivery, the grading system will be adjusted according to the conditions.

Contacts: antoy@cs.pdx.edu
Last update Mon 29 Mar 2021 01:19:44 PM PDT