There are 13 chapters in the textbook, which is intended for a 15 week (semester) course. There are 10 weeks in a quarter term. We will attempt to cover about one chapter per week for a total of 9 or 10 chapters.
We will study general programming language concepts, such as scope rules, types and control structures, and how these concepts are adopted by specific languages or language paradigms such as object-oriented, functional or logic.
We will follow a hands-on, almost experimental, approach which is appropriate for 10 week term. First, we will code simple programs in a variety of languages and then, one concept at the time, we will analyze how that concept fits in a specific language. This will enable a student to experience how a feature, or its lack, affects a language and hopefully it will lead to a better and deeper understanding of both a language and its features.
The following plan may change due to classroom conditions. Generally, we will fall behind schedule in the early weeks of the course and catch up after the midterm. Homework is due one week following the week of the assignment. Homework is due at the beginning of class on the first class meeting of the week. Late homework will incur a penalty of 25% per day.
Week of
Chap. Topics Assignment March 30 1 & 2 Introduction and Design 1 April 6 5 OO Languages 2 April 13 4 Logic Languages 3 April 20 3 Functional Languages 4 April 27 review Midterm May 4 6 Syntax 5 May 11 7 Semantics 6 May 18 8 Data Types 7 May 25 9 Expressions & Statements 8 June 1 10 Procedures & Environment 9 Final See
Last update Sun 30 May 2021 11:55:45 AM PDT