CS250 basis for grade


Grades are given for homework, two midterm exams, and the final exam. Only two out of the three exams contribute to the grade in the course. There is no make up for missing one of the three exams. Grades measure correct answers to the questions of the homework and the exams. You receive one point for each correct answer and zero points for each incorrect or missing answer.

Each exam consists of 33 multiple-choice questions. If n is the number of correct answers, the score scaled to 100 is 100*n/30. The effect of the smaller denominator is to discount 3 wrong answers due to questions that contain typos, have unintended interpretations, are wrongly graded, etc.

Each homework consists of 11 questions. If n is the number of correct answers, the score scaled to 100 is 100*n/10=10*n. The effect of the smaller denominator is to discount 1 wrong answer due to questions that contain typos, have unintended interpretations, are wrongly graded, etc.


Let H be the average grade scaled to 100 of the homework and k the number of homeworks submitted. If k is less than 5, then in the following use H*k/5 instead of H.

The total points, T, are computed as follows. Let A and B be the two best grades scaled to 100 among the exams and H the grade scaled to 100 of the homework. T = 0.4*(A+B)+0.2*H.

The following table converts the total points T into a letter grade.

90 ≤ T A
85 ≤ T and T < 90A-
80 ≤ T and T < 85B+
75 ≤ T and T < 80B
70 ≤ T and T < 75B-
65 ≤ T and T < 70C+
60 ≤ T and T < 65C
55 ≤ T and T < 60C-
50 ≤ T and T < 55D+
45 ≤ T and T < 50D
T < 45F


Suppose the grade of midterm #1 is 80.
Suppose that midterm #2 is not taken.
Suppose the grade of the final is 73.
Suppose 4 of the 8 homeworks are submitted.
Suppose the grades of the homeworks are 100, 95, 85, 80.
The total points are 0.4*(80+73)+0.2*90*4/5=75.6.
The course grade is B.