CS250 grades to date

This page links grades currently available. You will get a 404 error if you click a link to homework or midterms not yet graded.

Grades are anonymous, but can be recognized by a pen name of your choice, something like Evel Knievel or D. B. Cooper, that you keep private to yourself. Please, do not use names of living people, as it could construe impersonation. Be original to avoid duplicates, use short names for ease of presentation, and avoid controversial choices. The use of a pen name is optional, will not affect your grade, and it is made available only for your convenience.

Grades are confidential. They cannot be communicated by email or phone.

To define your pen name:

Grades are confidential and cannot be communicated by email.

Only homework and midterm grades are posted. Final and course grades are not posted.

Midterm 1
Midterm 2